Sea of Thieves Inspired Loot!

  • Ahoy!
    Just want to share with you some of the things I have made or am in the middle of making since Sea of Thieves sailed in to my life.
    And I encourage all you creative pirates out there to make and share some of your love for the game!

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  • Awesome work as always @lizalaroo very inspired... but equally just as jealous - of your loot and skills :P

  • @lizalaroo
    Beautiful work as always liz.
    Wish i had your talents!!

  • @logansdadtoo The one with the bits floating all way around the skull... got to be mythical at least.

    No rush!

  • @musicmee Ha! Hmmm......I'm progressing in to Styrofoam (to make the Kraken Ship's wheel! :D) so maybe I could!

  • So jelly everything is gorgepus as always!

    Now just need a bounty skull with those little fake candle lights that flicker so when they light up you can see the glow !

  • @lizalaroo

    I can not say enough how fantastic it is. They are great beautiful handmade first class products!
    If you decide to sell it then definitely think of me! I am a fan of your creativity and quality products.

  • Now sell them on Etsy so we can buy BUY BUY!!!

  • so cool! I've always thought about building a replica blunder buss. just don't know how...

  • There Looking mighty fine as always @lizalaroo I can see your equipment chest is expanding rapidly! Whats your next voyage?

    Im intrigued to see how you will do the spyglass! :D

  • Awesome work all of about my request...;)

  • noice :D care to share some tips on how you made these?

  • If I ever become one of those world class Mona Lisa stealing art thieves, I'm so adding your work to my list of top grabs @lizalaroo !

  • Great work, really love the galleon!

  • O my god, please add more stuff :O

    It looks fabelous!

    good luck with finishing it xD

  • @lizalaroo These are so awesome!!! I need to find more time to try and make more stuff too, then gotta find somewhere to put them haha. I love seeing what others make though as it really inspires me.

  • Really good work man I wish I had the time to do that.

  • @fpsrussia70
    Lizalaroo is a lady! She does some mighty fine work indeed :D

    The bucket is done! Did it hold up in the testing process?

  • @erinom3
    I couldn't help but take this opportunity to assist @FPSRUSSIA70 with a small punctuation correction, let's clear his post up shall we?

    "Really good work! Man I wish I had the time to do that."

    I got your back mates!

  • @lizalaroo said in Sea of Thieves Inspired Loot!:

    ** I encourage all you creative pirates out there to make and share some of your love for the game!**

    Literally just doing a quick browse through the forum before I begin working on the admirals pistol haha.

    Also foam wise @lizalaroo polyprops (uk) sell all sorts of sizes, thicknesses and densities like CF100 - that stuff is dense!...Good if youre needing more choices :)

  • @aprovoked-mango that’s good to know. Just bought a bit off eBay as a starting point

  • You have such a talent Liz,
    Incredible work as always.
    You should show how you make it, I am intrigued on how you get it so stinking close :D

  • @lizalaroo always fun to see what you are working on. Great Piratical Swag! :-D

  • @lizalaroo Looking good! I'll keep an eye out for more of your work in the future I love seeing game inspired creations!

  • @erinom3 sorry Thas was bit awkward

  • @lizalaroo Wow, that's some beautiful stuff!

  • Always spot on love to see what you make next

  • @lizalaroo

    Well done! You captured the art style perfectly!

  • Beautiful as always Liz!

    There needs to be a "space" at Rare of player-created "artifacts" from the game. Something to be displayed as if the creator was "lending it to the museum" mindset. Of course, when Rare goes to conventions...a few of the "artifacts" will be proudly displayed there "under glass"....along with credit to who created the object(s)!

    Share the Love!


  • @lizalaroo i still don't see a hurdi gurdi amongst all that lol

  • @dolnornumbwit cheers me matey. I am proud that they deemed my work good enough to be featured in one of the podcasts.

  • @lizalaroo that's awesome! Whilst I was watching I did actually wonder if it was an official one or one of yours!

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