@dickeyhugey still acting as your nickname says.
Skellies are fine for me and my friends (legendary already), we have a bigger challenge and more exciting fight. Anyway i will report you again and won't response to your messages anymore.
@dickeyhugey still acting as your nickname says.
Skellies are fine for me and my friends (legendary already), we have a bigger challenge and more exciting fight. Anyway i will report you again and won't response to your messages anymore.
It wasn’t a spelling error, it would be if it was just once, you wrote it multiple times suggesting to me that you thought it was actually called a plunderbuss. I was just doing you a favour and helping you out.
I belong where I want to belong! Although if you think I should say something relevant then...
Increasing spawns is not a good increase in difficulty, it is just lazy game making. Giving the skeletons better abilities would be a real increase in difficulty, perhaps a jump attack or a side dodge. How about dual wielding pistols, not for players but for difficult skeletons. A skeleton carrying a wooden board as a shield would be cool. Skeleton shield walls? Why not.
@eam-samaraka it isn't adding any difficulty. It adding tension to the fights.
1st - skellies were destroyed by 1 blunderbuss hit/1 sword charge
2nd - skellies were destroyed by 2 blunderbuss hit/2 sword charges/2 swords como
Now - skellies are hard enough to have a nice fight with them and stop using blunderbuss meta.
@eam-samaraka said in im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.:
@freecellqt for the endgame the skeletons arent really harder but again just having more hp, blocking your hits and dont add anything, blunderbuss is a fair point but still a oneshot mechanic shouldnt be in the game.
gold is a problem once you spend it all, wich i did since i was wating for may and didnt expect anything to come.
If you jump when they block u hit the top of them causing a stagger and stopping the infinite blocking. Also crewmates, many times ive they spam block a teammate gets them from behind. Or you can run away just a little and turn around it will cause them to drop block and chase slightly.
As for 1 shot, its all opinion. i think there should be but others dont. Nothing will change that. I just know that if i board someone and i walk up to them on the wheel and aim center mass etc i should be rewarded with a 1 shot. not a "oh c**p i got shot let me wildly fling my sword around and get lucky"
For gold, if you're short do a 12 hour merch grind. Takes 90 minutes to lock out all other outposts besides 1. Another 1 hour to cycle enough cages. 2 hours to gather 100+ then 2-3 hours to turn in. I'm currently gonna do a 500 golden chicken run this weekend to get the last 1.2mil i need before maxing athenas. Gold is easy you just have to be willing to grind it out.
@eam-samaraka said in im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.:
@seedy-platypus they could add eye of reach skeletons to the mix.
please tell me ur trolling XD. those pistols already are the eye of reach.
Yes, it is in the game already for players. I hadn’t even thought about it until now but skeletons should already have the eye of reach, it is insane that they don’t.
Four skeletons carrying a cannon would be cool. It would be really slow moving and turning but would one shot you up close or if it got lucky.
@freecellqt said in im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.:
@eam-samaraka said in im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.:
@seedy-platypus they could add eye of reach skeletons to the mix.
please tell me ur trolling XD. those pistols already are the eye of reach.
True for medium and close range, not for long range. I want to get sniped at from cliffs.
@seedy-platypus said in im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.:
@freecellqt said in im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.:
@eam-samaraka said in im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.:
@seedy-platypus they could add eye of reach skeletons to the mix.
please tell me ur trolling XD. those pistols already are the eye of reach.
True for medium and close range, not for long range. I want to get sniped at from cliffs.
If they fix the Rare Edition Aimbot that the skeletons have i welcome it. Until then heck no.
@eam-samaraka add me if you're interested in making a cool mil this weekend. I've got a few interested already but unsure when ill be starting so if you're available ill invite. itll be a 16 hour session probably. Aiming for 1.5mil but will settle for 1mil.
I want to get wrecked be skeletons, hardcore dark souls style. Perhaps then pve will exist.
@seedy-platypus so you want to have to kill the same lower level skeletons 1k times to earn enough xp to ensure the next area doesn't completely wreck you? That was dark souls for me lol.
Haha yeah I guess that is the dark souls experience, perhaps it was a bad comparison. Instead we can forge a new super hardcore sea of thieves experience that feels like FTL, where it is challenging but goes smoothly most of the time, that is until you make a mistake and get smashed by the flanking skeleton dual wielding wolf pack.
@freecellqt thanks for the offer, but i grinded 2 weeks straight to get early legend it was a lot of fun but right now the motivation to simply farm gold for overpriced stuff that is yet to come is a bit low.
@eam-samaraka oh i know. i already looked u up prior to posting so i knew if u had experience in game etc. beat ya by 3 days XD
@eam-samaraka said in im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.:
the skeletons need rework:
with legend the normal skeletons spawn indefinitly, with no guns but swords and only block forever, take 12 sword hits or 5 shots from your pistol, they are just here to waste your time and make you feel week instead of stronger. their not hard, no fun and just annoying, especially when you fight special waves of special skeletons.
Yup. Skellies need to be looked at. I don't mind the indefinite spawning, but the skeletons need to feel... well, alive. Haha
there should not be an insta kill mechanic in the game, i use the sword and pistol and i have my moments where i kill an entire crew on my own twice but randomly die to a lucky plunderbuss hit here and there. it should be like 80% on a good hit so you have to keep your hp up but 1hitkill is not okay. (especially more so that im a pc player and its even harder for xbox players to hit people right with it, wich gives pc another unfair advantage.)
Two Routes:
I think it can work this way around too. Every weapon, and some other items, should kill instantly when handled properly within their fantasy contexts. These contexts would draw the criteria each player needs to respect in order to utilise the weapons properly. Using them beyond the contexts would ensure that they won't kill instantly and the attempts will lead into comical and bizarre outcomes.
Second route would be to modify every weapon not to actually kill players; monsters yes, but not players. Any attempt leads into comical and bizarre outcomes here as well, but the point of each weapon is to force targets, in weapon-specific ways, to mostly dodge bullets and parry the swings, but eventually retreat when the resistance gets too tough. The only way to kill a player would be to help monsters kill them or make them drown by keeping them under the surface long enough with or without leverage such as concrete boots or a chest strapped to their legs with a rope.
Chests dissapearing:
im not sure if this is an intention but when you die to your skeleton wave and you only dug the treasure one time and you come back, sometimes its gone. Especially on legend chest where there are so many skeletons you sometimes die here and there and it happened thrice now in my weeks that a captains chest dissapeared because me or my friend died while digging up one.
Don't remember knowing anything about disappearing chests, sorry.
gold income is a problem:
i was legend before the legend ship cosmetic was introduced.
here i spend all my gold for the sake of completion on all the random cosmetics that are in the game yet, and when i had literally anything the legendary ship skin was introduced.
How much?
well guess what its 300k a pop and you gain around 30k with one legend voyage in 1.5 hours. Gold horder values was secretly nerfed a few weeks ago and now i find myself in a pickle, i feel forced to farm gold now wich i dont need because (i think the legend skin for the ship is ugly) but they may put more stuff into the game that is insanly priced. its a conflict for me now.
There's nothing the gold can buy that is worth it, sadly.
ingame archievments like the do 1000 strongholds are things that are impossible, i did around 80 and theres no point in doing those anymore really. (also the stronghold skull one is bugged and i never got one of the 80 counted). They should have a look at those again, the reward for completing those archievments are abyssmal too.
Yup. True as death. Just a waste of time and for worse, grinding in the game just bloats its lifespan out of any reasonable proportions making statistics look pretty.
there are no hitboxes for headshots but you do less dmg when you hit the feet.
people might not noticed but people need two pistol shots to the body/head/arms
if you hit the legs/feet however you need 4 sometimes 5 hits. Its so random and i cant wrap my head around it.
Good to know.
athenas treasure faction capped at 10:
it takes id say around two times the amoung of a normal faction to reach max here, wich is only 10, wich means if they ever put in more cosmetics for that grindy faction they have only two choices, lock the new stuff behind the old grind that will take even more forever or they will make rank easier to get for that faction later, again it feels conflicted.
No wonder it only has 10 ranks max. LOL
Cosmetics for the deticated players:
im bias because i was legend early, i didnt used methods like streamers but dedication.
Utilising your fan base is not a mere trick to pull off either.
someone once said "WOAH this guy is legend when it means something" 2 weeks ago.
Been there and done that in the past. It feels great until you look backwards what you really have achieved.
i like an outfit for those that truly farmed legend to get something only they can have, maybe a skin variation for the legend outfit for the first 1000 players or something.
I am personally against anything having a chance to be lost forever, when it comes to content, especially when we don't have a levelled start and meaningful ways to gain progression. Skipping is another matter though.
If the path to legendhood was a worthy of my time as a daring challenge, I might reconsider my stance. As long as it is nothing more than a tedious bottlenecked number game, I bother it not.
this game is about cosmetics yet it lacks the rarity and pride that comes from it.
Yup. It's difficult to feel any pride from wasting time. When it comes to rarity, there could be two pools; standard and instance-specific. Standard ones are rolled randomly from the hat while instance-specific items come from specific situations and activities.
cosmetics are a status, especially more so when your game is just about that, make them have actual status.
Not just status, but a form of disguising would be great too. Tactical value is half absent from them all.
just some of my toughts id like to hear what you say, preferably in a respectful manner.
eam samaraka / rawa samaraka
@arch-fable the ship skin is 3 parts as usual and is 300k for each piece. unlucky for me i spend around 2,5mill on all the other outfits since i didnt expect anything till may.
@eam-samaraka said in im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.:
@arch-fable the ship skin is 3 parts as usual and is 300k for each piece. unlucky for me i spend around 2,5mill on all the other outfits since i didnt expect anything till may.
That's a ridiculously huge lump of gold. Õ_ò
@rk1-turbulence They are ridiculous, but doable. It's just when you first start them they can throw you off with the increased difficult. It's a substantial jump from the 45+ quest skellies to Athena's. I wouldn't solo them though.
@eam-samaraka said in [im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.]
Cosmetics for the deticated players:
im bias because i was legend early, i didnt used methods like streamers but dedication.
someone once said "WOAH this guy is legend when it means something" 2 weeks ago.
i like an outfit for those that truly farmed legend to get something only they can have, maybe a skin variation for the legend outfit for the first 1000 players or something.
this game is about cosmetics yet it lacks the rarity and pride that comes from it.
cosmetics are a status, especially more so when your game is just about that, make them have actual status.
So basically what your saying is only people at pirate legend already are the only dedicated players?
@eam-samaraka said in im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.:
the skeletons need rework:
with legend the normal skeletons spawn indefinitly, with no guns but swords and only block forever, take 12 sword hits or 5 shots from your pistol, they are just here to waste your time and make you feel week instead of stronger.
While I agree that they are annoying, they do not take 12 sword swings, they take 8 if you don't let them banana. Again though, I don't feel like unending legions of annoying skeletons is a fun and engaging thing for legendary missions. I am Legend and my 2 friends are not. It is mind-numbing to deal with these skeletons so we can dig the chests for them that need the rep.
Blunderbuss is fine. Leave it alone, it's already laughable since the last nerf.
Chests dissapearing:
im not sure if this is an intention but when you die to your skeleton wave and you only dug the treasure one time and you come back, sometimes its gone. Especially on legend chest where there are so many skeletons you sometimes die here and there and it happened thrice now in my weeks that a captains chest dissapeared because me or my friend died while digging up one.
Agreed, if people so choose to dig them up, they shouldn't despawn on a partial dig.
gold income is a problem:
Gold income is fine. You didn't notice it before because you had a goal in mind to hit legend.
ingame archievments like the do 1000 strongholds are things that are impossible, i did around 80 and theres no point in doing those anymore really. (also the stronghold skull one is bugged and i never got one of the 80 counted). They should have a look at those again, the reward for completing those archievments are abyssmal too.
The achievement numbers will be adjusted I'm sure. The completion reward needs to have additional benefits too. Some cosmetics for your character and ship would be nice.
there are no hitboxes for headshots but you do less dmg when you hit the feet.
people might not noticed but people need two pistol shots to the body/head/arms
if you hit the legs/feet however you need 4 sometimes 5 hits. Its so random and i cant wrap my head around it.
Adding in multiplier for headshots will only increase hackusations (I have not run into anyone I could honestly say was cheating btw) Time to kill seems on par with the style of the game. Although I would like to see some cool "skeleton-bane" type weapons introduced. Perhaps one for each of the different types that could be unlocked killing X number of that type and maybe collecting materials from that particular type to craft it.
athenas treasure faction capped at 10:
it takes id say around two times the amoung of a normal faction to reach max here, wich is only 10, wich means if they ever put in more cosmetics for that grindy faction they have only two choices, lock the new stuff behind the old grind that will take even more forever or they will make rank easier to get for that faction later, again it feels conflicted.
Not sure here. More factions will come, more cosmetics blah blah
Cosmetics for the deticated players:
I can get on board with this.
@arch-fable said in im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.:
@eam-samaraka said in im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.:
@arch-fable the ship skin is 3 parts as usual and is 300k for each piece. unlucky for me i spend around 2,5mill on all the other outfits since i didnt expect anything till may.
That's a ridiculously huge lump of gold. Õ_ò
That's what she said! LOL, sorry couldn't resist.
@iccon i was not asking for headshot multiplier, i was asking for either make all the same or all hitboxes unique, not half and half
@eam-samaraka said in im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.:
the skeletons need rework:
with legend the normal skeletons spawn indefinitly, with no guns but swords and only block forever, take 12 sword hits or 5 shots from your pistol, they are just here to waste your time and make you feel week instead of stronger. their not hard, no fun and just annoying, especially when you fight special waves of special skeletons.blunderbuss:
there should not be an insta kill mechanic in the game, i use the sword and pistol and i have my moments where i kill an entire crew on my own twice but randomly die to a lucky plunderbuss hit here and there. it should be like 80% on a good hit so you have to keep your hp up but 1hitkill is not okay. (especially more so that im a pc player and its even harder for xbox players to hit people right with it, wich gives pc another unfair advantage.)Chests dissapearing:
im not sure if this is an intention but when you die to your skeleton wave and you only dug the treasure one time and you come back, sometimes its gone. Especially on legend chest where there are so many skeletons you sometimes die here and there and it happened thrice now in my weeks that a captains chest dissapeared because me or my friend died while digging up one.gold income is a problem:
i was legend before the legend ship cosmetic was introduced.
here i spend all my gold for the sake of completion on all the random cosmetics that are in the game yet, and when i had literally anything the legendary ship skin was introduced.
well guess what its 300k a pop and you gain around 30k with one legend voyage in 1.5 hours. Gold horder values was secretly nerfed a few weeks ago and now i find myself in a pickle, i feel forced to farm gold now wich i dont need because (i think the legend skin for the ship is ugly) but they may put more stuff into the game that is insanly priced. its a conflict for me now.archievments:
ingame archievments like the do 1000 strongholds are things that are impossible, i did around 80 and theres no point in doing those anymore really. (also the stronghold skull one is bugged and i never got one of the 80 counted). They should have a look at those again, the reward for completing those archievments are abyssmal too.hitboxes:
there are no hitboxes for headshots but you do less dmg when you hit the feet.
people might not noticed but people need two pistol shots to the body/head/arms
if you hit the legs/feet however you need 4 sometimes 5 hits. Its so random and i cant wrap my head around it.athenas treasure faction capped at 10:
it takes id say around two times the amoung of a normal faction to reach max here, wich is only 10, wich means if they ever put in more cosmetics for that grindy faction they have only two choices, lock the new stuff behind the old grind that will take even more forever or they will make rank easier to get for that faction later, again it feels conflicted.Cosmetics for the deticated players:
im bias because i was legend early, i didnt used methods like streamers but dedication.
someone once said "WOAH this guy is legend when it means something" 2 weeks ago.
i like an outfit for those that truly farmed legend to get something only they can have, maybe a skin variation for the legend outfit for the first 1000 players or something.
this game is about cosmetics yet it lacks the rarity and pride that comes from it.
cosmetics are a status, especially more so when your game is just about that, make them have actual status.just some of my toughts id like to hear what you say, preferably in a respectful manner.
eam samaraka / rawa samaraka
I don' think blunderbuss need rework and want people to stop complaining about them before the devs listen. Its hard to get an insta kill now even for a skilled pc player like myself. you need to be inside them practically.
Legend is legend because you did it with free time and patience and someone on a streat did it with being caried doesn't mean you should get something extra special lol. It's all the same at the end. maybe more clothes that are only open to legend but not for only doing it a certain way that would be a coding nightmare.
some of the achievements are really far fetched I agree.
The gold grind is nothing to the rep grind gold comes easily enough
@eam-samaraka said in im a legend and i think this needs to be fixed.:
i want the game to be improved. the game is not wasting my time at all, i love the time i spend , i just dont want to have one part of the game be so frustratingly boring and focused on draining your time as the skeletons are, people already said that this is very much true and just telling me to git gud doesnt improve anything.
im "gud" enough to beat them easy but a game should base around fun and not timesponges.
Honestly adding more health has always been a bad mechanic. I would rather see more complex skeletons with differing mechanics. Maybe a summoner skeleton witch that shields herself until beacons around the island are put out. The whole time she keeps summoning a variety of skeletons. Now THAT would be a legendary voyage.
What if they set you on fire and turned you into a human torch where if you get too close to your crew you set them on fire as well?
There are so many cool mechanics they could add to PVE to make it amazing.
@zalavaaris since the whole topic only went to go around the skeletons i made a second post about this and people think im whining over it being to hard and harass me for being bad -.-
its super annoying to try and give opinions about things with those guys around.