We can't solve a riddle

  • ........ on legs that weaken, rest a while then hold up a beacon. I can't solve this, please help; the first part (....) is just explaining where to do it on the island.

  • 7
  • @quitsdoubloon87 Is this canon cove? There's a picture of a Kraken in the pass that I think you need to raise your lantern in front of.

  • @musicmee No, The sunken grove, it says to find a monsteres remain on a NW beach, found that. We even tried dancing than siting then holding up a lantern.

  • @quitsdoubloon87 Are you raising the lantern at that location (RT on Xbox and RB on PC)? Just having it out and on is not enough.

  • @musicmee Yep even trying to jump to make it go higher, tothing.

  • Just spit balling here, maybe listen for an audible queue when sitting? This game likes to utilize stuff like that.

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