Game Performance vs. New Content

  • I already posted this as a response to someone complaining about poor performance of the new update but I also wanted to make a dedicated post for it.

    After this update I'm consistently getting frame drops down to 20-25 frames on a powerful system. SoT is my main game but the consistent release of updates with game breaking bugs or performance issues is getting laughable. I love this game, there is nothing like it, and when they said they were hiring experienced players to test their stuff I was hoping it would fix things (I also laughed because of the implication that they didn't play test their own game already and had to hire players, like the devs don't even play their own game).

    Not to throw too much shade, because again, SoT is a great game and unique to anything else out there, but I just can't wrap my head around the consistency of horrible updates. As a player with over a thousand hours I don't get bored playing SoT, there is already so much to do on the seas. I would much prefer updates that make the game work as intended instead of adding new content. And obviously you need the new content to keep the game fresh, but to prioritize that over a functioning game is insane to me.

    I am genuinely more excited for "day-of" patches where they hot fix game breaking bugs/performance than I am new content updates.

    Feedback and Suggestion:
    Make the game work... That's it. After that we would appreciate new content here and there. But I can list off a game breaking problem from almost every update in the last year, and yesterday's update is actually the worst example. I love SoT, please don't kill your game by making it unplayable.

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  • Is it just Pc users?

    On Console (xbox) I notice no such issues and all is smooth sailing.

  • @honeybadger9800

    Similar experience here - also PC user

  • @honeybadger9800

    I’ve also been getting random significant fps drops. Also pc, also good build usually playing at 145.

  • Y'all tried SS as well?

    It looks like majority of people in SS don't have these issues, doesn't matter if PC or console.

    I'm on PC and SS is def running stable, at least for me.

    Cuz it looks like these hitches could be related to trinkets, or other loading "improvements" they added that involve other ships/players. Which is def only noticeable in High Seas (and with captained ships).

    Also, as @Musicmee mentioned in an earlier post, you can report it here:

  • Dude I just can't stand hit registration and bucket registration issues. Trying to play Hourglass with this in the game makes it a ridiculously frustrating experience. There's nothing more infuriating than trying to bucket, clearly throwing it out into the ocean, and it doesn't work. Like how is this still a thing? Also getting FPS drops when doing a sea fort? This game should be running buttery smooth for what it is. Sadly it's clearly been built off of spaghetti code.

  • @r3vanns just tested SS for a few hours, same issues. Not even any less often. I too run a machine that should have no problems and SoT is the only game giving me these FPS drops.

  • @honeybadger9800 said in Game Performance vs. New Content:

    I already posted this as a response to someone complaining about poor performance of the new update but I also wanted to make a dedicated post for it.

    After this update I'm consistently getting frame drops down to 20-25 frames on a powerful system. SoT is my main game but the consistent release of updates with game breaking bugs or performance issues is getting laughable. I love this game, there is nothing like it, and when they said they were hiring experienced players to test their stuff I was hoping it would fix things (I also laughed because of the implication that they didn't play test their own game already and had to hire players, like the devs don't even play their own game).

    Not to throw too much shade, because again, SoT is a great game and unique to anything else out there, but I just can't wrap my head around the consistency of horrible updates. As a player with over a thousand hours I don't get bored playing SoT, there is already so much to do on the seas. I would much prefer updates that make the game work as intended instead of adding new content. And obviously you need the new content to keep the game fresh, but to prioritize that over a functioning game is insane to me.

    I am genuinely more excited for "day-of" patches where they hot fix game breaking bugs/performance than I am new content updates.

    Feedback and Suggestion:
    Make the game work... That's it. After that we would appreciate new content here and there. But I can list off a game breaking problem from almost every update in the last year, and yesterday's update is actually the worst example. I love SoT, please don't kill your game by making it unplayable.

    As an update, played tonight and the FPS drop issue is incredibly terrible. I sat at 20-30 FPS for significant portions of time. Completely out of the question that I'd play any game under those circumstances. I won't be playing until I'm sure that issue is fixed, whatever it is. GG GL

  • Bailing water out of a boat needs to be a sacred command that is prioritized and recognized by servers 100% of the time. Players can cope with most things, but not losing their boat when the server is exhausted from combat activity.

  • @crimed0er said in Game Performance vs. New Content:

    @r3vanns just tested SS for a few hours, same issues. Not even any less often. I too run a machine that should have no problems and SoT is the only game giving me these FPS drops.

    DX11 or DX12, and if on DX12 - multithreading On or Off?

    I'm on DX11. GPU 6900xt, CPU 5700x3d, 32GB CL14 3600 RAM, fast Nvme SSD

  • @honeybadger9800 I have the same experience, my laptop has a 4070, and it goes from 140 fps, to just 30 / 40 fps. This is especially annoying during hourglass. A friend who I play with has the same experience, massive frame rate drops that where never an issue before.

  • @honeybadger9800

    I agree 100%. I been playing for 8-9 months and I have been literally jonesing for smooth gameplay. It’s so incredibly inconsistent and clunky, heck, I just wish during fights everything was smooth. It’s like someone’s pressing pause fast forward pause play fastforward because I’m getting good fps but it’s not very smooth.

    I was troubleshooting this not realizing “It’s just the game” for months tbh. I thought it was my PC because everyone else’s videos look smoother to me, but in hindsight it’s just the state of the game rn.

    I tweaked so much settings and eventually my PC just wouldn’t boot and I had to send it in for repairs for 4 weeks I went without my Pc. Got it back fixed and whatdoyaknow it’s still not smooth lolol.

    I’m done playing in servers with ping higher than 70-80,low settings, low frames preferrably for maximum smoothness on a 7800X3D 4070ti SUPER 64gb ram 2tb ssd

    Wish Sea of Thieves was more consistent because I absolutely love it and don’t plan on stopping, the only reason I would stop playing is probably out of sheer frustration about the bugs & choppyness

  • I’m a console player (xbox 1, I know it’s old I’m too broke for fancy new stuff) and I experience the same issues. However, I do want to give credit where credit is due. Rare is doing a great job with being transparent towards their players and community through dev previews(even bigger shout out to drew, poor guy always the bearer of bad news) Changes are happening in order to help the performance of the game, however these changes are still new and are still probably being experimented with. Developing a game is really hard, especially the more you put into it. The fact that we even get updates without the game completely frying is impressive, while there are issues the game is still somewhat playable. And given rare’s track history, the performance is highest priority after an update comes out. So I’m sure all these issues are being worked on rn(pls don’t make me eat those words rare)

    As for hiring experienced players, I wouldn’t want to play my game after working on it for 8-10 hours lol

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