Looking for a New Guild (PC - PvP Focused) PVE Too

  • Hey everyone, I'm currently looking for an active, high-population guild with a strong naval presence. I’m on PC, and I’ve been diving deeper into PvP lately — I’d say I’m decent. Not cracked, but I can definitely hold my own. I’m always trying to improve, especially in PvP, and I enjoy the more risky or endgame content the game has to offer.

    Naval PvP is still a bit of a weak spot for me, but I'm down to learn and improve. Overall, I have a pretty solid grasp of the game — I'm better at playing it than keeping up with every detail or meta, if that makes sense.

    I’m open to pledging my ship to the guild so we can link up and run content more consistently. Just looking for a solid crew to game with and push some of the higher-tier stuff.

    If you think your guild might be a good fit, feel free to hit me up!

    Gamertag & Discord: @OutBark Nekwah
    You can message me on Sea of Thieves’ site, Xbox app (even though I’m on PC), or Discord — whatever works best for you.

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