How I Stopped Feeling Tired With the Game!

  • I've been determined to get back into Sea of Thieves and continue having fun on it after a ruthless ghost curse grind, but it's been pretty difficult with all the toxic players in the game. I've been playing really only by forcing myself to. But today I had one of those encounters that reminded me why I started playing in the first place. (For context I was solo slooping)

    After a pretty nasty defeat trying to steal a Fort of Fortune from a duo sloop on community day, I decided to try my luck on a new server, so I scuttled. My server had a crew of 4 stacking FotD on the Burning blade (which I had tried before and got destroyed). I saw a galleon on the horizon who I went to alliance with and recruited a passing sloop. We formed a 7 player alliance of 2 sloops and a galleon and sailed for the fort.

    The resulting battle against this sweaty burning blade was like nothing I had ever seen! We flew back and forth from each other's ships helping with buckets, holes, and boarders and after a couple of nice chainshots and spawncamps we were able to sink them. My perspective of PvP in this game had been ruined by hundreds of hourglass matches and this was so much more engaging. The absolute CINEMA of galleon and bb trading broadsides while the other sloop and I circled and rained cannonballs was truly insane (the servers held up very well for the situation).

    I've gotten used to just using the feedback thread to complain about the usual game issues, but I suggest to everyone who's sick of the game to just try and form alliances, set crew to open, invite friends, whatever. Multiplayer makes this game so much more fun.

    We ended up doing glitterbeard together before logging off as well!

    If anyone is feeling bored of the game I 100% recommend just trying to meet other pirates, sure some are toxic, and maybe you'll never see your alliance-mates again, but my game satisfaction tripled from this simple 2 hour session.

    My friends have all stopped playing SoT so I understand how it feels to be bored solo slooping, but if you came to this forum to complain like I did so many times, I hope reading this changed your perspective a little. Good luck on the seas everyone, and I hope you never forget the value of sailing with mateys!

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  • Mad respect dude. I still love hoping on and playing this game. You just never know what will happen.

  • If anyone is feeling bored of the game I 100% recommend just trying to meet other pirates, sure some are toxic, and maybe you'll never see your alliance-mates again, but my game satisfaction tripled from this simple 2 hour session.

    I do this every day. And with the intro off "Hiding" It become a "Im gonna see how long I can hide"

  • Something that has always worked for me is that I don't push anything or try to control what happens.

    Everyone else decides what kind of encounter we have. I embrace the overall adventure environment and they largely get what they want.

    If they are peaceful, I am peaceful.
    If they want to fight, we have some sort of a hostile encounter
    If they want to coexist with space, we coexist with space on a server
    If they wanna go for sneak plays, go for it
    If they ask for some kind of help, I try to help out

    A lot of the frustration is based on wanting a specific outcome or some form of control in a session. Taking things personal, making things personal by having negative opinions about all the random stuff that happens in the game.

    Everything works out in this game eventually, why wouldn't it?

  • This was an awesome read. I'm really glad you experienced that. What a lot of people don't know is, the game is what you make of it. There's been times we've just decided to do shenanigans instead of just sinking people. Not only is it a lot of fun to do, in most cases you meet amazing players that are now friends to sail with.

  • Brilliant story. Random encounters in the open sandbox is where this game shines. Hourglass with it's forced rules just doesn't live up to that. The recent community weekend reminded why I hate hourglass so much.

  • @a10dr4651 Absolutely! And seeing our 3 ships sailing towards the Burning Blade felt straight out of Pirates of the Caribbean.
    Some of the people on the galleon were day 1 players who had never even seen it before and I can only imagine what that was like!

    Granted, while I had a great time, it is likely we ruined the day of the crew who was stacking FotD for 4+ hours.
    Which is why I usually start fights by offering an alliance instead, but going on the BB to do it is just asking to be sunk.

  • @wolfmanbush Yeah, I joined a previous server with the intention of stacking FotD but instead got distracted by a skeleton fort and a massive pile of floating loot and ended up getting like 300 000 gold out of it!

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