Welcome your newest Deckhand - II Mikez II!

  • As we get closer and closer to launch our lovely pirate community is growing and rapidly! The Clubs have become so active which is why we have decided to add to our Club Deckhands! While Club Deckhands will primarily be focused on the Club, they are still available to help out in the Forums.

    Who are the Deckhands you ask? Well! Deckhands are Community Moderators who work closely with Rare staff to make sure our community is a fun, place filled with all the right information for your Sea of Thieves adventures. You can read more about them and their responsibilities in the community here.

    Since we last introduced new Deckhands, we have moved from the Technical Alpha stage of development, had a very successful Closed Beta and can see launch right there on the horizon. Exciting to think of what could come next!

    Thank you all so much for all your streams, feedback, suggestions, fan creations, stories and the way you genuinely care about ensuring all pirates who want to be part of the Sea of Thieves community feel welcome! Your hard work and your contributions make Sea of Thieves the amazing community it is!

    So without further ado, please join me in welcoming the newest Deckhand @ii-mikez-ii!



    II Mikez II - Club Deckhand

    Hey all! My name is Mike or II Mikez II on Xbox Live (original I know!). I live in Birmingham, second largest city in the UK. Been into gaming for as long as I can remember. Started on my Dads ZX Spectrum, moved onto Dreamcast, Sega Megadrive then Playsation and Playsation 2. But since the glory days of Halo: Combat Evolved I've been a massive Xbox fan and have not looked back since.

    Like most others here Sea Of Thieves peaked my interest at it's first E3 showing. I finally got my chance to play after I was invited to the Alpha for the E3 2017 sessions back in June. I've been very involved in the community ever since. Though I've been hopping onto the forums a lot more recently, you'll usually find me in Chat on the Xbox Club where I am very active. I have been helping out the Admins there unofficially for many months now, so it was a great honor to be asked to help out officially! We have a great community and I feel privileged to do my part to help it stay that way. Always happy to help, see you in the Club or on the seas!

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  • 58
  • Congrats @II-Mikez-II
    Have fun this weekend ;)

  • @II-Mikez-II

  • Congratulations!

  • Congratulations :)

  • Congratulations @II-Mikez-II !!! It's definitely well deserved! So glad you're finally a Deckhand!!

  • Welcome to the crew @II-Mikez-II!

  • Congrats @II-Mikez-II

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  • @II-Mikez-II

  • Oh this guy? Always helping in the club! Haha congrats Mike keep up the good work, but dont expect any quarter on the seas! Unless you see me and my crew being attacked by any sort of sea creatures, in which case you now being a deckhand I expect you to be the better person and come to our aid ofcourse. With great power comes great responsibility and all that. Lol

  • @khaleesibot Woot!!!

    Welcome @II-Mikez-II !!!!!!


  • congrats man.

  • Congratulations @II-Mikez-II!

    Good luck with the avalanche of problems that will come during the Scale Test of this weekend hahaha

  • Congratz!

  • Three cheers for Mushroomhead Mikey @II-Mikez-II !!

  • Woot Woot Congrats dood :)

  • Hooray!

    Congrats @II-Mikez-II! We're glad to have you with us :)

  • My claps, mate

  • @II-Mikez-II congrats!

  • @ii-mikez-ii well deserved my friend!

  • Congrats II-mikez-II!

  • Congratulations @II-mikez-II I was thrilled to see this announcement. Well deserved my friend!

  • @II Mikez II

    Congrats m8!

  • @khaleesibot Congrats II Mikez II!

  • Congrats @II-Mikez-II! So glad to have you part of the team. You have been kicking butt helping everyone in the clubs :)

  • Three cheers!

    Hip hip!
    Hip hip!
    Hip hip!

    Let’s drink some grog!

  • Fully deserved mate ! Congrats.
    Cheers 🍻

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  • Congratulations @II-Mikez-II im always seeing you're gamer tag appear in my feed and whenever im prowling the clubs in the shadows. Glad they made it official! And just before that lovely scale test aha have fun! XD

  • Congrats and welcome!

  • The Clubs couldn't be in better (deck)hands.
    You and @Zoream got dis!!

  • Pip-pip, cheerio!

  • Welcome, now you officially official and no longer unofficial.

  • Welcome to the thunder dome!

    "2 man enter, 1 man Leaves"

16 out of 58