Wandering in lost Worlds..
As a new age dawned in piracy, so one of its old residents reawoke..
Who is this pirate? 5 Gun John! Except.....
You see.... as John turned his head about, he noticed he felt cold, and exhausted, he looked down but all he saw was sand..... He was buried somehow, but he didn't know how, finally he heard cracking and crackling, he rose his hand up and saw that...... 5 Gun John was dead......
What happened where am I, where's Jerrick? Those are some thoughts that went through his mind as he began to panic. Taking a moment to gain a calm demeanor, he drew a deep deep breath, or at least, he tried. "Why on Ramsay's blue seas am I a skelly?! And where am I?!" He thought. After a moment, he began to dig himself out of the sand revealing his skeletal figure, See, John was not used to this, who would be? But, I mean, he used to be a tall large man, with a enormous gold braided beard with gold rings on it going down to his belt buckle, a huge maroon coat that went down to his ankles, weatherworn boots, and a brown tricorne hat well to large for his head. Now he was a skeleton with little to no clothing at all, he had his hat still, and some ragged brown baggy trousers, but that was it.
After a short time he realized what island he was on he was on Rum Runner Isle named that because of him, and after some time of learning how to walk again, he finally started gaining back memories. He spoke in a deep raspy voice "I remember! Ye'! That means....." walking over to a flat part in the sand he reared back his enormous skeletal arm, and punched into the sand with immense force, sand, being sand, flew in ever direction making a large cloud of sand, after it cleared, the sand on the flat plain was gone revealing a door to an old rum cellar, he cracked and fell down the stairs into some wooden barrels making dust go everywhere. Getting up with a grunt John rummaged threw the ages untouched junk, that lay in the cellar. Until he pulled out an oar, and then another, and finally some rope. Then he walked over to a cloth tarp draped over a beam on the wall hiding the next room. John being John, instead of walking under it he ripped it from that wall almost making the entire cellar collapse, but after it was gone, a rowboat with two black skulls painted towards the front of the hull, and the words, Rum Runner, carved in it was revealed. John heaved it over himself and threw the oars, rope, and rowboat, up out of the cellar, making a cloud of sand and dust. He then walked over to a chest sitting on the floor grabbed some guns and powder, some equipment, like a compass, and grabbed some rope, and a metal barrel lid, and strapped it to his chest, for protection. Then he stumbled up the stairs cursing under his breath.
After some time of struggle he managed to push the Rowboat full of supplies into the water, and began rowing for and island called Sea Dogs Rest. As he rowed he spotted a port where Golden Sands should have been, and new fish and wildlife he'd never seen before. Finally he reached Sea Dogs Rest and just as his memory recalled, there was Jerrick standing with a skeletal grin on his face. This was certainly a happy sight for John although and unusual one, as he remembered Jerrick as a, normal sized man with a bushy grey beard, a ragged brown coat and a sword at his side, but now he was a skeleton with a pristine blueish coat on, with a large silver sword at his side, and a big black tricorne hat that, just like John's, was well to big for his head.
Jerrick looked at him getting out of the rowboat and chuckled, in a old raspy voice, "You certainly look different, I suppose you could go for a change of clothes aye?" Jerrick, throwing him a almost brand new maroon coat, brown pants and flintlock, said, "I suppose you need a memory refresher ey capn'?" John looked at him and laughed "Aye it would be of help, specially since there's a port where I held up a tavern once!"
After getting the Rowboat ready to make sail,John and Jerrick sat in it, and Jerrick explained all that had happened since he had gone. John said "Wow, seems like you lot ave' been fallin' apart without me, with this Flameheart fellow and, Davy Jones being scuttled by some swabbie pirates." Jerrick replied " Aye we've git somthin' of a desperate need for ya' capn'" then John asked " The one thing you haven't told me is the date, and when your ships gonna pick us up!" Jerrick said "Well Cap'n the date is 1703 October 13th, you've been dead for near close 56 years now, and my ship should be coming at 12 O' Clock directly! Or should I say your ship now HA HA!!"
John looked sad but also happy, for he'd missed so much but now his plans were coming together.
As it neared 12, they spotted their ship in the distance it was large with a gold figure head of a skeleton with a sword on the front, black hull, and black sails with golden Jolly Rodgers on them.
When it finally arrived John looked about and said "Aye this is my Seacrest (The name of the ship was HRM Seacrest III) and I've never seen it look so pristine!" Jerrick laughed, with the rest of his skeletal crew, and 5 Gun John said, "Now we've a skeleton lord to resurrect! Haul together you scurvy dogs and make sail!!"
The end of part I
Part II in 4 days.
None of this is official lore but if you enjoyed pleas up vote to help me gain Rares attention!
Thanks for reading it means a lot. - Fox your pirate with the fishyest beard!