Crew Management [I can't play with friends??]

  • This is an issue I feel is paramount to the success of Sea of Thieves. Rare has said a number of times that they want to remove the walls that other games put in place that keep you from enjoying the game with your friends. Well, unfortunately they have a rather big wall in place right from the start. And that wonderful wall happens to be forced match making. Now let me be clear that match making does have its place. As an example; if I owned a larger ship and some of my friends couldn't make it, I would most certainly turn to match making to find another player or two. So I do not think it doesn't have its place in this game. But it most certainly doesn't need to FORCE you into using it.

    I have 6-8 friends that all want to play this game. They all mostly want their own ships, and those that don't will help crew the ships in our little group. We all want to play together, but how? Well we can't. So far if you want to play on the larger ship, you are limited to 3 other players joining you. And the other 4 people in my group? Well they have to go off on their own in another server and not play with us. This is extremely unlikable and splits up our group.

    On top of this, we can't spawn in our own ships, we have to settle for one ship for us all to share. And on top of that, I can't simply login with my ship and wait for my other friends to join me, I am forced to spawn in with a group of randoms till they're all online. At which point I completely abandon the group I was forcefully match made with. Sometimes I want to play solo as I wait for my friends to join me, or maybe I want to start gathering supplies while everyone joins me.

    My point is, this forced match making thing needs to go away. We should be able to all group together in a party of 6 or 8 and join the same server, and once we're all in the same server spawn in the ships we desire. Whether that be one large ship, or 6 to 8 small ships. The restrictions you have in place right now are making it impossible to enjoy this game with my friends, forcing us to split up and forcing us all on one ship.

    We really hope to see this system change before closed beta, or at least launch. I know Rare has said they are looking into this, however I've not seen any changes as of yet, nor any real conversation being had with Rare concerning this. If this game is really focused on the crew adventure, I would think something as major as; not being able group up with your friends, has to be high on the list of priorities.

    What are your thoughts?

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  • @ethnine yeah, I mentioned this in an earlier post of mine, I suggested that they add a guild feature that allows for a seamless transition for friends and crews and guild members to join together in a single session and be able to change between crews without leaving the game. I think it's a vital feature that this game needs more than anything to reach its potential.

  • @ethnine @ConConCotter A resounding YES PLEASE, to both of these - it's a feature that has been asked for and discussed many times and in many variations.

  • It's all a balancing act really you don't want to have crews of several ships just going round dominating the rest of the server just because they have more friends. I get that some people have bigger friend groups but many don't, the best way I could see this being solved is of course a larger sized ship but with more ships per server to attempt to balance it out.

    Say a 6-8 man ship but limit it to only 3-4 of them per server but also up the amount of smaller ships to match like 5-6 sloops to "attempt" to balance it out.

  • This is never going to happen unless they massively increase the ships per server count. You can't have 75% of the server on the same "team" because they would just steamroll everyone else.

  • I've been asking for proper crew management for a long while, and while I agree that allowing large groups of players to take over a server is not beneficial to the game or progression cycles, there needs to be options to have public (matchmade)/private crews as well as open/closed crews (ability to allow random players to match into your crew or only allow friends to join or preventing anyone from joining your crew say for a 3-person crew), invite/join/leave crews in-game without having to exit to menu, and selection of/ability to change ships in game based on crew (i.e. a 4 man crew with 2 sloops, or if 2 duo crews decided form a larger crew they could upgrade to the galleon through the Shipwright).

    The principle of the matter is the same....player choice. And this is in line with all modern games in the shared-world/co-op genre.

    More of my thoughts on the matter, as well as clans/guilds:

  • @knightx13 links dead boss.

  • I strongly disagree with being able to choose how many ships are on the server. Part of the adventure is not knowing what you will run into, or if they will be friendly.

  • @slayr747 It will be moved back to live soon...

  • @knightx13 Good that was a great thread. (don't mind me I'm sleep deprived)

  • @Ethnine +1 In it's current state it is very hard to play with friends unless you are in a group of 2 or 4. And if you don't all start the game at the same time it is a pain to get into a group.

  • I'm split right down the middle on this topic.

    I would love to be able to join a server with a few crews of friends in other ships to be able to join up & sail the seas together. This would make for some amazing times & a whole barrel of fun!!

    I would hate to be on a server where a group of imbeciles 'friends' join together & decide to destroy, harass & basically troll anything that moves. Say what you will, but this would inevitably happen!!

  • The link to my other topic is live again.

  • @knightx13 Yeah i just hope they address this issue and at the least make a devlopers video discussing our thoughts and their thoughts and plans for this issue. Their mission is to give the players and their friends the ability to play the game the way they want, so i think its an important issue that needs to be addressed even if they decide to do something different. If the matchmaking is the same and the players are unable to change crew without having to go to main menu by the beta i will be discouraged because i'm not expecting it to work perfectly but It's not something that they can implement last minute or post-launch like what they plan to do with skeleton AI and fighting mechanics.

    If you have seen the video they posted today you can see they mention a post-launch team dedicated to giving the game better mechanics, which I am happy to see that they will be improving the game after release but it seems to show signs that their game will not be exactly where they want it to be upon launch, understandably. So I think its important to push this issue now before it gets put on the back burner and scrapped altogether.

  • Like @LogansDadToo , I'm split on this topic.

    I understand wanting to play with a big group of friends. The times I've randomly run into friends, or even just people I recognize from the forums in the water have been special.
    But, it is ripe for abuse. Apart from the oft mentioned "large fleets terrorizing servers", if multiple crews of 4 are in together communicating it changes PvE as well, for the simple fact you don't have to worry about PvP. The assumption right now is there have been 5 ships per server. That means I know going in I have to worry about 80% of the boats having unknown intentions. If I have 7 friends with me - that becomes 60%. 11 friends? There are only two boats that could possibly be an enemy. That is a pretty significant change.

  • @erikinthebakery I think my question to this would be, won't this happen regardless? Even if crew management isn't a thing, I believe people will still group up together. We even see it in a video where two sloops are taking on a single galleon. What would happen if the crew on the galleon called over and said "wait wait! We surrender! Now lets go take on the rest of the server!"

    Its my opinion that every bad thing you can think of will ultimately happen if you give the internet some time to figure it out. And I believe the case will be the same with this. You also have to think that if there's crew's of evil conniving [mod removed] out there, then there's also a crew of responsible do-gooders willing to protect the innocent. It makes for some very compelling and interesting gameplay. I even have a friend of mine wanting to start a SoT Navy, where he and his small guild (I think 10 players) will patrol the seas making sure people are safe and the seas are kept a fair and free space.

    A real crew management system opens the doors to all possibilities, not just the bad ones.

  • I'm in the same position as the OP. I have around 12 people I'd wish to play with, but the forced Matchmaking means I have to leave a game and que up with the guys I want through the XBL app (Which I hate since I am a PC Player!). There needs to be a better grouping system in-game.

    We should for sure be allowed to que a few ships up as friends. I'd like to play with all my mates on one server! We want to fight each other, adventure together, and fight other players/groups together. Its really annoying to hope we get put on the same server as our other mates.

    Basically, overall, the matchmaking and grouping system need an overhaul to be more inclusive for players who wish to play with more people (Not all on the same ship of course, but at least on the same server).

  • @ethnine But if you were just buddies with everyone in the server, who would steal your loot while your on an island getting a more loot?

  • @ethnine

    This is a really tough one. I hear both sides of the argument. To make it fair, they could:

    A) Allow private games. The problem is that then you won't encounter anyone on the horizon since all ships are your friends so it would be strictly PVE and since there are no NPC ships this would be weak sauce. I suppose you could play against each other if that is appealing.
    B) Allow up to 2 of 3 ships of friends to queue up together BUT only if the total number of ships per server goes way up to make the advantage negligible.
    C) Have dedicated servers for 2 or 3 ship queues where single ships are not precluded from joining if they want to play with a handicap. This splits the player population a bit but if they have enough adoption it may be ok.

  • What!!!?
    Is it a match making that makes you play with randoms!? If i want to play with randoms i could just play some World Of Tanks or some BS.
    The whole reason for me to bye this game is so i can play with my friends.
    if you don't have any friends, make some in the game.
    If this will be the case, lest just gang up all of us and gank the [mod removed] out of the game until they change it=).

    RARE, get a grip now!

  • @sprucetexas689 Even though I think some variations of your ideas could work, I think really it should be put more into the players hands. Just like Rare trusts their players to limit griefing, I believe they should trust their players not to group for domination. And again, even when players do unite to try and control a server and the players in it, I imagine that others might come together and group up to try and bring back peace. It would make for some very interesting server dynamics, two sides battling it out. One for the good of all, the other for control and power. I believe this is what most pirate movies are about anyhow :).

  • I understand, but wouldn't it be op to have every cannon manned on 1 ship or to be able to have a crew controlling 2 ships, when attacking a normal sized crew?

  • @residentapple12 It really depends on how organized the crews are honestly. I have seen more organized crews take down much larger ships with less people. I have also seen equally large crews take out an equally as large ship. It comes down to skill. And again, if there is a ying, there is likely a yang. Meaning if there's one group of 2 or 3 ships causing a problem, then there will naturally form another group to counter them. And in that process an even more epic adventure can be formed.

  • @ethnine said in Crew Management [I can't play with friends??]:

    @sprucetexas689 Even though I think some variations of your ideas could work, I think really it should be put more into the players hands. Just like Rare trusts their players to limit griefing, I believe they should trust their players not to group for domination.

    That's kind of like trusting the financial industry to regulate itself LOL. I mean it's a nice idealistic world view that I wish was a reflection of reality, but I think that if it's possible to do something in a game, then inevitably someone out there will want to do it and abuse it.

  • @sprucetexas689 I mean, I totally agree with you there. But if Rare is willing to trust their players not to grief each other, then I am not sure why they wouldn't allow for grouping. I actually think grouping could be a form of anti-griefing. If you have a group of likeminded players consisting of 3 or 4 ships, and they see someone griefing they could easily put a stop to it. Like I said, a have a friend of mine already trying to get together a SoT Navy, and their whole goal is to patrol and protect. To me it seems like a pretty cool idea, even if I tend to be a bit more on the chaotic evil side of things :).

  • @ethnine said in Crew Management [I can't play with friends??]:

    @sprucetexas689 I actually think grouping could be a form of anti-griefing. If you have a group of likeminded players consisting of 3 or 4 ships, and they see someone griefing they could easily put a stop to it.

    Hmm this reminds me of the "good guy with a gun myth" - if only everyone was carrying, there would be less mass shootings. The problem is - it's a big map so the chances of actually being at the right place at the right time witnessing a griefing incident is like predicting where the final circle in PUBG is eventually going to be :-)

  • @sprucetexas689 Haha, that is very true. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out in the end. Regardless, I simply want to be able to play with my buddies, and right now I can't. Which, to me, is a b****r.

  • @sprucetexas689 said in Crew Management [I can't play with friends??]:

    predicting where the final circle in PUBG is eventually going to be :-)

    Off-topic, but that would be amazing LOL

  • @residentapple12 It is hard sometimes as a solo player, but i have not ever had a prob with it. :)

  • A very emphatic yes to this! I'm an introvert and a PC gamer, so the more control over grouping I have the happier I am. Well, mostly as an introvert because holy cow does it take from my reserves and drain me to be crewed up with a bunch of strangers. I really do hope (for the umpteenth time) Rare institutes a proper, in-game (Xbox app is atrocious) party/crew management system.

    What I'd like to see:

    • Current hop into a random crew matchmaking option is still available
    • Ability to set party size from 1-8
    • Ship limit per party, all on one, split between two, all on their own, or whatever mix suits you
    • Crew style: open party invite
    • Crew style: friends only party (plus the ability to invite friends from in-game)
    • Crew style: invite only party
    • Crew style: solo only party (though this is really redundant with an invite only option, but this is again the introvert in me :P )
    • Ability to switch party settings on the fly
    • Ability to mark players, in-game, as FRIEND, PREFERRED, AVOID, IGNORE
    • PREFERRED players are those that random match making will place you with before the general population but after FRIENDs
    • AVOIDed players are those that random matchmaking will block from joining your party but if they haven't AVOIDed you, you can still be matched into their party
    • IGNOREd players are those that under no circumstances will you be placed in a crew with them or on the same server
  • @daimyo-dorima Rare has been rather quiet on this subject, which has me a bit concerned. With as much support as this community has thrown at this idea, they surely have to recognize that its something their community desires.

  • Yeah.. Me and my friends had issues with this aswell.

    Where me and two friends would like to go alone on the ship, but we can't.

    I hope they make it so we can choose to go as a 3 man squad, 4 man squad or random match making :)

  • This game have to much to loose if friends can't play together.
    Must be something RARE only use in the ALFA-testing.
    Otherwise im most def NOT going to play it. And everyone iv talked to says the same.
    Can someone plz call RARE and check?=)

  • @ethnine While crew organization is a factor, crew size also is.

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