So during all of my time sailing and leisurely star gazing on the cold breezy nights I’ve thought about something cool for experienced pirates only. Star chart maps extremely rare or random maybe even the one in a million message in a bottle with one? So the idea was that you would hold the map up and use the holes in the map to line it up with the stars or constellation that would lead you to your treasure, maybe the map could have very broad clues, where like if you knew enough about the game you could just know.. or figure it out without too much distress. But new players would have no clue what’s going on which I think would be cool and make being a legend feel more legendary. Give the legends another chance too pass on the knowledge or hold on to it.. You would use the pocket watch to know when to look at the map, maybe a time stamp on the corner or a little hint. Then the compass to get your baring after finding the constellation and a-lining it with the map.
I think I would be cool if the phases of the moon had something to do with it.. (like the elvish.. elven? .. not trying to be disrespectful to “them” the elf door in lord of the rings and one in the hobbit. More like the hobbit in how maybe the map is so rare that you can only read the map on one date and if you miss it then that’s it try again next time it’s a full moon) maybe even secret clues when on the island to lead you to chest like glowing moon runes that can only be seen or glow in the moonlight or when the map is near.
Idk I feel like it’s potentially a good idea but well.. one, I wanted to share the idea with more people than the pirates I talk too and meet on the seas. Two, I really hope rare sees this. I was so mad I wasn’t a founder I want to make it up with a good idea and possibly a cool edition to the game. Please comment and let me hear thoughts and other ideas.
I think this could be cool like hell maybe there could be star chart maps that lead to boss battles or something lol moonlit glowing ghost skeletons lol no.. prob too much lol.
Enjoy, and would love to see this blow up.
(Edit:) other people may have had similar ideas but I’ve been spewing this spiel since first week game released. I came up with the thought, but I mean it’s not like other people couldn’t have thought of the the same general thing it happens all the time (or heard it from me out on the seas lol jk well kinda I do talk a lot). But that’s the beauty of this community and that’s why I’m sharing so the idea is there in the open so people can pick and choose and change or build on the idea however they see fit, I just want to see it happen in the game (preferably in my vision but hey you can’t always get what you want.. starts singing). I should have made a post a while ago but that just shows that I’m a lazybeard. But the reason I’m ranting is because I love this game and the community and I figured being more involved and talking to people with similar ideas would prove to be a good thing. So yea rant over)
(Lol not entirely)
I admire the attentiveness that Rare shows its fans and I love how they do the weekly Video.. I’ve always said since the beginning it’s not for everyone but the people who like this game love this game and it nice seeing the community grow and see people actually try to get involved and give their input. Rare is awesome for making a game for the fans and not only focusing on what they want.. it’s beautiful and seeing what the game is growing into is great. I look forward to other people who had the same or similar ideas to come out and I really hope to see something like this in the game eventually. I just think that that sky and the ocean and the game is so visually pleasing to look at and think that being able to look up actually at one point be able to go “huh where’s the North Star.. oh ok .. we gotta go that way..” Rather than even having to use the compass, you know like some real pirate legend wayfairing stuff you know? Like I know so many legends who know where they are without the compass or the map.. this is for them.. so someone can read a riddle that says” look to Orion for assistance” and you look up line up the holes not the map like some one eyed willy stuff and be on your merry ol’ way.. maybe thunder in the distance lol. idk however merry or sinister the vibe of the quest ahead may be.. Idk I get excited thinking about it I feel it could be extremely immersive.
Storms clear, it’s midnight.
Pulls out ‘strange map’, it’s blank with some holes and tears through it..
The moonlight seems to be affecting the map.
The scroll burns with mysterious green glow and symbols and riddles beggin to appear.
“When the clock strikes two, don’t look down
Look to Orion quickly or ye’ll have a frown.
time moves quickly, and so should you.
Take too long and you’ll have to wait until two.”
Basically like you can only read the map for a duration of time, the holes only line up for so long and the stars are only out for a few hours until you have to wait again.. ahh jitters.. I’m a nerd it would be awesome very mysterious lol. I picture this for the pirate who’s tired of binging and wants an interesting and fun adventure with a decent amount of loot at the end of the rainbow in whatever shape that loot may come in whether it be crates stacked up in a cave on a hidden island or .. (idea) Maybe instead of just a chest it could be a small special event thing like kill the crew and get the skulls from them and the location of their loot hideout.. ooh. (*just so you know I’m thinking this as I’m typing so if it comes out bad or I have to edit it I’ll do that tomorrow.. I just really want to get my vision of this idea across)
Lol sorry I look up and I basically wrote another post lol. Done for now. ❤️
(After this point indefinitely some ideas may or may not be influenced by others in feed because I mean well I’m seeing the inspiration and I have had a lot of ideas since the beta and now I’m just having this rush of energy so thanks for chatting and i hope that we get to keep spitballing ideas)