First wave of bans

  • I would like to see some numbers on these bans. Out of those banned for hacks & exploits recently. How many were PC players I wonder? Was it 100%? How do they propose to curtail cheating moving forward because I can guarantee removing crossplay would eliminate 95% of it, if not all on consoles. What do we do for those that have been the victims of hackers? Are they just out of luck & loot? Having their time & efforts unfairly taken leaving them with nothing but a very bad taste in their mouths regarding crossplay.

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  • I honestly don't think there's much cheating going on. If even 1% or more cheats I'd be surprised. And of those cheats probably around 20-30% are actually abusing exploits in the game (like the infinite looting glitch and the release yourself from the brig glitch)

    Besides that X-Box has a PC acrhitecture so installing and running the same cheats would probably not even be that hard when you really try. Now I wouldnt know for sure but I'd figure that seeing the software architecture that MS uses for both platforms use the same code.

  • @admiral-greyjoy said in First wave of bans:

    I would like to see some numbers on these bans. Out of those banned for hacks & exploits recently. How many were PC players I wonder? Was it 100%? How do they propose to curtail cheating moving forward because I can guarantee removing crossplay would eliminate 95% of it, if not all on consoles. What do we do for those that have been the victims of hackers? Are they just out of luck & loot? Having their time & efforts unfairly taken leaving them with nothing but a very bad taste in their mouths regarding crossplay.

    I'm really wondering what your intentions with this topic are as it seems to be just another anti-crossplay topic under a veil of the announcement of Rare banning cheaters.

    Would numbers really matter I wonder, isn't it enough for Rare to say they've started banning everyone that has been cheating? I mean there's hardly any pleasing of people with numbers as you have the ones that claim everyone that kills them is a cheater, you have the people that claim all PC users are cheaters and then you have the people that have never seen a single cheater in all the time they played. So no matter what numbers you release it'll be too low for one group and too high for another.

    As for people that fell victim to hacking, yes they'll lose their items without compensation same as the people that lost items from disconnects. I think it's an impossible task to see if you would have actually been able to hand in the loot if you didn't encounter a hacker. It'll also be an impossible task to investigate all the claims of people losing items because of supposed hacking or cheating.

    Dealing with loss of treasure, no matter how bad the taste in your mouth, is just part of the game.

  • @admiral-greyjoy first of all I think it is unlikely that Rare will actually give out numbers on this topic - they won't want to damage the game by making it look like there are loads of hackers, that they are too harsh or even too lenient.
    Second of all, please not another crossplay post, there are have been far too many of them and the fear is this topic will go the same way.
    Third of all, very rarely do victims of hackers in any game get anything back, other than the warm, fuzzy feeling that someone has ended up banned or had punishment doled out.

  • @fishst1ck I don’t think having your treasure stolen by aimbot esp hackers is part of the game. In fact we didn’t have a problem with hackers whatsoever on the Xbox one until they started introducing crossplay. Sounds to me like you just don’t want the official confirmation. That yes it is indeed primarily the pc players who are utilizing hacks & cheats. That & the fact that they will most likely keep coming back & introducing new & innovating hacks. Some of us recognize how appalling this behavior is & how to correct it. As in the merits & motivation to remove crossplay.

  • @admiral-greyjoy I've played crossplay since 2005 (ish?) and I've yet to encounter a single hacker in any of the games I play.

    I've not seen them in any of those games, at least not impactful enough for me to notice.

    So I'm not really sure you're encountering hackers as much as you're just not as good at this game as you like yourself to believe?

  • @admiral-greyjoy said in First wave of bans:

    @fishst1ck I don’t think having your treasure stolen by aimbot esp hackers is part of the game. In fact we didn’t have a problem with hackers whatsoever on the Xbox one until they started introducing crossplay. Sounds to me like you just don’t want the official confirmation. That yes it is indeed primarily the pc players who are utilizing hacks & cheats. That & the fact that they will most likely keep coming back & introducing new & innovating hacks. Some of us recognize how appalling this behavior is & how to correct it. As in the merits & motivation to remove crossplay.

    Crossplay was introduced from the start of development, it isn't something new to the game... your point there is therefore invalid i'm afraid.
    Also... where are your stats coming from that "it is indeed primarily the pc players who are utilizing hacks ^ cheats" Where is the proof of this? Fair play if you have any.
    Your final point does kind of confirm my own and @FishSt1ck 's concern that this is simply another Xplay thread.

  • @dutchyankee Or it would just cause more unrest and upset on the forum sadly.

  • Not sure why everyone cares about numbers so much... those that cheat will be caught and dealt with. I am on Xbox and don't think I have ever come across any. If I have then I haven't noticed anyway.

    Wonder what the whining Xboxers will turn to now when they get found out and killed because they didn't check their horizons? New players as cheaters?

    As long as RARE deal with it I don't care how many there are (I do expect this to be a very small number of players though)

  • Why is everything pertaining to the discussion of crossplay a sin with you people? Why is the fact that hackers are more prevelant & numbersome on pc a taboo subject that cannot be openly discussed & or reviewed. I’m a paying customer & my thoughts & opinions are just as relevant as yours. So lastly I’ll think about post about & pray for the removal of crossplay as much as I would like. People can talk about pve servers all day everyday no problem. Talk about Xbox only servers though & the fangs come out. Wonder why 🤔

  • @hynieth I’m sure that’s what you would like to believe. This is the first crossplay title I’ve ever played & I for sure came across hackers & when I stated so on here in the anti crossplay threads I was flamed very similarly to what you are trying here. Guess what low & behold they have banned a wave of hackers that you guys claimed didn’t even exist. Now I would just like to confirm & prove what side of the fence these hackers are coming from.

  • @admiral-greyjoy said in First wave of bans:

    Why is everything pertaining to the discussion of crossplay a sin with you people? Why is the fact that hackers are more prevelant & numbersome on pc a taboo subject that cannot be openly discussed & or reviewed. I’m a paying customer & my thoughts & opinions are just as relevant as yours. So lastly I’ll think about post about & pray for the removal of crossplay as much as I would like. People can talk about pve servers all day everyday no problem. Talk about Xbox only servers though & the fangs come out. Wonder why 🤔

    It may be worth in future having a quick search of topics then as, this really is a VERY hotly discussed, at length, topic, regardless of the subterfuge behind it.

    As has been said multiple times PVP and PVE are an symbiotic part of the game, there has been a mega thread on the issue which can be found here:
    oh and here:

    It might also be worth having a look here as well:
    As spamming the forum is classed as breaking the forum rules, which I would say is the case in the constant stream of PVP/PVE threads that we keep getting, it may be worth as I say having a quick look in future. You may be a paying customer, but the rest of us are as well and there really is no need to keep rehashing the same topic add infinitum.

    Try and have a good day. Happy sailing.

    [EDIT - in response to your response to @Hynieth , I don't believe anyone has every denied that there are Hackers, but it is the go-to excuse for people who lose at the game. Most simply don't think there are actually that many out there.]

  • @sshteeve That is why I stated I would like to see the official numbers in the op. To confirm or disprove my presumptions. Read much???

  • @admiral-greyjoy thanks for the little insult there. I refer you back to post 5 of this thread:

    @sshteeve said in First wave of bans:

    @admiral-greyjoy first of all I think it is unlikely that Rare will actually give out numbers on this topic - they won't want to damage the game by making it look like there are loads of hackers, that they are too harsh or even too lenient.

  • @admiral-greyjoy I've been called a hacker too many times to even note here. Heck one of my friends who plays with mostly controller has ben called a hacker often. Just because we can actually aim and are used to playing FPS games.

    People hate losing and people hate admitting defeat so they blame it on others and you cant blame someone for winning a fair fight so they must be cheating.

    If you've seen so many cheaters I must have seen at least a couple but I haven't.

    Ergo my thesis stands. You must just be blaming others for your own losses in 90% of the cases at the verry least.

  • @hynieth I was playing titanfall2 with a bunch of Pirates last night just for a change of pace for an hour and there was this one guy with a name derived from Mace Windu who absolutely annihilated everyone in his path - 36 pilot kills and 1 Titan kill in the round; his Ronin was unbeatable with swords and his rockets seemed to never miss.

    Now rather than us all jump the hacker conclusion we thought - "hey, there's an awesome player who is very, very good at this game!"

  • @hynieth while everything you said may be true. The official numbers if released would add a bit more clarity to these arguments, wouldn’t you agree?

  • what benefit will knowing these stats make to any of your lives? just be glad you won't have to come across any... btw I WANT TO KEEP CROSSPLAY (i'm Xbox)

  • @admiral-greyjoy said in First wave of bans:

    @fishst1ck I don’t think having your treasure stolen by aimbot esp hackers is part of the game. In fact we didn’t have a problem with hackers whatsoever on the Xbox one until they started introducing crossplay. Sounds to me like you just don’t want the official confirmation. That yes it is indeed primarily the pc players who are utilizing hacks & cheats. That & the fact that they will most likely keep coming back & introducing new & innovating hacks. Some of us recognize how appalling this behavior is & how to correct it. As in the merits & motivation to remove crossplay.

    I'm sorry but they gave an official confirmation, it's in the patchnotes, they've banned individuals that they found hacking/cheating as they promised in their zero-tolerance policy.

    The biggest problem with all these topics/posts is that there's too much speculation going around, pulling fake numbers, percentages and "facts" out of thin air presenting them as truth. Just look at your own reply here "That & the fact that they will most likely keep coming back & introducing new & innovating hacks.", that's not a fact... that's something you think will happen.

    You can argue that actually releasing those numbers would help clarify things, however I think it'll do more harm then good. I believe that no matter the numbers, they'll be used as fuel to back peoples arguments, in your case probably to continue your anti-crossplay crusade.

    The only thing I can agree with you on is that it's highly likely that most, if not all, cheats/hackers have been on PC. How many people that might be is only known by Rare. I myself really doubt it's as widespread as some claim. To my knowledge my friends, fellow union members and myself have never encountered a cheater and these forums only have the sporadic claim of cheating on here.

    I don't really feel like going into another crossplay discussion any further... Crossplay has been in the game since release and seeing the course Microsoft has set for it it's pretty likely to stay.

  • @sshteeve I don’t automatically think cheater anytime I lose. Not everyone is totally unaware. Some people recognize a cheat when they see one. Apparently even before Rare because I made support tickets on the very cheat they are now banning people about now quite awhile ago. I even posted about it here & had my post deleted because we are not allowed to discuss specific cheats. Yet here come all the pc fanboys to claim. Cheating isn’t real I’ve never seen one & I only lose because I suck. 🙄

  • @admiral-greyjoy I play on XB1...

  • @admiral-greyjoy

    They tried to ban me but then after some investigations they realized I was just that good!....

  • @fishst1ck I agree with almost everything you said. They should release the numbers to back people’s arguments. I don’t think the pc community will innovate new hacks I 100% know they will & I’ll swear to it. In fact I’m gonna save this post to remind you later & yes it will further my anti crossplay crusade. I for one have personally seen & had the hacks used against me & played with someone utilizing them, so please don’t say nobody here has seen them & they aren’t/weren’t prevelant when I myself & others here can attest & swear to it. With that said I’m gonna go ahead & end it here, not getting into any debates. 🤐

  • Lastnight I was playing and ended up on the ferry of the damned. I ran upstairs and the was a guy laying down in the very corner. Barely noticable. He was there for the 5 hours I was playing. I took a picture but obviously as we all know gamertags dont show while doing emotes. They are getting slick

  • It's enough for me to know that Rare has busted and banned hackers in SoT, and will continue to do so.
    I'm unconcerned about the numbers, I just don't care since I've never come across one ingame.
    For all the prevalent hacking this game is purportedly supporting, it hasn't ruined any fun for me.

  • @e11evenbsouth not sure that counts as cheating, just really annoying... the emote stuff needs to boot if you are doing it for 10 minutes

  • It isn't obviously realized "why" there are PC players in SoT still..

    This saddens me.

    MS is literally buying developers to reinforce themselves as a publisher for top tier games and generate a ton of MS exclusives in an effort to widen their Xboxlive population. Included in this plan is a very public interest in maintaining crossplay through the play anywhere initiative as well as increase revenue by offering gamepass as an access point for all of their games upcoming. The plan doesn't even demand players pay for games anymore... they just want you as a subscription customer.... I've already played 2 games from them at a shelf price of $90 or so as a gamepass customer and more game pass titles will be arriving by the end of the year which I won't have to spend a dime to play and this is just the first year of the platform.

    Here's the kicker....

    Many of these will become play-anywhere since MS realizes it's friggen stupid to isolate a section of their community and relegate them to a corner. They understand that whether your on PC or Xbox... your still a MS customer buying MS goods...

    So good on MS for trying to foster an inclusive customer base, IMO it's the smartest thing I've read.

    Sure there will be hackers who exists in the world, some people are simply jerks and will exploit what they can for the sake of their own desires. Sure there will be perpetual balance issues that we can only hope the devs on various titles can work around.

    My advice deal with it or if it bothers someone that much... upgrade?

    Considering Rocky no hands PWNS noobs using just his mouth to play... I'd say get over it.

    I don't see this kid whining about hackers and those of us with default control maps and ten fingers having an unfair advantage, or asking for PC hacker population percentages in his crusade to isolate an community, why should we?

  • @e11evenbsouth I'd still raise a support ticket with the time and say it was on the ferry - they can then track where you were server-wise and I would assume then from there who was on the Ferry.

  • @wipe-nd-clean This is easy to fix, make it so you don't get paid on the ferry of the damned if the door has been open for 10 minutes. Give the crew the option to override this.

  • I just don’t understand why anyone would even want to cheat in this game!

    It’s so silly like Minecraft or Roblox.

    No stats, no rewards, nothing lol

  • Frankly, I just want everyone who trolled these forums telling everyone that there are no hacks, get gud. To get a permanent ban.

  • @sshteeve the fact that people can easily buy hacks for PC that are simply not offered on xbox is proof enough. Forum rules prevent me from providing links. I am sure you know how to use Google though.

  • @admiral-greyjoy said in First wave of bans:

    @fishst1ck I agree with almost everything you said. They should release the numbers to back people’s arguments. I don’t think the pc community will innovate new hacks I 100% know they will

    See that's where you're wrong in my opinion. See cheaters will cheat to win, to progress. You'll see a lot of cheating done in MMORPG's to farm materials and get rich, level up etc. You'll see them in competative FPS games to get high ranking etc. MOBA's to farm. See what they have in common? They'll get you something.

    This indicates there's not much reason for the people to buy them and thus no reason for the people who make cheats to itterate on their cheats.

  • @sshteeve that's a great idea, didbt think of that. Making a ticket now

  • Hackers gonna hack. It happens in all games at some point. Just be glad these people are getting bans. Hopefully this will discourage others from cheating because whether you are playing legit or not its gotta burn to lose all that progress.

    Besides, I'm sure you didn't really lose that much gold in the first place. Just sail on.

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