What's in a name?

  • @jesser92 The first name change is free. Anything after that is $10 I believe.

  • @Admiral-RRRSole i had a gamer tag for years but then upon playing sea of thieves found the name bilge rats very enticing... and after looking into what a bilge rat actually is, i had to have the name... and since my name is already Rome, i just added the title to the front and now i am .... Bilge Rat Rome, and i coulsnt be happier... and yes i paid $10 dollars to do it, and totally worth every penny!

  • My name is from the early internet full of chat rooms (the constant a/s/l?), random squeaky loud sounds when connecting to the internet, and "you've got mail". Kept it in gaming to make it easy for those I used to chat with to find me.

    An initial, and the animal that inspired most empires in the west before Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Have to tell others I am not a Jacksonville Jaguars fan nor do I drive a jaguar.

  • Time for me to slither in here.

    Mine is pretty simple, Tartansnake was my first login/email when I first got onto the interweb way back in the early 90’s.

    Tartan because I’m Scottish & snake because … well I’ve loved snakes from a very young age … surprise!

    When I moved to Australia MS refused to changed my billing currency from pounds to Aussie dollars (something that’s now possible) and I was advised to create a new account. I added the 8 as it’s my lucky number.

  • If ya ask me what the story behind my name is then there really isnt one. Xbox gave the name and i stuck with it. Tho i will say when people say my name they usually say biasedCARTOON and then i get the pleasure of correcting them.

  • Well this is the shittiest name I have ever gotten, "FutureVessel288" I mean, man WTH? Then you ain't even asking if like it or not. Whatever to everything and onward with the ship! Anchors Aweigh!

  • @futurevessel288 said in What's in a name?:

    Well this is the shittiest name I have ever gotten, "FutureVessel288" I mean, man WTH? Then you ain't even asking if like it or not. Whatever to everything and onward with the ship! Anchors Aweigh!

    If it's a randomly generated name you can change it for free the first time.

  • short and simple it's my last name backwards ;-)

  • Took mone from a bit of nostalgia

  • @katttruewalker the first thing I thought when I read your post was this quote from the movie "DragonHeart" ...a personal favorite as a the stuffed shirt Boyscout that I am.

    "A knight is sworn to valour,
    His heart knows only virtue,
    His blade defends the helpless,
    His might upholds the weak,
    His word speaks only truth,
    His wrath undoes the wicked."

    ...well said shipmate!

  • My name refers to Archangel Raziel, keeper of secrets, who writes down God's words and author of the book containing all secret knowledge, which includes how to build Noah's Ark and how to create the philosopher's stone … just follow down the rabbit hole

    Since Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Raziel is almost always already in use I just put an arbitrary color in front. I usually try crimson first because …

  • @Admiral-RRRSole great thread...which I am coming to late as well.

    I started with the Xbox GamerTag "Hreodbeorht" my first name 'Robert' in Ye Olde English (@KattTruewalker...I'm fond of the knightly ways as well) but it was just too darn hard for folks to find me due to the archaic spelling :-D

    I contemplated it long and hard...but as we know getting a new GamerTag pushed into XBox that has not already been taken is a real chore. I finally landed on "SpecialAdvisor" as that was my last 'official' title when I was still on active duty with the U.S. Army...I'm happily retired now which is why I spend way too much time on the Sea of Thieves and in the forum ;-)

  • @fishst1ck Yes, I will do it. Was just taking the opportunity to write something about it. :D

  • Ive been sitting here trying to think up some amazing back story to mine such as... Nik was the name of the leader of the terrorist group responsible for the tanzanian embassy bombing and he was my first kill when i was in the sas and my call sign was juliet whisky hence jw... but its just not true, the reality is its my first name and initials! I feel sooooo boring!

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