So if you have never done a FOTD before, it stands for the Fort Of The Damned, and everytime you die, you go to the ferry, if you take out your lantern and raise it towards the flame in the center of the ferry, you should be able to "Take Flame", and , you get a special flame color for your lantern depending on how you died. And in order to do the FOTD you have to have these flames.
Or if you or a friend are a pirate legend, just vote to find a SKULL of Destiny which gives you every flame needed to start the FOTD.
Once you complete the FOTD start it again and again and and stack loot. This is one good way to level up Gold Hoarders. And remember to raise an emissary flag for Gold Hoarder!
I personally have my own methods of leveling up Gold Hoarders, I scour the Devils Roar, and Isle Hop, from island to island in said Devils Roarm the Decils Roar has an immense amount of loot you can stockpile that will help you level up ANY faction.
Hope this helps some of you scurvy dogs just now starting out on the seas!