Can't hear other crews ingame

  • Hello fellow pirates,

    I'm having troubles with hearing crewmembers/ other crews members. I do see the chat balloon popping up when someone is saying something, yet I hear no sound. I've checked my audio settings with the settings of a friend who doesn't have this problem, but we have everything exactly the same, yet I still dont hear anyone.

    I've searched on google about this problem and I came on a page of Sea of Thieves itself which explains how to fix this problem.
    But this didn't help me at all. So this is the only thing Sea of Thieves could say about that:
    "If You see this and still hear no talking then you may have your audio setup incorrectly through the OS."

    After that I checked my audio setup of my pc, and my pc says everything is up to date. I'm kinda stuck now on how to fix this.
    Did anyone have this problem and solved it? Please tell me how you solved it so I can try that too!


    The Clyff

    PS: Yes I reinstalled the game.
    PSS: Yes I tried turning it off and on again.

  • 11
  • I had a crew attack me last night and could see their speech bubbles popping on and off as they hunted for me, but I couldn't hear them despite being close to them.

    I assumed they had locked the speech down to crew only though so didn't think any more on it.

    (this was on xbox)

  • Maybe you've muted everyone in game? There's an option for that.

  • @the-clyff This issue started vor me 2 or 3 weeks ago on pc aswell, all off a sudden i couldn't hear any ingame talk anymore, not "hostile" crew nor my own crew.

    I have been playing with the settings as described in the FAQ, also on the xbox website (privacy settings). And offcourse a gazillion "solutions" by using Google.

    Last wednesday i seemed to have sound halfway into the evening after playing alot with the win10 (c**p audio settings since the last update, gief back the old ones) and all the audio settings in the Xbox App. Another thing i changed that evening (and i presume that was the actual solution but can't confirm it).

    Manual portforwarding the teredoadapter port to my gaming rig ("Netsh Int Teredo Show Stat" in cmd to check the port Teredo adapter is using). (Even tough i saw in my router the port was already being forwarded by upnp to the gaming rig).

    Not sure if it's still working the next time (cause won't be in SoT till wednesday prob)

  • @nessiroj Can other players hear you?

  • @crimsonraziel i could last wednesday, haven't been ingame since due to prio on other games atm, hopefully i can test some more this weekend, otherwise i won't know before next wednesday. Hence why i'm hoping it still works the next time ;-)

  • @crimsonraziel Not sure if the can hear me actually, haven't tested that after i started to hear them, i was so happy i got it fixed (maybe) that i forgot the test that part.

    Now you mention it, stopped working aswell when the hearing stopped working 2/3 weeks ago.

  • @the-clyff написал в Can't hear other crews ingame:

    Hello fellow pirates,

    I'm having troubles with hearing crewmembers/ other crews members. I do see the chat balloon popping up when someone is saying something, yet I hear no sound. I've checked my audio settings with the settings of a friend who doesn't have this problem, but we have everything exactly the same, yet I still dont hear anyone.

    I've searched on google about this problem and I came on a page of Sea of Thieves itself which explains how to fix this problem.
    But this didn't help me at all. So this is the only thing Sea of Thieves could say about that:
    "If You see this and still hear no talking then you may have your audio setup incorrectly through the OS."

    After that I checked my audio setup of my pc, and my pc says everything is up to date. I'm kinda stuck now on how to fix this.
    Did anyone have this problem and solved it? Please tell me how you solved it so I can try that too!


    The Clyff

    PS: Yes I reinstalled the game.
    PSS: Yes I tried turning it off and on again.

    Ingame Mic and Sounds directly attached to your windows settings so be sure to use in xbox app same headphones/mic as a windows using.

  • @nessiroj If you can't hear them AND they can't hear you there is a good chance it's about permissions. I had this issue with voice chat only working every now and then. I got it fixed after I turned that off, started the game, closed it, turned it on and restarted the game. (Don't know if starting the game between turning it off and on again is necessary)

    Settings - Apps - Apps&Features - Sea of Thieves : there should be "Advanced Options" or something like that

    Check/toggle the right to use your mic. This actually works both ways. You can't hear others if this is disabled (sounds illogical, I know). In my case it seemed like I needed to switch it manually for the game recognize this correctly. Hope it helps.

  • I found another possible fix for this issue. My sound has been fine since release and then the other day I couldn't hear my crew but they could hear me. It was fine when we were in a party but not direct comms in game.

    Go to the sound settings in windows control panel, not the windows 10 style menu but the actual control panel settings. Go to playback devices and make sure that you don't have another device set to communications device, to make sure just click on the device you want i.e. your headset and set as default. This fixed my issue straight away because for some reason windows was sending my crews voice output through my main speakers instead of my headset

  • @crimsonraziel this worked for me thank you!

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