A Ship Even Bigger Than the Galleon

  • Sloop > Galleon > Wan-o-War??????

    I would really love to see something even larger than the Galleon; as while it is big, it can't support more than 4 players as the game stands. With the Emergency break anchor maneuver and a little team work (not actually that much) a Galleon can easily keep a Sloop in its firing arc to take it down. {{Quick aside I would like said maneuver to actually cause damage to the ship by popping open some already repaired wholes on the lower deck because of the stress the ship undergoes when this happens.}} This new ship would named the Man-o-War after the "floating fortress" of ye olde days.
    The main advantage of having a ship this large would of course be the higher crew capacity, and damage output. A maximum crew of 8 is allowed, but a crew of 4 I could see scraping by piloting it if they were good. But with the increased size, durability, and power, comes the cost of turning speed. Even fully utilizing the new jib and driver sails (discussed later), as well as the anchors would still lead to a well captained Sloop to out maneuvering you in the open ocean - being able to stay in your blind spots. Also, being so large, the Man-o-War would have to park further out from islands so as to not take damage from running aground. This problem is solved by having a row boat hanging off the back, behind the captain's quarters. Allowing small parties to row over to land without much fuss.
    Over all, I think it would make an excellent addition to the game for those big groups of friends who want to sail on one ship instead of finding each other on several.

    I imagine the design would go a little something like this;

    Top Deck:

    • Three masts, similar to the Galleon, but each is one square of canvas taller, with the rear mast also sporting a crows nest with a miniature swivel cannon (still taking a single cannonball to load it) for offering a small amount of rear-facing fire.
    • Two new "rudder" sails, the first connecting the forward mast and the bowsprit (the stick jutting out the front). the second would connect the stern and rear mast. These sails were commonly used to help a ship to turn as they would catch the air as a vessel turned and slow it down. The front "rudder" sail was called a jib, and the rear a driver. These new sails could act just that way, but to dissuade them from always being kept up, they could completely obscure the captain's view and slow the ship going forward.
    • Three cannons on each side of the deck with about one full second of travel time between each.
    • Primary Capstan (anchor wheel). Six spokes stick out from it, but even under full power the anchor would take 12 seconds to reel back in, and 5 to drop. Note: this does not fully stop the ship, but does DRAMATICALLY reduce speed. To get the ship to fully stop the secondary capstan on the top-middle deck must also be deployed. Deploying the main anchor at full speed will open half of any patched holes on the Lower Deck.

    Top-Middle Deck:

    • Four cannons with a spacing similar to the ones on the top deck, but with the option of being in a deployed or stored state. Deployed opens the hatch which allows a very small view for those aiming the cannon to see out, and the barrel of the cannon is rolled up to stick out for a slightly more restrictive firing arc than the cannons above, but with the benefit of being protected form returning cannon fire.
    • A central cage for this deck contains all the cannon ball barrels as well as a secondary ammunition and weapons crate. This cage's door will swing open freely to anyone who is a part of the crew by simply pressing up against it, but will not budge for anyone outside of it, unless they obtain the captain's key which is done by interacting with the captain's desk in the captain's quarters (covered later).
    • One forward facing cannon with the same deployed and stored positions as the rest on this deck. This might be tricky as the figurehead on the ship might be compromised in most situations by this unless each figurehead for this type of ship is custom made to fit around this port opening.
    • Secondary Capstan, which is located just forward of the ammunition cage. This capstan is the four spokes version found on the Galleon and can probably use that same asset. Dropping it has approximately half the effect of the primary capstan, in regards to speed but will cause no damage to the ship if deployed at full speed. Takes the same amount of time to raise and lower as the Galleon anchor.

    Lower-Middle Deck:

    • Containing the designated barrels for all resources (planks, foods, ammunition, weapons, etc.) with the exception of cannon balls which are reserved for the top-middle deck cage. These barrels are arranged around the deck hugging the walls with an open space in the middle for any cargo that can't fit in the cramped ammo cage above.
    • At the front end of the ship on this deck, there is a small room with a secondary map on a table exactly like on the Galleon. This room also contains a barrel for grog, a chest of ammunition, and a weapons cabinet to swap out your load out.

    Lower Deck:

    • Two cages stand at the very back of this deck where each can hold up to two mutineers. These are two brigs standing side by side.
    • The rest of this small-ish deck is taken up by hammocks which act as the spawn points for the crew.
    • In the area behind the stairs is where you'll find the equipment and clothing chests for the ship.

    Captain's Quarters:

    • A wall mount world map, with current voyages and missions having their appropriate papers stuck to the walls via daggers beside it for easy viewing.
    • The captain's desk sits towards the back of this room. Where voyages and missions are proposed and voted on, this desk also holds the captain's key which ship invaders will have to obtain by interacting with the desk. The key is needed by invaders if they wish to gain access to the ammo cage on the top-middle deck.
    • On either side of the captain's quarters, there is a small walkway lined with railing to prevent falls. This leads to the overhang at the rear of the ship. There, a row boat can be found swaying from its ropes, waiting to be lowered into the water. The row boat will be capable of holding a maximum of 4 people. One controlling the rudder for direction, one or two for rowing with two giving the boat more speed, and one standing in front free to use any equipment or weapons they have on them, or simply look bad a*s like a certain Captain Morgan as the boat comes ashore. Getting up and down would be controlled by two hook attachments on the end of ropes leading to the p**p deck. Interacting with either hook attaches the row boat automatically if it is close to the ship (2 meters or so?) then, the boat can either be dragged with the Man-o-War, or raised back up by winding the rope using a crank found at the very back of the p**p deck, behind the ship's wheel.
  • 26
  • makes sense to me. hopefully they can implement this and other variations to the boats. it would be a shame if they dont give that you you.

  • Make this happen Rare Studios!

  • I enjoy this type of idea, although I feel that there should be some sort of restriction in place, to prevent those ships from being spotted in the waters right away. Perhaps have some sort of method for "earning" the ship or "unlocking" the ship as a loadable ship, through either some sort of reputation level with a faction or a certain amount of gold. If multiple ships were to be added at the end of each faction (i.e. a certain faction gets a ship more focused on the type of faction at the end of the reputation level), it'll give people a purpose (so far from what we know, something may exist like this already) to stick to one faction for their voyages and coin making.

  • @bluegoocrazy that makes complete sense. take an upvote

  • In theory it'd sound pretty nice to be able to play with more than 3 friends at once but let's face it, most people would crew up on a ship like this purely to terrorize the smaller ships.

  • Just no. 8 Player crews swarm all of the islands, there will be no adventure feeling when you have your personal army behind you.
    With this ship in the water, who will take a galleon? The big ship shoots 7 players on the galleon and kill everybody.
    What I also dislike is not a bigger ship, but a team of 8 players in a world of 16 players...

  • I wrote about a "king of the pirates", when you dominate the server and get the opportunity to own a bigger boat and enroll your defeated enemies in your ship. This kind of ship could work well with this idea. Otherwise 8 crew is a bit too much for common ships in my opinion and would benefit from being a unique per server boat.

    Perhaps with some kind of event, like a "hoist your colours" an abandoned ship would be left adrift in the ocean, every player will hear about it and would have to go for it. This would obviously result in a massive sea-battle with the winning team claiming the huge ship.

    Otherwise, I think I'd rather have ships for either :
    Solo ship _______________________________ or solo & duo ship 1/2 people (existing sloop)
    Small ship 2/3 people ______________________ Small ship 3/4 people (new boat)
    Medium ship 3/4 people ____________________ Big ship ship 4/5 people (existing galleon)
    Big ship 4/5 people


  • I would like to have a "Claustrophobia" Submarine... 12ppl crew! with ability shoot gunpowder barrels instead of torpedoes. and colour of It must be yelowish pink!
    you know, if some one see my periscope - they probably see it from "Ferry of the Damned" already...
    trust me :)

  • I would rather be of the opinion of StafyLocok

    1 - 2 player - Sloop
    2 - 3 player - creation of an intermediate boat between Sloop and Galleon
    3 - 4 player - Galleon
    4 - 5 player - creating a boat slightly larger than the Galleon

    an evolution in the quests to unlock access to the last boat allowing the recruitment of a fifth crew member.

    Or an improvement to buy with gold to increase the size of the crew of the Galleon

    But in the end For me the creation of a ship for 3 player is necessary.

  • I like this idea very much, but I could see how this could be an unfair advantage for smaller ships like sloops. I think that there could be a larger world were it was only galleons and man o wars. I think that this would balance out the unfairness it might cause. Also in this world the player count could be something like 24.

  • @sandmanbakery maybe it's that legendary ship every bodys been talking about

  • alt text

  • @sandmanbakery i agree

  • I don't think they'll put in a ship that large, just due to the complicity of even 6 man groups. It's hard enough to even understand a 4 person chat group let alone a 10 or 12 member group. It would be really cool though, and even if they gave you forts to control with shore batteries! That would be awesome!

  • Probably an expansion or something in the future. I hope they have more than 3 types of ships with the legendary.

    I wish there were 5 types and when selecting to play if you really wanted you could try to run any ship solo or with any amount of team you select. (I would really like to have 4 man crew on a Schooner, would be fun)

    With a recommend settings for the following
    Gunboat 1 person with 1 front facing cannon with a 270 turning radius
    Schooner with 2 sails again and for a 2 man crew 2 cannons.
    Cuckoo-class schooner 3 man Crew 4 cannons
    Galleon 4 man Crew the same
    Frigate 5-8 man Crew very slow and hard to turn 10 cannons.

    Event Battle ship that cannot be claimed should be a Man of War. ;-)

  • This sounds amazing and would be perfect for my group that I play with. PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN RARE!!!

  • Man of war! Man if war!
    Thank you. Everyone and I mean literally everyone I mention this to wants a man of war. Like a 6 or 8 man crew on this huge monstrosity. It can be slow and have terrible maneuverability but can eat peoples lunch if it is manned by a good crew. Gallons and sloops could out maneuver it. It would solve an issue where were my friends have to split up.

  • This needs more upvotes

  • I mean yeah, but it seems the community is more leaning towards a small frigate (3 person ship) at this point. Still would LOVE to see Rare thinking about a larger ship.

  • Having to row back and forth from and to an island to an anchored boat sounds like a drag though...

  • But to add this in, means making the crew size bigger, which in turn causes alot of in balancing, sounds cool but trying to take that down with a 2 man crew? they could just give us a 4 man version of it, or a different ship altogether.

  • @sandmanbakery For me the real fun would be to try and outsmart a Man o War with a Galleon.

    Imagine sailing up towards a big ship with your four man crew and fight til the last breath. That would be an awesome story too tell ;)

  • @sandmanbakery Check out this and this by @ShootHere4EXP


    He also has a 3 man ship here.

    He does the Lord's work.

6 out of 26