Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: The World of Sea of Thieves

  • More knowledge & insight!

  • 49
  • Here have my upvote!

    You fast poster.

  • I see fish in the sea


  • @erinom3 mate, you are on the ball with these videos submissions xD

  • Y'all have done an amazing job at crafting a beautiful world. I loved wandering around islands just looking at it and especially finding small details I know a developer put their in hopes of one of us finding it. And obviously the water is some of the best in the industry. Everything feels so lush and gorgeous. Can't wait til next week. Itching to get back in the sea.

  • @thewolfman321

  • Ryan's artwork is sooo genius, its one of the main things that drew me into the game in the first place.

  • Saw it, commentated on it, and re-tweeted it

  • Ahh, "The golden age of piracy is still yet to come..." Sounds like the beginning to me mates! So much to come!

  • @thorhammer3 yes yes I think for SOT and me
    alt text

  • Fish! Bones of larger animals! Also, the guy in that portrait on Shipwreck Bay has an excellent mustache.

  • @erinom3 That's really excellent, you can see and hear the passion and enthusiasm - it is a beautiful world and videos like this remind us to take a bit of time, look around and really appreciate it.

  • @erinom3 Alright, I will do my best to breakdown what I saw:

    Looks like bats are flying around in caves now. That is new to me. Also, can't quite make out what that is on the bottom right of the screen, but it looks like something. But could be nothing.

    I think that is an ammo box, but maybe its something more? Maybe its a different kind of ammo? Or maybe not. I also cannot tell what that is above the cabin entrance. Maybe someone else can zoom in and read it.

    Crab alters; what are these for? Is this a possible hint at some fishing or farming quests?

    Snake alter; there is clearly a note on this one. More hints at possible different kinds of harvesting or questing?

  • @katttruewalker That’s why I love the fact that SOT is not procedurally generated. Everything you come across everything you see everything you interact with is painstakingly crafted by the programmers and artists


  • @sappyelephante hold on while I laugh at that....
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  • @ethnine I believe says blackwyche?

    Which google has told me is an old pirate game on the Commodore 64 in 1985

  • Anyone else watching these videos and taking notes on where they spot symbols painted on rocks in preparation for riddle quest that ask you to find said paintings? No, just me? ok.

  • @Ethnine

    @UVG-Reign is correct. The sign there reads "Blackwyche". It has been in the Alpha for quite awhile now. I can understand why someone would miss it though! As for the note on the Snake Altar, who knows? :D

  • Fish... Bats... More worldly variety & richness... What a beautiful place SoT is quickly becoming!
    I for one can't wait for the Beta to just drink it all in...
    I might even do some sailing & treasure chest searching if I remember... ;D

  • Best game world I've ever seen. The design, animation, art, and gaming experience is the best in Sea of Thieves

  • Why no one is talking about the tease on the huge SSsS(Sea Snake's Skelton).
    And the little fishes are just lovable, I hope we could fish them as the other animals. And I definitely want to have a companion bat. Vampire pirates should be a thing

  • I honestly don't want to do much exploring in the beta. I want to be surprised by somethings when launch hits. the world looks amazing

  • @mrjones197739
    Even if you explore the world during beta, do you think that they would show off their entire world and all it's secrets and features? Don't expect the world to be many times the size it is now, but there will definitely be more secrets to be discovered. The art team is very good at sneaky implementations.

  • Hell Yeah!!

  • @musicmee the art work does look so incredible! Also hooked me in XD :D

  • Anyone getting the Art of SoT book or am I alone on that?

  • @killingcurse1 a lot of friends got it. I have not but that’s because it will just add to my clutter lol

  • it's hilarious how they talk about mood and feel and then they say "part of our lore" ... like ,what? how an island feels is part your lore? that means there is no lore and you should get a damn dictionary

  • Love it the world you are building just gets better and better. Wildlife fish, bats snakes the game is coming alive and looks beautiful ☠

  • @erinom3 If I could upvote your post I would. Haven't watched the video yet but the amount of content coming from Rare at this time is greatly satisfying in terms of keeping the hype going for SoT.

  • @angel-rugal
    Of course it's their lore! Islands aren't an invention of RARE, or part of SoT's IP, but they have clearly done a lot of work on how their islands will look, sound and 'feel'...
    The layers of history in SoT that have been alluded to so far are intriguing. The current pirate population is obvious- it's us! But what about those that came before? Who is the Ferryman and what's his story? Who were the skeleton pirates who guard their chests so fiercely? Who is the guy on the picture in the Blackwyche shipwreck? What else will we learn?
    Then, who are the indigenous peoples of these islands that were alluded to in the video? Cannibals? Savages? Will they make an appearance in game? Imagine fighting war-paint and tattoo covered tribespeople with bones through their noses & shrunken heads on necklaces, firing arrows & poison darts... Very Indiana Jones...
    How about Pygmies? Huge flightless birds? Dinosaurs? What else can we expect?!
    That is the lore that is being drip-fed to us. This is a world ripe with possibility, and I am for one am very excited!
    I will deffo be buying the Lore of SoT book when it's released because I know a lot of these answers will be found in there, as well as a great many new questions and teases...

  • @coffeeart687098 Lore will be sold separately as a comic book, (mod edited)

  • @angel-rugal Ahoy mate, just a gentle reminder to keep discussions and replies respectful.

  • @angel-rugal
    Lore of SoT (with a capital L) will indeed be a cool book that is released in March- no disagreements with anyone there...
    Lore (with a small l) is the story/history/ creative vision & direction- the ethos of SoT- that I've been discussing. The 'vision' that RARE keep mentioning for their game.
    I'm excited to learn about SoT's universe & history, by playing, & by reading the Lore book when it's released...
    Can't wait...

33 out of 49