Sinking after a hourglass win

  • Yesterday while working on my pvp skill with a crew mate. We drove for some hourglass fun. We had a streak going. Our last match before we sunk was evenly match which with our match making is rare to get something like that. But what shocked me was that After we sunk our opponent then decided to continue to attack us and lucky for them they manage to kills us before disappearing causing us to sink. Kinda bad sportsman conduct In my opinion. I wanted to know how my fellow pirates feel about this. Is this toxic? You just lost a hourglass match should you assist with a bucket or two before disappearing or should just wave with a gg/well played or In our opponents case we sunk so should you.

    Me and my crewmate try our best not to go after back spawns during hourglass when we do win. To me feels unnecessary and a bit toxic. They will dissappear soon anyways. We are starting to reconsider after what happened yesterday.

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  • You mentioned that you were doing it to work on pvp skill.

    In random adventure a huge part of sinking other ships (especially bigger ships) is watching out for boarders after their ship sinks.

    That makes it good practice.

    I understand it's frustrating but I've always strongly disagreed with the idea that it's toxic to sink others after sinking. Until people merge out the fight is still on.

    A big problem in HG (and sot in general) is that people make up rules that don't exist and expect others to follow them. I completely understand how frustrating HG can be but people get to pirate how they wanna pirate.

    It's really really good practice to fight/strategize against boarders after a sink. It's a daily part of adventure combat. It's not a bad thing, it's just practice.

    Practicing keeping distance from a crew that sunk until the pirates in the water are gone is so so important in adventure combat.

  • @devildawg3267 Ahoy there!

    I can understand where you are coming from.

    A lot of players who play in Hourglass are toxic, but not all of them are.

    Most of the time, that’s what you’re going to get in an Hourglass fight; salty pirates who are out for blood.

    I’d say some people, like me, do it just for fun for the satisfaction of getting at least one kill before they sink to the briny deep along with their ship.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Sinking after a hourglass win:

    You mentioned that you were doing it to work on pvp skill.

    sorry ment to say hourglass fraction rep. It is way better to work on my pvp skill in adventure than hour glass.

    In random adventure a huge part of sinking other ships (especially bigger ships) is watching out for boarders after their ship sinks.

    I agree with you in adventure you need to watch out for back spawns before stealing loot or supplies after sinking another crew.

    That makes it good practice.

    I understand it's frustrating but I've always strongly disagreed with the idea that it's toxic to sink others after sinking. Until people merge out the fight is still on.

    Okay maybe not really toxic but for sure annoying.

    A big problem in HG (and sot in general) is that people make up rules that don't exist and expect others to follow them. I completely understand how frustrating HG can be but people get to pirate how they wanna pirate.

    It's really really good practice to fight/strategize against boarders after a sink. It's a daily part of adventure combat. It's not a bad thing, it's just practice.

    Practicing keeping distance from a crew that sunk until the pirates in the water are gone is so so important in adventure combat.

  • @devildawg3267 said in Sinking after a hourglass win:

    Okay maybe not really toxic but for sure annoying.

    What I find useful is removing judgement from the moment and focusing on the objective.

    Forums are a useful place to discuss these issues so it's all good to have these convos but in the game itself I keep my opinions out of my mind and just focus on the task and the objective. It not only lets me perform a bit better and make better decisions but it also prevents my sessions from ever really being "bad sessions".

    I do gather info in my mind and sort it out later but on the sea there is no drama about other players.

    I think that's something that can be very very useful to prioritize in something like HG. A lot of struggles in HG is the burn out. Focusing on opinions and letting the frustrations kind of control the show.

    A bear is gonna be a bear, a pirate is gonna be a pirate. Accepting that and strategizing around that reality makes it a lot easier to deal with it.

  • After we sunk our opponent then decided to continue to attack us and lucky for them they manage to kills us before disappearing causing us to sink

    If I recall, fight is never over until the fat lady sings. My thought is, how did they sink you without a ship? Did you fail to patch your holes enough?

    Kinda bad sportsman conduct In my opinion.

    Because they clearly killed you? :/

    What next, toxic for third party ships to assist or sink both ships :p

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