{Glitch} Alt tabbing makes you Disconnect

  • Recently started happening to me, whenever i seem to alt tab i'm disconnected by the time i go back into the game no matter how short or long I've been tabbed out.

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  • @moist-nugg I alt tab a lot and have not experienced this but perhaps try playing in windowed full screen

  • @scheefinator Its not bad advice. I'm providing a suggestion that is a solution to the problem. Personally I don't dc when I alt tab from full screen and yes full screen is better, obviously. If you notice any significant performance drop just revert back to full screen. Just depends on your system.

  • @moist-nugg
    You are aware there is now a 10 minute idle timer in game!!
    So if you alt tab & are away for more than 10mins, you will get disconnected.

  • Windows settings, privacy, background apps, on, fixed it for me.

  • @logansdadtoo But that´s not the problem here. I get that disconnect mid-playing. Of course, that´s not a problem during this test, cause I am aware that this can happen, but it´s not caused by the idle timer. But for me it wasn´t even tabbing out. Last one just while I was carrying a chest back to my ship.

  • @moist-nugg enable background apps for all xbox apps and microsoft store. then restart the game.
    that worked for me.

  • @skraft-nm said in {Glitch} Alt tabbing makes you Disconnect:

    @moist-nugg enable background apps for all xbox apps and microsoft store. then restart the game.
    that worked for me.

    I have that all enabled and it still disconnects me every g*****n time I alt tab

  • Maybe a bit old of a post but I have the same Alt-Tab issue if, in the video settings, I set the resolution to 'Native' = disconnects every time. However, using the 'Recommended' resolution Alt-Tab works fine when the window I switch to is on another monitor. I can type this post, monitor the game and switch back and forth BUT as soon as I drag this browser to the monitor where the game is active then the game minimizes and disconnects.

    Hope this helps.

  • Ahoy @m00setaco!

    Have you tried this?

  • someone else mentioned a while back that using Virtual Desktops works. Then Win+Ctrl+ left or right to switch instead of alt-tab

  • @el-espectro-0 I don't care to run in windowed mode especially windowed w/border. I'm fine with my working solution and just wanted to share with others that might benefit from it. Thank you, though.

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