Y’all should add different colors for the ghost curse. Kinda like skelly like every 100 levels or so you get another color. I feel like that would bring a lot more attention to guardians and make it more worth grinding guardians.
Ghost Curse
I don't like this, the ghost curse is linked to Lore, it's not just a cosmetic, adding multiple colors would take away the meaning of what it is to be a ghost... Furthermore, I think it would look strange aesthetically, "Ghost Power Rangers", to have several colorful pirates shining across the seas.
The only color that might make sense is a red ghost curse, like Flameheart wore in the season 8 menu, but I still think it should be a ghost curse as a customization for the skeleton.
In my opinion, the guardians should offer a golden legendary curse, and then focus on cosmetics for the game's characters like the mysterious stranger's outfit.
The golden ghost curse has no direct connection to the Lore, at least as far as I know, but it is easily explained as a more powerful blessing from Athena's amulet.
@lleorb I get what you are saying. As a hard core sea of thieves player I get it. But most people aren’t super into the lore and care that much about what means what. They just want stuff that looks cool. And I feel like if Rare wants this game to have more attention and have more players I feel something like this would attract more attention. I don’t think most players in general even some players that play all the time would be out raged if they added something cool like this.