- Attack ships at or leaving Skull Fort.
- Attack any ship flying the Jolly Roger.
- Don't attack parked ships, especially at an outpost (unless you chased them there), but do go ahead and board their ship and check it for loot and take a souvenir if unattended. (Pirate Tax)
- Parley if they want to parley and keep your word unless they attack, then show no mercy.
What's your Pirate Code?
@seldros said in What's your Pirate Code?:
If another crew has bananas to share, drink/eat banana grog at a local tavern
If another crew steals bananas from our barrel, relentlessly attack them until their ship is sunk
When a ship is flying the yellow (banana) flag, give them 10 bananas
Eat at least 50 bananas each day
Banana Republic?
@aliasmask Just about everything is fair game. My only rule is "don't mess with sloops unless they mess with you first".
- don't fire unless fired upon
- don't start a fight you aren't willing to see through to the end.
- if cooperating with another crew, any loot they have on board is theirs.
- if a fellow sloop is being attacked by a galleon, jump in and help out.
- offer advice to less experienced pirates.
- keep a spare chest or skull on board as a potential thank you to a crew who might help you out
- Leave sloops on voyages alone or be friendly, unless they fire.
- Negotiate with ships on voyages on the same destination.
- Help a fellow pirate out on a quest to achieve The Hungering Deep or Skeleton Thrones.
- Communicate with pirates who don't speak English as their native tongue. I have met up with some Germans in a friendly manner multiple times. The French don't know how to win a war, so sink them if they fire first.
Engage without mercy
- Attack a galleon if it is flying the rainbow flag, we might all be equal, but real pirates fly one colour.
- Sink squeakers and show no mercy. The rough sea is no place for children with a big mouth. Teach them to learn their place in our world.
- Sink everyone how tries to steal your place at a Skeleton Fort raid. No loot will be shared among beggars.
- The Captain knows best, dont question his orders and do as he says.
- All ships on the seas are fair game. Be it Sloop Brigantine or Galleon.
- Target ships at islands that are parked there when it's not too much hassle. Try to subdue without sinking.
- If 3 doesnt work fire and sink.
- Dont persue a fleeeing ship forever. They out manouver/ outrun you they deserve the loot just go back to finding your own.
- Remember to always have fun, use the speaking trumpet speak with people play music, not all encounters have to end in fights it all depends on the person.
- Kill all mutes maybe they'll get a headset ;-)
- Ships and crews doing events are not to be attacked
- Sloops are left alone until attacked
- Sloops attacked by galleons will get support
- Sloops on islands are left alone
- Sloops on outposts are left alone
- Galleons on islands are attack unless it's clear they are new players
- Galleons on outposts are attacked unless it's clear they are new players
- No profanity and not allowed to be angry if bested in combat as it goes both ways
- Respect the flags as much as possible regardless of ship type
- Dont attack ships with cannons up
- Go easy on new players. If upper hand dont sink or take their loot. Repair ship if possible. Leave a parting gift and wish them good luck.
These are some of the pirate codes I try to follow when playing alone or with other players.
EDIT: All rules are ignored if 100% pirate mode is activated!
- The Right of Parley is Sacred, but only when invoked by name.
- Never tell a lie. Be honest about all your intentions, ill or otherwise.
- Teamwork is how The Team works.
- Lack of sportsmanship will result in lack of blood.
- Toxic language or behavior revokes all buoyancy rights.
- Be Polite.
- Be Efficient.
- Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
Well, technically you have to be a pirate in order to have a pirate's code.
I am a merchant sailor, meaning I can't have a pirate's code.
But I do have a sailor's code.
Which is as follows:- Never Fire unless fired upon
- Never steal what someone has rightfully acquired
- Help those in need
- Sink any scallywag pirate who's waving the accursed Jolly Roger
Anyways, You'll always find a friend in Jolly old Cpt Palooggoo, if yer civil!
- Nobody is allowed to be 10 meters near our ship, enter our firing range at your own risk.
- We don't care about what your ship has, we always have the loot and supplies we need for the session
- If there is a world event, hope that we don't want to partake in it, or else the rewards will be ours alone
- We tolerate pirates that claim to be friendly, but step aboard our ship without permission and you along with your ship will drown
Although I laughed an up voted several replies here, so far I can only 100% agree with this list.
@rockinpodunk said in What's your Pirate Code?:
- don't fire unless fired upon
- don't start a fight you aren't willing to see through to the end.
- if cooperating with another crew, any loot they have on board is theirs.
- if a fellow sloop is being attacked by a galleon, jump in and help out.
- offer advice to less experienced pirates.
- keep a spare chest or skull on board as a potential thank you to a crew who might help you out
Oh, and...
- don't p*e off the bowsprit unless it's a cross wind so we can all judge the wind's direction and force.
- rubbing your armpits with bananas does not count as a bath.
- "be more pirate" doesn't mean "be more obese". Now step away from the banana barrel.
- you are only a liability to the crew when you drink grog. (brigable offense)
Just like having someone throw vomit in your face. It's a one-of event that does not need to be repeated. - throwing grog in the face of another crew member is a brigable offense. Now we are down by two crew memebers.
- helmsman, when I say "due South" I don't mean that there is frost on the grass there allowing you to steer Sorth by Nouth Weast.
Learn to read a compass and stick to that heading!! - saying "I see a ship" or "shipwreck" means nothing unless you include a compass bearing to the end of that statement. Why wait until asked "where"?
As a solo slooper, my code is pretty simple.
-stock up on supplies right away.
-always have at least two gun powder barrels on board
-kill everything in sight, and steal all their loot.
-suicide bomb at least on galleon before the session is over. (Ram it going full speed + shoot a barrel that is hiding at the front of the boat. Then jump off with the 2nd barrel, and blow it below deck to finish the job. Be sure to kill the crew repairing.)
As mostly a solo slooper that is still not a master of hand to hand I have a pretty simple strat.
If you approach without hailing first (especially if I'm anchored at an island) you are assumed a threat and I will open fire when in range. There is a horn in game now so there's no excuse for approaching without warning.
Flags do not matter. If you anchor and ask to parley you will be heard. But I trust no one.
I generally don't attack other ships unless my hold is empty and the target is pretty tasty because the risk/reward is great when soloing and you don't have anyone to repair or fire while you board.
And I have no qualms with leading you on a wild goose chase if you relentlessly chase me with or without loot. I consider it the best time to practice evasive maneuvers and will just do drop offs at outposts if I do have anything of value.
And I don't attack folks if I know they're doing merchant quests. There's no point in ruining someone's day for no reward.
- Rob Parked Ship of treasure - kill no one unless discovered
- Rob Parked Ship of Resources - kill no one unless discovered
- Spare Merchants but take resources and any treasure
- Never Fire First on the ocean - then sink them if they do fire
- Always attack galleons at the fort
- Ask Sloops at the fort if they wish to share or fight
- Help ships under attack (usually the dingleberrys fire at as so we end up killing them)