@mad-jack-ketch aye.. what be in the distance fellow cap’n?
Possible decipher/clues
@suave-beard I feel as though I know the island of which you speak.
I'd describe it as an atoll or reef.
Certainly more interesting UNDER than atop it.@mad-jack-ketch there is an uncharted island with a hidden cave in the center of the map close to where that circle is. If you see the crossword puzzle as a big map. And with 26 letters in the alphabet 13 is dead center for everything!
@suave-beard the reef you are on about has the empty cave when you swim under? If so that’s really not helping with the hideout as such :)
@mad-jack-ketch honestly I think someone needs to just call up James Cameron n get his sub to explore the depth of the SoT ocean. Can someone mod him into the game? We may even find cameronium...
Seriously though I like your sleuthing. When the full game hits it'll be easier to figure out. Until then we can only speculate and accumulate.