General Pirates II

  • General Pirates

    Chapter II
    The beginning of forever

    "Has Davy Jones sent more instructions...." 5 Gun John asked in a deep quiet tone, Jerrick smirked, handing him a rolled up map, "You mean these" he chuckled, John looked very interested at this point, he opened the map, it read as follows: Goodwork Master John, I suspect my servant sent you your payment, here is the code, 'The fish and spear make fine bottles of beer'. Taking the letter out of the map, and reading it, a large toothy smile came over John's face, his gold tooth gleaming in the firelight. Then he read the map, the map showed a large island labeled, "Plunder Valley" with a large marking in the shape of a Jolly Rodger's Skull and Bones on the Northwestern upper half of the island marking the location of the next relic. John laughed, "AH HAHAHAA, This be fine news for the likes of us, soon we shall be swimmin' in more than gold!!" He then continued asking Jerrick, "I presume you do have the relic? There should be terrible consequences if not." Jerrick didn't even flinch, instead, he handed out his hand revealing what looked to be a single gold coin. "Aye, this be one of the 7." John grabbed it from him and blew on it, then striking it with a coral and seaweed infested knife. The coin flew into the air turned into a cloud of gold dust, and then fell on the floor as if it weighed a hundred pounds. The dust formed into a chest, and a sword leaning upon it. Jerrick looked slightly frightened while John began to become more and more happy. John walked over to the chest, he used his hook hand to raise it up by its handle on the side, taking the sword in his other hand. He sat the chest down on the captains table, and ran the sword over it, with blue swirls coming from the chests lock going into the sword, and stuck the rusty coral infested knife into the top, the chest opened with a bang of blue and green dust, and what sounded almost like a soft tune.... inside the chest was not but a pair of dice.

    John looked as if he understood everything, while Jerrick looked as if he'd been hit over the head with a bottle of rum, John took the dice and shoved them into his pocket. Jerrick, and 5 Gun John discussed the event that had just happened for a moment, then John gave the order to make sail, Jerrick went out of the captains quarters, and gave the command to the crew.

    As they sailed up on Plunder Valley, their anchor suddenly dropped out of nowhere, a cloud of black smoke and dust seaweed and coral, burst from the water sending it everywhere, a ship emerged from the chaos, the ship was black with sails so ripped you wouldn't think they could've been used, surrounded in a cloud of black smoke, the ship sailed towards them and stopped right next to them. A shard of smoke from the cloud surrounding the strange ship darted over like an arrow onto their deck. The crew (except John) terrified, began to prepare for battle, John yelled out the order to stand down. The smoke formed into the same strange figure that had given then their payment, the figure walked up to John in its black cloak and silver mask and said in the same deep raspy voice as before, "These be the last friendly words ye' hear, if you go on past this point with those die in ye' pocket you'll be sailing for Jones, until you've completed your task...." John nodded and handed the figure a small object that looked like a red gem. The figure announced his name finally saying "If you need to send a message to Jones I'm your only hope now, they call me The Bosun.... All you must do is grab those dice in hand and announce your message to Jones and I will appear with his response.... " John nodded in silence as the figure blew away back to his ship... John looked slightly excited, but Jerrick just yelled as soon as the strange ship returned to the depths.. "WHAT IN THE SEVEN BLOODY SEAS OF THE GOLD HOARDER WAS THAT ALL ABOUT!?" John chuckled and said "That was only the begging of sailing these seas forever..... Now take us to the island full billow.. no interruptions..." John turned and went into his cabin closing the door behind him in the face of Jerrick. Jerrick looking stunned confused and exhausted said, "Alright! You heard him step lively!!" Then walking below deck he whispered to himslef "I've got to go get drunk now and see if it'll help me understand this nonsense better..."

    That's the end of part two! Thanks for reading! Hope you will upvote this and be ready for part III, coming sometime in between Tuesday and Wednesday! -Fox! (If you enjoyed this read my other post named 'A legendary Voyage Lost in New Worlds' for more story on 5 gun John and his crew!!)

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