Steam version of SoT broke xbox game bar functionality 1 year ago. Still no fix?

  • Around march in 2024 the steam version of the game became broken, as in all the features from xbox game bar got disabled. No more grabbing clips, no more LFG groups and no displayed achievements. Will this ever be addressed?

  • 9
  • Same. Weird that nothing has happened

  • I was literally wondering the same thing yesterday, and while trying to find a way around it I found out that starting the anticheat manually after starting the game makes the xbox bar work like if the game is running, but the anticheat writes an error and honestly i am not sure if you can get auto-banned for starting a second anticheat .exe like that all the time, so kinda wondering when this issue will be fixed and if it's something being worked on at all. Because playing without lfg is kinda tedious, spending all the free time trying to find a random crew of adequate non-leavers and then so little of that time left to actually play the game.

  • If achieves arnt showing on steam then the issues you are having are likely on steams end rather than on sot. May help to reach out to steam support.

  • @goldsmen it works fine in State of Decay 2, and i believe still AOE4 through Steam.

    It happened at the same time Anticheat update came out

  • @jc-colding said in Steam version of SoT broke xbox game bar functionality 1 year ago. Still no fix?:

    @goldsmen it works fine in State of Decay 2, and i believe still AOE4 through Steam.

    It happened at the same time Anticheat update came out

    If the issue is that achieves you had vanished, that is on steam, that issue happens on a per game basis, not the steam account as a whole. If your old achieves are still there but you cant get new ones, then it probably is the game.

  • @goldsmen that is not what we are talking about.

    If you open gamebar while playing Sea of Thieves on Steam it does not recognize you are playing the game.

    So you can't see your achievement list, since it says you need to play a game to see it.
    and you are also not allowed to capture clips, since it does not register a game.

    And you cannot access 'looking for Group' to find other players to play with.

    Worked from 2020 to 2024 for the Steam version.

    It started at the same time as the Anti cheat update came out (not saying that Anticheat is the culprit, since it could be so many other factors.)

  • @jc-colding

    It started at the same time as the Anti cheat update came out (not saying that Anticheat is the culprit, since it could be so many other factors.)

    Game bar works with other games on Steam and i bellieve it works with anticheat for other games. The thing is, why the method i told about works - Gamebar sees the anticheat .exe as Sea of Thieves .exe, since it starts when you push "Play" button on Steam, and when the window with anticheat closes after 10 seconds and SoT opens - it thinks the actual game is closed and not running.

    So my thoughts are that it's either something with how anticheat attached to SoT, or how SoT works or just starts in general. Hence it should be Rare first to look for how it works and if problem remains then cooperate with other maintenance teams of other companies if needed to figure it out.

  • Since i never use most of the functionality seen here i have not had issues with game bar.

    I can invite people into the game trough it but thats all i use.

    Have you guys also reported this issue as a bug report here:

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