Skeleton Curse character options?

  • Skeleton Curse, Pirate Generator?

    How possible is it, that, we could choose a special character just for Skeleton Curse?

    Reaper Generator!

    So, like this, when you log into the game originally you choose a special pirate. However when you get skeleton curse it just, forms, into your character, which, personally, I HATE because you can never find a skeleton that looks, well, normal. So why not make a Reaper Generator, it would be just like the Pirate Generator, except for skeletons, and it would probably have a Reaper theme! That way you could have skeletons that looked like skeletons! Skeletons that don't have flat faces and 3 mile long teeth. Think about it, tell me what you think. -Fox!

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  • @foxfile3017

    I like it.

    I already found the perfect pirate for the curse but if I was looking for a change, this would be really helpful.

  • Skeleton curse should be standardized to the common skeleton NPC model.

    This would solve the problem, besides, many people like the variations in bone size, but this brings a huge limitation to creating skins for the curse.

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