STREAM NOW OVER : Gamescom Inside Xbox - Huntress Figurehead Mixpot and Forsaken Shores News

  • Ahoy maties, me again!

    This is one you're not going to want to miss!

    On Tuesday August 21st at 3.30pm BST we'll be a part of the Gamescom Inside Xbox episode! We'll be sharing some Forsaken Shores news and you can earn a glorious Huntress Figurehead via the Mixpot! Don't miss out! We'll be live here:

  • 91
  • Forsaken Shores news is coming!
    Can't wait!
    Forsaken Shores

  • Will it be a random pick for the figurehead? Or will all who watch the stream get it?

  • @fun-director Ahoy matey!

    All who watch will get the figurehead, as long as you watch for a few minutes with your Microsoft account/Gamertag the Mixpot will just apply to your account.

  • @fun-director said in Gamescom Inside Xbox - Huntress Figurehead Mixpot and Forksaken Shores News:

    Will it be a random pick for the figurehead? Or will all who watch the stream get it?

    In the past it has been awarded to anyone who was present during the stream and logged into the same Microsoft account they use for Sea of Thieves. I'd assume the same goes here.

  • @drunkpunk138 That's what I was thinking/hoping. That's how I got my ebon flintlock

  • Excellent! This is going to look sweet on the front of our ship!

  • @musicmee That's good to know :) Thanks for sharing that info!

  • Oooooooh aaaaaaaah

  • Just so I’m getting the right information; 3:30 BST is 10:30 pm for EST US correct?

  • Should be exciting. Definitely one of the best figureheads.

  • @nycthelios Nearly correct matey! 10:30am is when it will be for you.

  • @nycthelios said in Gamescom Inside Xbox - Huntress Figurehead Mixpot and Forksaken Shores News:

    Just so I’m getting the right information; 3:30 BST is 10:30 pm for EST US correct?

    Dont they mean its 3:30 BST in the afternoon? So it would be 10:30 am US eastern time.

  • @combatxkitty Well spotted, I didn't realise he had put PM.

    Cheers matey!

  • @combatxkitty Right, my mistake. Thank you and @Musicmee!

  • Does anyone know if this is possible to do from a phone at all? I will be away on vacation In Nova Scotia but do not want to miss out on this. Yes yes I'm a nerd.

  • @ve111a said in Gamescom Inside Xbox - Huntress Figurehead Mixpot and Forksaken Shores News:

    Does anyone know if this is possible to do from a phone at all? I will be away on vacation In Nova Scotia but do not want to miss out on this. Yes yes I'm a nerd.

    Its ok, I am a nerd too. Maybe look into downloading the mixer app? Do you have an iphone?

  • @musicmee said in Gamescom Inside Xbox - Huntress Figurehead Mixpot and Forksaken Shores News:

    Hehe... Heh.

    alt text

    Get it?

  • @tundra-793 You got me ;) Fixed.

  • @Musicmee Mixpot? I take it you meant to say “Mixer” in the title instead?

  • @blam320 Mixpot is the name of a Mixer giveaway :)

  • @musicmee Yikes. This silly ol' fool doesn't know how to watch a stream using his SoT gamer tag. Do I just click the link?
    Please walk me through it.

    Dang, 3:30pm BST is 6:30am Australian Eastern Standard Time. You best be serving me breakfast in bed. :o)
    Edit: sorry I converted CST instead of BST so the above is wrong.

  • @admiral-rrrsole Hehehe no worries matey!

    Yeah just go to that link and click login and Sign In then click Sign In with a Microsoft account (the one linked to your Gamertag)

    If you watch at least five minutes of the stream a few days/weeks later your content should just show up in your account.

  • @musicmee Cheers buddy. I'm older than Santa himself.

  • @admiral-rrrsole

    Mate, right now, it's 7:30 am in Oz, and 10:30 pm BST. So... 3:30 pm BST would be 00:30 AEST. That is to say, we need to stay up until half past midnight, next Tuesday night.

    Older than Santa... and about as good at maths as Rudolph! ;-)

  • @surveyorpete Oops my bad. lol
    That darn time convertor webpage is stuck on my first conversion CST (Central Standard Time USA) to Sydney time.

    Thanks mate, but I was secretly hoping for breakfast in bed. :o)

  • @ve111a said in Gamescom Inside Xbox - Huntress Figurehead Mixpot and Forsaken Shores News:

    Does anyone know if this is possible to do from a phone at all? I will be away on vacation In Nova Scotia but do not want to miss out on this. Yes yes I'm a nerd.

    It does. I did mixpot for pistol with phone with mixer app on Samsung's galaxy 7 phone

  • This is great and all, except its at 12:30 AM in AEST (Australia) on a work night...

  • @ramb0zld said in Gamescom Inside Xbox - Huntress Figurehead Mixpot and Forsaken Shores News:

    This is great and all, except its at 12:30 AM in AEST (Australia) on a work night...

    Well mate, just leave your Xbox on and watching the Xbox mixer page.

  • Great time to download the Mixer app to my phone, I guess. I'll be in work when it streams but my phone will see everything.

    I'd really rather just buy that figurehead from the shop though, it's the best one in the game. New athenas firgurehead coming a close second, imo.

  • @hoppentosse and @Boxcar-Squidy
    do not worry about missing the stream! They already said this figurehead along with the e3 items will be available ingame Edit: "eventually"! :) this is just a timed exclusive :)

  • @shikia-caeleaum yeah I know they said it'd be available. But I doubt it's soon, not if they're running another promo for it. Eventually available more likely.

    Either way, streaming on my phone is easily done. Cheaper and less effort than flying out to SDCC would have been too.

  • @boxcar-squidy yeah I mentioned you in my comment but actually it was more directed to the other person saying it is unfair for the time zones ;)
    and I think they will probably introduce the " timed limited" items with the MT, hopefully not to pay real money but i just have that feeling -.-

  • @shikia-caeleaum if I want something badly enough to complain about it, I probably want it enough to pay real money for it (a certain amount of real money anyway).

    There's lots of people who want exclusive items in the game. It's a shame that the best items seem to be the exclusive ones, but that's how it is in real life too.

    So long as Rare keep giving options that don't involve real money for getting exclusive stuff then I have no probs with them offering that stuff later for cash, actually makes a lot of sense from a business POV.

    Create artificial scarcity, then charge premium price. Capitalism 101

  • Download the Mixer App on your phone, set an alarm to wake you up if your asleep or busy. Then start the stream. You don't have to watch it, go back to sleep or work etc.

    @Musicmee Thanks for the heads up.

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