Skeleton Throne Locations!

  • I found a reasonable guide, so i'm gonna link it here for you! May the winds be in your favour, mateys! ;3

  • 11
  • Where do we spend the credits that we get???

  • smugglers bay E/D 2. backside of rock

  • @boundinghades69 sagte in Skeleton Throne Locations!:

    Where do we spend the credits that we get???

    Any Bilge rat in any tavern

  • I'm waiting for someone to come to marauder it's been 2 hours... I'm all ready sitting there...

  • @lord-danielw said in Skeleton Throne Locations!:

    I'm waiting for someone to come to marauder it's been 2 hours... I'm all ready sitting there...

    That's a fun one to get up to, I wouldn't want to leave either.

  • @lord-danielw Probably better to get the outside crew help BEFORE going.... maybe?

  • @captain-arcanic I know, it was just so hard to get up in the first place 😭😭😭😭😭

  • Well you can see by pushing TAB :-) click right on the bilgerat

  • @sweltering-nick Thanks mate. :o)

  • Had a blast playing solo and teaming up with a galleon crew last night to do "Most" of the large thrones. I was in the midst of completing the small thrones. They hadn't heard of the thrones but I saw them at Cannon Cove and took a chance.

    End result: Played far too late into the evening/morning but had an awesome time! The funniest part is being first in the chair and watching everyone else sail past or bounce off!

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