Loot needs to float longer or there needs to be a sea floor we can swim down to.

  • So I was doing a bit of honest pirating just now, I manage to board the people in question and secure their sinking, but I lost my own ship in the process. They had some skulls on board, so I mark the map and sail back, no skulls floating and water was to deep to go down and find them.

    Solution is simple, make loot float indefinitely, or add in a sea floor that we can swim down to so we can recover loot.

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  • The loot does float. It takes a while to sink and then if it does it will wash up on the shore of the nearest islands. At least that is what was said.

  • Loot currently floats for up to 15-20 minutes, which i think is fine. Having it sink adds an element of risk that is meant to be there.

  • @tundra-793 said in Loot needs to float longer or there needs to be a sea floor we can swim down to.:

    Loot currently floats for up to 15-20 minutes, which i think is fine. Having it sink adds an element of risk that is meant to be there.

    Well I can confirm then that its broken. I sank and sailed back in less then 7min and everything sank.

  • @xrekkoffx or someone sailed by and picked it up. I've found floating treasure while sailing a few times, not often but enough to make my day.

  • @nwo-malice I was in visual range of the rocks where they sank. No ships passed by. :/ Was against the wind, thats why it took 7min to get there. -_-

  • Tested this two nights ago took 5 minutes for it to start sinking. Agree w op needs to be longer

  • Also think the sink time needs to be increased. I don't know if it's true that loot from sunken player ships washes up on beaches, but that would be an awesome feature. Maybe later on once we can name ships, the ship that sank can have its name wash ashore along with the loot.

  • I'm more in favor of a reachable sea floor. Sink time is fine but we should be able to reach the stuff we can see.

  • I'd love to see loot float indefinetly and drift with the wind until it hits an island or the edge of the map. Might be too much to ask of the server, I wouldn't know.

  • Where are you guys getting this 15-20 Mins. I've never had loot float for more than 5 Mins.

  • depending on where it sank, like if its fairly close to a beach, it will sink to the ocean floor where you can pick it up again.

  • @xxbrytexx I tested it, unintentionally, several weeks ago. I was stuck alone in the open ocean with several varieties of loot. It definitely took at least 15-20 minutes before they began sinking.
    There was a whole thread about it; https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/62435/items-despawn-time

  • @gord0n22 It would explain why my crew found two half-buried Villainous skulls on a beach next to a sugar crate. Just thought some players disconnected after a voyage or that they had beached as they disconnected.

  • I've had loot sink after only about 5 minutes but it stayed on the sea floor for a while. I had plenty of time to pick everything up and get it to float back to the top for another 5 minutes.

  • I've had loot go non-interactive before sinking within 3 min.

  • @xrekkoffx Loots got timer probably for servers perfomance, could be wrong on that cause 6 ships per server is not that heavy but if a boat with like 100 items sink and the loot stay here forever i think server might get some perfomance issues

  • It should take an hour or two for the loot to despawn imo. One of the coolest things you can do is hide loot during a chase to come back for it later. If you're a good enough pirate, you can find underwater trenches or areas to hide chests.

    But since loot despawns after 5 minutes, or worse, it visually stays there but you can't interact with it, that whole hiding aspect of the game is ruined.

    Please make it so loot lasts 1-2 hours.

  • Pretty sure loot sinking time is random. I've seen it sink within 5 minutes and I've also seen it float there a lot longer. I've also seen a situation where 1 thing sank pretty fast while the other stuff next to it stayed

  • Was doing a skull fort once and was sunk on the way to an outpost. The loot sunk and didnt float back up. We came back in the general area and started checking the nearby island shorelines and behold we found the majority of the items washed up on the beaches. We did find the stronghold chest and skull dove down but it wouldn't let any of us pick it up. We even flagged down another sloop to see if that person could get it and it was a no go.

  • I can confirm it only takes 5 min to sink. I believe i have seen my loot wash ashore once i sunk off marauders arch went back for my mission and a few chests i had were on the beach. If that is a feature it only works sometimes if ever.

  • @nightmare247365 sagte in Loot needs to float longer or there needs to be a sea floor we can swim down to.:

    It takes a while to sink and then if it does it will wash up on the shore of the nearest islands. At least that is what was said.

    It's not true. The washed up items are just random spawn. The sunken items from players are just deleted by the server.

    @tundra-793 sagte in Loot needs to float longer or there needs to be a sea floor we can swim down to.:

    Loot currently floats for up to 15-20 minutes, which i think is fine.

    3-5 minutes max. Which is not fine.
    Ever battled a ship with the kraken involved? You will have a hard time to loot anything from the black poisoned water while your ship and crew is still under attack. And killing the kraken first is no option neither, as it will take too long.

  • @tundra-793 If you aren't full of it then that means despawn time completely depends on the servers performance; which is a terrible way to go about it as loot despawn time directly affects how people will play the game.

  • Last time we had a fight with a legendary sloop (we're also legends)...we managed to sink them and they had really much stuff on theyre ship...it's very difficult to find in the waves, but we found it anyway...it just started sinking so we picked up everything and let it go again, so they float again...before we where done some chest started to sink again...that was never 5 minutes...so you probably came too late... (by the way, there was 28k we earned from them)

  • @nightmare247365 said in Loot needs to float longer or there needs to be a sea floor we can swim down to.:

    The loot does float. It takes a while to sink and then if it does it will wash up on the shore of the nearest islands. At least that is what was said.

    No it doesn’t wash up on shore. Lol making stuff up here.

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