Join PC insider, but not get beta.

  • I join to insider program, but not get beta-key.
    Maybe i something dont know?

  • 13
    new member
  • @magicfanatic259 The Scale Test is available to Xbox Insiders and previous Beta testers.

  • @whenkoalasattak i join on PC. Its not available on PC?

  • I have pre-ordered and signed up to Insider Hub.
    My insider account is the same as pre-order account
    I can see Sea Of Thieves in my games and insider list

    Stuck on Pending:
    alt text

    Please help!

  • @steynvn same here for 2 hours :(

  • @magicfanatic259 No, it's playable on PC, but the Insider Program and the Xbox Insider program are different. You can join Xbox Insiders from PC.

  • @whenkoalasattak Done that

  • @steynvn I pre-ordered last night, didn't know I had to jump through a bunch of hoops so I went to bed. This morning I tried to follow the horribly inaccurate steps to install and play the beta from the store and from the website here (going and finding "manage" tabs is wrong, there's like 2 different ways to be on the insider hub its really weird) I found it hit join and I've also been stuck on pending for a while too. rip.

  • If the purpose of the "Scale-Test" is to see how the game runs under extreme loads, would you not want to get more people playing the game ?

    I am sure we are not the only people waiting to be activated...

  • I am having the same issue. Just stuck on pending. 10 hours now.

  • @steynvn @Shepperd1919 @BandTree This seems to be a common issue with Xbox Insiders and unfortunately I have no answer for it now, but I can refer you to this thread as it seems to be the big one everyone is posting in.

  • Hello everyone, I bought the game but I'm not getting the beta test, hoping to release it, I really want to find you in the sea ... abcs ...

  • @ghosty-dac Have you taken a look in your Xbox Insider Hub App to see if the game is available to you? As preordering does not grant you access to the stress test this weekend but being an Xbox Insider does.

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