General Pirates
After a long voyage and many painstaking mistakes, A pirate who was extremely feared in the British Isles, a pirate who's name was 5 Gun John, reached the mystical region known as THE SEA OF THIEVES! When his ship the HRM Seacrest III docked at the outpost known as Plunder Outpost, he and his crew repaired the damages caused by The Devils Shroud after his galleon was tended to, they went to the tavern.
As 5 Gun John walked into the tavern he took a look around and talked to its customers. His crew did the same after buying not a round but a KEG of grog. "So this is the famed Sea of Thieves?" Said John, "I suspected more,... Drunkards, Hehe, but I suspect a sea with as much gold as this one has stashed away is more incentive than a cup of grog." The customer he was speaking to replied "Aye, one would think but these taverns are rarely home to any customers, most are out trying to become a pirate legend.." "Pirate legend?" Asked John, "Aye! A pirate legend is usually a pirate who's sailed the seas for a good amount of time leaving their mark in this world.. Getting a good amount of reputation with the trading companies.." replied Jed (which was the name of the customer) "Ah, tell me on seas as big as these there must be some salty dog who rules them." Asked John. Jed took a drink and sat for a moment looking at John amd his crew suspiciously... "Aye?... he be named Flameheart he wants to be the king of the Sea of Thieves, but the Faction known as the Athenas have different ideas, I personally think that Flam....POW! Jed fell to the floor and Jed turned quickly and pulled his flintlock to see what happened, a pirate in the corner of the tavern announced his presence saying "Aye, Flameheart,... his kinds not welcome on these seas...and anyone who speaks his name in favor will have to answer to the TRUE king of the Sea of Thieves known as the Pirate Lord or Ramsey to some..." John looked around at his crew and the tavern, and suddenly let out an uproarious laugh. "AH HAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU REALLY HAVE A KING ON A SEA OF PIRATES? I THOUGHT IT WAS LUDICROUS ENOUGH TO HAVE TRADING COMPANIES, BUT NOW I KNOW FOR SURE,....... Your no pirates your just ignorant explorers..." The pirate in the corner chuckled (he was known as the Mysterious Stranger....) and responded. "You better be careful what you say swabbie, your new to these seas, we aren't ignorant explorers we're smart pirates who understand that without some system to control chaos there would be no Sea of Thieves.... now get out before I decide your a Flameheart follower to.." John nodded to the corner where his crew had been lingering, his first mate known as Jerrick smirked and nodded back and lit a fuse leading into the keg of grog they had purchased from the tavern keeper, and another of the crew threw the tied up tavern keeper outside. And 5 Gun John pulled out a Flintlock from his belt, looked at the Mysterious Stranger and said, " Oh trust me I'm no swabbie and your no pirates..." suddenly he pulled his sword from his belt stabbed a lingering Pirate lord follower behind him and shot at the Mysterious Stranger hitting his foot. In the midst of this chaos his crew ran outside and just as they got to the docks the entire tavern and some surrounding buildings EXPLODED in a firey roar. 5 Gun John suddenly poked his first mate scaring him near to death. "AH CAPTAIN!" Jerrick yelled " How did you get out of the explosion?!" John responded "Don't worry about that just bring me the pay.." suddenly a figure walked out of the shadows, he was dressed in black robe with a silver mask, he breathed heavy and spoke in a raspy voice... "Aye,.....Your did well pirate...." the man held out his hand, revealing a small bag of gold, John not knowing who this man was asked, "Who are you? Do you work for.....The Sailer?" " take your pay...before I take it myself...." John took his pay with one hand on his flintlock.... suddenly as he took the bag from the strangers hand the stranger turned into a cloud of black smoke and disappeared. John and his crew slightly stunned, stood still for a moment taking in their surroundings making sure they were safe... Then breaking the silence of fire crackling in the background, John said. "Aye.... that was certainly one of the Sailors servants......." After returning to his ship, he took his first mate into his quarters, and said.... "the Sailor..... has he sent instructions of how to proceed in claiming the relic?" Jerrick stood looking confused.... "the Sailor sir?" John sighed, " should understand this.... we've discussed it 3 times now and I'll be sworn if this isn't the last time I say it!" Lowering his voice he continued... " Davy Jones... has Davy Jones sent more instructions?"
If you enjoyed this please upvote! Part II coming soon! -Fox!