I already posted this as a response to someone complaining about poor performance of the new update but I also wanted to make a dedicated post for it.
After this update I'm consistently getting frame drops down to 20-25 frames on a powerful system. SoT is my main game but the consistent release of updates with game breaking bugs or performance issues is getting laughable. I love this game, there is nothing like it, and when they said they were hiring experienced players to test their stuff I was hoping it would fix things (I also laughed because of the implication that they didn't play test their own game already and had to hire players, like the devs don't even play their own game).
Not to throw too much shade, because again, SoT is a great game and unique to anything else out there, but I just can't wrap my head around the consistency of horrible updates. As a player with over a thousand hours I don't get bored playing SoT, there is already so much to do on the seas. I would much prefer updates that make the game work as intended instead of adding new content. And obviously you need the new content to keep the game fresh, but to prioritize that over a functioning game is insane to me.
I am genuinely more excited for "day-of" patches where they hot fix game breaking bugs/performance than I am new content updates.
Feedback and Suggestion:
Make the game work... That's it. After that we would appreciate new content here and there. But I can list off a game breaking problem from almost every update in the last year, and yesterday's update is actually the worst example. I love SoT, please don't kill your game by making it unplayable.