Just hit 50 Merchant!!!

  • Hit 50 Gold Hoarders Yesterday...

    50 Merchant Today!!

    Now to finish out Order of Souls, I can taste #PirateLegend.

    My grind has been insane, thanks for the support lately.

    Love this community :D

  • 61
  • Congrats, I'm sure if I played daily all day everyday like I was going to I would be there with you. Unfortunately I'm only halfway there on all 3.

  • @im-the-beer-man Thanks man! Don't stop grinding!

  • Oh sick!!
    I wish I could really get into the grind, but of course I have my exams this year. Don’t suppose I could join you on a voyage sometime? I’ll work my part, but I’m only halfway and starting to think it’ll be a long time before I can reach the end between studies. Sorry if I’m just bothering you, but I thought I’d just ask. Congratulations again!!

  • @p1stolasx Gratz. Do you have any good advice on advancing in Merchant Alliance?

  • What’s the best way to achieve this? It’s the one I’m dreading the most as it’s the most tedious and frustrating for me.

  • Congrats dude.

    I'm not too far behind. I play every day for like 8 hours and still haven't made it yet. Hopefully tonight.

  • Grats!!!!

  • @ardent-38 hey I would love to participate. Ninjah003 is my GT. I'm about 35/35/35

  • Congratulations!

  • @hudson-rl

    Dreading it? It like a breath of fresh air after the random treasures of Gold Hoarders.

  • Congrats man ! Nice !

    Now...10 levels of legendary to go ;)

  • Well done,
    Saw your post when you had ten minutes to unload your hold before the server closed. That was intense and a good watch.

  • @im-the-beer-man so you are level 40 across the board or 25? I hear level 40 is the true half way

  • @ardent-38 Hey man! I play with everyone, my gamertag is P1stolasX, I choose players on a 1st come 1st serve basis

  • @isaac-occam yes, farm Gold & Black Animals only, deliver them across the world. Have the person with the highest merchant drop the Voyages. Farm Cages if needed in order to just make outpost stops.

  • @hudson-rl farm cages, gold and black animals, travel the world delivering them.

  • @edemardil I only started playing 2 weeks ago.. lol 10+ hours a day Pirate Legend Tomorrow most likely

  • @cupohemlock Thank you!

  • @kustho Less than 5. My order of Souls is 45. Gold Hoarders has already been 50

  • @terok-n0r Haha thank you man! Been grinding my butt off, I appreciate the watch.

  • Saved the hardest for last I see XD. I'm 47 in Souls and I feel like if I'm just doing those, I'm going to hit 50 in GH and MA naturally through shipwrecks. What missions are you trying to use to complete Souls? I think level 35's are the best balance between RNG scaling and having skeletons that don't take 25 sword hits to kill.

  • @natsu-v2 only 3+ captains, anything less I don't do

  • @p1stolasx Same, but what level missions? Are you actually doing the level 45+ missions? Cause those are more time consuming than skull forts, lol.

    It's so disappointing whenever there are 10 metal skellies on top of a mountain with no water and they all have pistols, and it takes multiple powder kegs to kill them.

  • On average how many gold animals do you think you needed per level between 45-50? Was there a huge increase in level or is it a slow increase like between 35-40? Currently sitting at 26-25-37

  • @navillicious 45-50 was over 150 gold animals.

  • To make it all the way to 50 or per level?

  • @navillicious from your level now you're looking at over 300 Gold Animals

  • @p1stolasx said in Just hit 50 Merchant!!!:

    @isaac-occam yes, farm Gold & Black Animals only, deliver them across the world. Have the person with the highest merchant drop the Voyages. Farm Cages if needed in order to just make outpost stops.

    Do you farm the pigs too, or just chickens and snakes?

    I'm not sure if having to worry about bananas is worth it.

  • @p1stolasx grats man

  • @natsu-v2 I only do voyages I like, if I don’t like them I’ll cancel and get the ones I want. You can choose to go via chapters or just try and get high level ones with 3-4 captains.

  • @rayfromjersey only chickens and snakes I don’t waste time with pigs. Too many bananas. Unless a banana feeder is made I don’t see them as a viable asset

  • @raging-spork thank you! I do appreciate your support

  • @p1stolasx oh really?,

    weeeeelllll, you cam show that by, say.... next time you do a legendary voyage you can let me go. XD

  • @im-the-beer-man said in Just hit 50 Merchant!!!:

    Congrats, I'm sure if I played daily all day everyday like I was going to I would be there with you. Unfortunately I'm only halfway there on all 3.

    So, you're level 49 on all of them? HAHAHAHA.

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