Ship names...

  • People are concerned that it would be abused with vulgar and offensive names. It would. And what I see people talking about as a solution is a system where you're randomly given a generated name. In my opinion if I cant use the names I want then I wouldnt even bother. Ive a whole list of serious names that would be fantastic and would be really bummed if I couldnt use them. So why not a simple system that checks for vulgarity? The same system that prevents you from doing it in your gamertag. And even if one does manage something bad they just get punished like with a gamertag. I wouldnt mind it... If it meant I could use completely custom names ill take seeing a few offensive/dumb ones every now and then as a price. But surly a system could be put into place that combats it and at the same time gives players complete freedom over the naming. I digress with this next thing, but id LOVE it in the future if we could submit custom sail designs for approval.

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  • I agree, customizations are a big part of Sea of Thieves, and it's only driving force to keep players playing. I can't wait for rare to do this.

  • my crews ship is 'the dirty turnip' lol only a matter of time before we can have it written on the plaque above the captains cabin.

  • Mine would be "Boaty McBoatFace"... everytime... hands down!

  • Catching all the phonetic misspellings of naughty words with a text filter would be a nightmare. One possible alternative would be to provide a two-column list of approved words, a noun and an adjective. They would need to be rather long lists to provide enough variety for everyone. Combinations like the aforementioned "Dirty Turnip" would then be easily accomplished, as long as both "dirty" and "turnip" were included in the lists.

  • shipnames pls

  • Thought this would have been in ages ago

  • @genuine-heather said in Ship names...:

    Catching all the phonetic misspellings of naughty words with a text filter would be a nightmare.

    I figure if MS can do it with gamertags then they can do it with ship names. But vulgar names still get through. You just report them and move on. A bad gt will only last a few weeks at most.

  • I still want to name mine "The Wayward Wayfarer" after how I always manage to beach my ship or sail over a sandbar.

  • I would be happy with a randomized ship name every time I join a server, similar to the alliance names. This would get something out there to help us keep track of ships better, and they would not have to worry about derogatory content right away.

  • @archangel-timmy said in Ship names...:

    I would be happy with a randomized ship name every time I join a server, similar to the alliance names. This would get something out there to help us keep track of ships better, and they would not have to worry about derogatory content right away.

    I would not be happy with that. That's what I'm advocating against here. Either give players complete freedom over naming or none at all. I'm not trying to server hop just to get a ship name I begin to like. So what if some bad names get through? Just report them. ... My buddies "ihrtbigchicks" gamertag lasted a week if that.

  • @celestron90

    Ship names should be a purchased item when the store opens. If they cost $5 then it will pay for the name to be vetted before being allowed.

  • @biter-wylie said in Ship names...:


    Ship names should be a purchased item when the store opens. If they cost $5 then it will pay for the name to be vetted before being allowed.

    I would like that with sails one day. As they would take more time and effort to create. You submit a design and it gets approved. But I think with names you'll have too much influx of people submitting them en masse. Just have a system that blocks vulgar language ( just like with anything else ) and go from there. Players who get around it get punished.

  • @genuine-heather said in Ship names...:

    Catching all the phonetic misspellings of naughty words with a text filter would be a nightmare. One possible alternative would be to provide a two-column list of approved words, a noun and an adjective. They would need to be rather long lists to provide enough variety for everyone. Combinations like the aforementioned "Dirty Turnip" would then be easily accomplished, as long as both "dirty" and "turnip" were included in the lists.

    This is the ONLY way I'd be down with naming ships. I don't wanna see pop culture references or inappropriate names. Give us a massive list of names to choose from and let us make silly names!

  • @celestron90 said in Ship names...:

    @archangel-timmy said in Ship names...:

    I would be happy with a randomized ship name every time I join a server, similar to the alliance names. This would get something out there to help us keep track of ships better, and they would not have to worry about derogatory content right away.

    I would not be happy with that. That's what I'm advocating against here. Either give players complete freedom over naming or none at all. I'm not trying to server hop just to get a ship name I begin to like. So what if some bad names get through? Just report them. ... My buddies "ihrtbigchicks" gamertag lasted a week if that.

    I'm not saying this should be how it is, just that I would be happy with this to start out with in order to get something out there while they work on a custom naming solution. A temporary solution to satisfy everyone until a full captaincy update is released.

    In the end, I just want to be able to identify the ship I am chasing, or is attacking me. If I get a random name for a few months or so before I can assign my own, so be it.

  • Ah, it's either going to be one or the other. Whatever system they implement is here to stay. There won't be anything temporary like that. However I am fairly confident in saying that this is why we haven't gotten a naming system yet. Because they have to decide on how to go about it before even developing anything.

  • @nquarter said in Ship names...:

    Mine would be "Boaty McBoatFace"... everytime... hands down!

    The originality is killing me. xD

    I want to name my own/my crew's ship. Choosing from a list, or having a name randomly generated, would be a massive disappointment.

    Rare already uses detection to catch words on the forums. It's not like the problem/solution (of profanity) is brand new, or unique to Sea of Thieves.

  • If we can't use our own custom names then i'd just rather them leave it out. Bad enough the forum bot changes what it thinks is vulgar. But i can only imagine a bunch of ships running around with names that have special characters in them.

  • @iceman-0007 said in Ship names...:

    If we can't use our own custom names then i'd just rather them leave it out. Bad enough the forum bot changes what it thinks is vulgar. But i can only imagine a bunch of ships running around with names that have special characters in them.

    I would assume you would need to be on the ship or close to it to see it. Unless it gets the same sort of titles above it as a player (which would suck imo)

  • @celestron90

    I'd suggest disabling Symbols and Converting all numbers to Roman Numerals.
    For example if someone used "Super1337h4xx0r" this would become "SuperMCCCXXXVIIhIVxx r" … which obviously no longer works and looks stupid.

    I'm not saying it doesn't before, but obviously it's far from what was intended :p
    I'd also suggest adopting this for Multiple Name... so instead of preventing people from having "The Dirty Chicken" as their Ship Name., if half a dozen people of it have it then you'd have up to "The Dirty Chicken XII" for example.

    Beyond this I'd suggest a Profanity Blacklist... only it doesn't prevent you from having said words, instead only the first and last letters show; with all of the letters in-between being illegible / worn away.

    As such, those of us who can likely piece together what it's supposed to be called can., while obviously those who can't it isn't "offensive" or teaching offensive words.

    And I mean you'll never stop ships being called things like "The D***********z"., which could be considered pretty offensive provided you know what it colloquially means, but again those who don't... it's just a name, as none of those words individually are "Offensive" just together, they take on a specific "Urban" meaning as it were.

    Like it's key to note that what might be "Highly Offensive" word in one area of the World, could be perfectly reasonable elsewhere.

    "F a g" and "F a g g o t" for example spring to mind, as in the US these would be offensive because of how they're used in a derogatory way., but here in the UK... well it's slang for a Cigarette and Meat-Loaf Dish., and as such neither are offensive; despite the fact today they're curiously treated as such.

    I've actually been reported in a few games before for using these words in perfectly reasonable conversation that others have overheard and "taken offense too" … what, you're offended by what I'm cooking for dinner? If that's the case, you need to understand the world doesn't revolve around you.

    I mean I don't get offended when a Swedish person says "S l u t" in a conversation., because while it might have quite a notable colloquial meaning in English, in Swedish it simply means "End" / "To Complete" / "To Finish" … they're pronounced a little differently too :p

    So say I named my ship "The Bitter End" it would be "Der Bittra Slutet" in Swedish... so would be it fair that I could have that name, while they can't because it contains an English "Offensive" word?

    I'm sure this post is going to be deleted / edited / banned, because I've "By-Passed the Cuss Word Filter"... but hopefully those of you who see this will understand my point here.
    I'd argue it's the central issue when you attempt to "Nanny" a System.

    From my perspective, really the best approach is just to remove the ability to create childish / immature naming conventions as opposed to removing "Offensive" ones; unless said Offensive words are explicitly offensive … even then I'd argue that removing the internal of the word i.e. "S--tet" or "F----t" for example still provides the ability to recognise what it should say as opposed to simply outright banning the ability to use it.

    As for the Flags., there is basically a "Time to P***s" Rule to follow... where you want this to be as high as possible., before someone figures out how to draw one.
    I would likely approach it with a common 3 Tier System.

    Background / Foreground / Symbol
    Then just allow people to set each and their Colours... should work fine for Flags, Sails or Hulls.

  • My Ship will be called “The Deadly Dudley”or “The Ship of Sins”.

  • I'd call mine "The Palooggoo's Fortune"

  • I hate where the world is going and that SoT is following the leftist trends. Bow emote got removed because people started to bow facing backward. We got a gay flag in the game (WHY BRING REAL WORLD POLITICS TO THE GAME, RARE??). I wouldn't be surprised if there were pork chops instead of bananas to replenish health but got removed because it offends Muslims. What's next? Removal of voice chat? Only unisex clothes? This forum is also censored to the bone.

    I say, let people write whatever they want. If someone writes a vulgar word, so what? When I was a kid, there was no censorship on anything really and it was fine that way.

    Let's take ARK for example. You can write anything you want on the signs. You can also draw big g******s on your chest and a pair of b*****s on your forehead (you can draw by pixel), yet I didn't meet a single person who actually did it.

    Let our imagination run free!

  • What would adding ship names even achieve. How would it enrich the world? Just name your ship whatever you’d like inside your own head.

    Now if I could take the “nameplates” of ships I sank to Davy Jones for custom unlockables I would be all for a system like that but naming ships solely for fun & giggles would do very little for me.

    If seeing a naughty word (shipname) is too offensive for anyone’s delicate sensibilities. You maybe should steer clear of pirates & pirate games as they are a nasty bunch.

    Except in sea of thieves I guess 🤷‍♂️
    Where we need the help of other crews to sit in a chair!!!

  • @admiral-greyjoy

    What would adding ship names even achieve. How would it enrich the world? Just name your ship whatever you’d like inside your own head.

    For me, it is about identifying a crew by their ship rather than their individual names. This would work well for alliances as you could tell ships and their crew apart.

  • @leyvin Rare is doing the really bad job with censorship. It's just too much. For example, the word "b r e a s t" is a perfectly normal and polite word but forums block it. I tell you, soon you won't be able to write any colours let's say "white", "black", they'll block it too because someone might get triggered.

    Maybe they should just block writing on forums all together and give us a premade set of sentences to use, just like it's in the game.

    With that being said, if we will get ship naming I'm sure it will be like naming your clan in Monster Hunter World. You'll be able to select up to 3 words from a pre-made list to create your ship name.

  • I think when ship names are added you will be able to select them from a list, similar to titles. We don't even get text chat on Xbox, I don't see an implementation that would allow us to use our own names, similar to why alliance names are generated from a pool.

  • I would like to name my ship. I would name mines Peg Leg Kitty's Revenge.

    In GTAO we are allowed to name our yatch so not sure why we cant name our pirate ships. GTA has a profanity filter for the names and SOT can do the same.

  • @captain-surgee said in Ship names...:

    @leyvin Rare is doing the really bad job with censorship. It's just too much. For example, the word "b r e a s t" is a perfectly normal and polite word but forums block it. I tell you, soon you won't be able to write any colours let's say "white", "black", they'll block it too because someone might get triggered.

    Maybe they should just block writing on forums all together and give us a premade set of sentences to use, just like it's in the game.

    With that being said, if we will get ship naming I'm sure it will be like naming your clan in Monster Hunter World. You'll be able to select up to 3 words from a pre-made list to create your ship name.

    I have to say I do notice the censorship on this forum is abit much. Like they censor everything lol.

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