We are trying to get as many rare ship sets/sails as we can, that being said, the only requirement is to have rare ship set and pledge it to the guild, no contribution is necessary all we need you to do is just pledge the ship :)
We already have Brave Vanguard, Serpent, Mercenary, Overachiever, Lord Guardian, Golden Legendary, Wandering Reaper, Inevitable Reaper, Festival of the Damned, Defaced Reaper, Sails of Hope, Sails of Sharing, Sails of Union, Triumphant Sea Dog, Good Boy, Wailing Barnacle, Unbroken Bonds, Oreo, World Region Sails, Sails of Bonny Belle and a few twitch drop sails.
What we are looking for: Nal, Soc, AA, Sot Shot, Sapphire Blade, Shipwreck Reaper, Dauntless Adventurer, Forsaken Ashes, or anything else rare i didn’t mention.
If you have a rare shipset/sail that we already have and want to join leave a comment as we could always use more rare ships.
If you interested leave a reply with your gamertag