Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4

  • @khaleesibot Does it still cost 30 doubloons to buy a Letters of Recommendation?

  • Looking forward to having a blast with this update! :)

  • @khaleesibot AMAZING UPDATE!

  • Rares been super busy on this one well done all. So happy I’ve cleared my schedule tonight so can get online to check all this out.

  • @khaleesibot the devs ARE listening. +10 respect.

  • @x1-two I think that’s a little harsh. I’m a massive fan of the killer instinct reboot and one of the reasons it was so good and competitive was because it was made by a team with fighting game experience and had a ton of competitive players involved. I’d much rather have that than rare who doesn’t have any clout in the fighting game community.

    As far battletoads I imagine that was Microsoft’s call and not one by rare declining to work on the project. It’s going to be a smallish arcade title. No need for Rare to split there resources to work on it if there’s an effective way to get the game made by another studio who can solely focus on it.

    I’m sure Rare is working on something else behind closed doors as we speak. Whether that’s a new IP or an exsisiting Rare fan favourite. Only time will tell. I’m sure they are more than proud of there history regardless if it’s the exact same team from 30 years ago. The rare studio is a homage throughout of the companies past. Rare replay was a great love letter and tribute too that clearly had a ton of effort put in to it.

    We’ve all already seen the B&K figurehead that why I was disappointed it’s not out this week tieing into the anniversary but it’ll come... I hope, Along with the PD one and whatever else down the line.

    Just my 2 cents on the matter as I see a lot of people unjustifiably questioning rare. I’ve been a fan of them for as long as I remember but I like sea of thieves as much if not more than any other rare title.

  • Will water put out a lighted powder keg? When swimming of with a bucket of water?

    This would open up ship combat quite a bit in my opinion. It'd make having a full bucket of water a new tactic within ship combat.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    It's going to be a blast!

  • how long do you think it will take for a someone to light the fuse and jump on your ship from theirs lol

    this is going to be a blast

  • Or deploy a fire ship. Stocked with kegs. Point at a parked galleon. Light the fuse and jump off.

  • Yikes, these are some volatile patch notes.. :D

  • It's a really good patch !
    I Hope we will be able to do a fast 360 with a galeon using Gunpowder kegs.

  • @khaleesibot It's 1,25 GB

  • Death by explosion, well more death by explsion to be more accurate, coming my way.

    "A skeleton exploded me" I'll tell the Ferryman. "Again?" He'll ask as I just nod. "Yup, see you soon" as I leave.

    Fun times ahead.

  • Not a fan of the faction reputation letter boost. It was fine the way it was and shouldn't guarantee an entire level, especially at higher levels.

    It is kind of a slap in the face to everyone who has put in the effort through the final levels to hit that Legendary status.

    I am still a ways away from 50, and do not plan to utilize these.

    I am pleased with the rest of the updates though. Thanks, Rare.

  • Very nice. So tired of those issues.Glad to see them fixed.

  • alt text

  • I love you Rare

    Greetings from your fans from Brazil, keep doing this amazing job in this wonderful game.

    and thanks for that update =]

  • @urihamrayne You actually can vote them out of the brig on the sloop. My buddy and I did that whenever we'd duo to solve the spawn issue. We haven't had it happen in a long time though, so I assume it was fixed.

  • @captain-vvulpes Just noticed in the patch notes...which sounds will respawn on ships? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of collecting supplies?

  • @dragonsire2016 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @captain-vvulpes Just noticed in the patch notes...which sounds will respawn on ships? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of collecting supplies?

    I think that's listed as a bug?

  • @demonstrife1 Are you serious? It is pretty insulting to the pirate legend title to even have rep that can be purchased. What is next rep micro transactions?

  • @etsxdirty said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @demonstrife1 Are you serious? It is pretty insulting to the pirate legend title to even have rep that can be purchased. What is next rep micro transactions?

    The title is only a measure of how much grinding had been done anyway...

  • @etsxdirty Not disagreeing with you that it is insulting but if they are going to have this implemented then I am going to take full advantage. I don't like the look of the cosmetics for this event so I will be using the doubloons for the rep.

  • I haven't seen a response to this while scrolling through the topic, so allow me to ask this again, maybe @khaleesibot has an answer: regarding the buff in exp from letters of recommendation, what about pirates that bought some prior to the patch? Is there any kind of retroactivity to this, or is this too late for us? I wish the letter of recommendation I bought 2 weeks ago would give me a full level, I'm tired of killing gold skeletons with pistols uphill, and I'm only a few levels away from 50 :(

  • @mmountain said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Or deploy a fire ship. Stocked with kegs. Point at a parked galleon. Light the fuse and jump off.

  • Not going to read this until tonight :) Gonna do another video on the patch notes and I want to capture my initial reaction.

  • @mmountain It disrespects the grind. You seem to think I said something about pirate legends all being good.

  • @musicmee said:

    @stacky-a A certain Mr Tartansnake-8 may have found his explosive match?

    Who do you think has been training them?
    Next: Exploding venom barrels!

  • @etsxdirty said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @mmountain It disrespects the grind. You seem to think I said something about pirate legends all being good.

    My point (badly made) was getting the doubloons to buy the level up requires grinding too. The difference is you can choose which faction benefits.

  • @quarbani said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Confused. If the skeleton thrones/commendations are staying permanently. Do you still receive doubloons for doing any that you didn’t complete during last event?

    No I don't think so, just the commendations

  • @etsxdirty said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @mmountain It disrespects the grind. You seem to think I said something about pirate legends all being good.

    No it's not - you cannot, categorically get from 1 - 50 in all 3 by buying the letters at this present time.

    I did some Maths previously and it went like this:
    1 - 50 in all 3 factions, with 3 faction increases per fortnight = 50 events = 100 weeks = just shy of 2 years to get to Legend.
    Even if you bought the last 10 levels in each faction that's 20 weeks of events (the game has only been out for 13.5 at present)

    This is a quality of life change to the game that will help those who can't play regularly have a fighting chance of getting to Legend in a reasonable amount of time.

    Whining that if devalues the grind is absurd - if you want to get to Legend anytime sooner than 5 months - you best be playing the game and grinding!

  • @mmountain agree with you completely - why should someone on 49, 49, 49 not save themselves a little time and buy the rep to get to Legend? They've put in the work to get to that point!

  • Wish I waited to buy a letter of recommendation now wasted 30 doubloons on a quarter of a level :( a whole level would have been nice at my level

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @sshteeve said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @etsxdirty said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @mmountain It disrespects the grind. You seem to think I said something about pirate legends all being good.

    No it's not - you cannot, categorically get from 1 - 50 in all 3 by buying the letters at this present time.

    I did some Maths previously and it went like this:
    1 - 50 in all 3 factions, with 3 faction increases per fortnight = 50 events = 100 weeks = just shy of 2 years to get to Legend.
    Even if you bought the last 10 levels in each faction that's 20 weeks of events (the game has only been out for 13.5 at present)

    This is a quality of life change to the game that will help those who can't play regularly have a fighting chance of getting to Legend in a reasonable amount of time.

    Whining that if devalues the grind is absurd - if you want to get to Legend anytime sooner than 5 months - you best be playing the game and grinding!

    Exactly. Even if you're the 30's like me, high 30's but the 30's nonetheless, buying a level is dumb. It's faster to level up to at least 45 and then buy them.

    YUP - why I'm saving my doubloons for when I need them at present.
    Until Rare decide to nerf it due to whiney forum posts and remove the full level increase...

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