An idea for the Athena 10 Pirate Legend players.

  • Something i was thinking of today is about what to do in order to make the Athena 10 Pirate Legends happy given how many of them feel like they don't have anything else to do.

    The idea i came to is that when players reach Athena lvl 10 as Pirate Legends, they can then enter the Sea of the Damned, the location of which the Ferry of the Damned is located:

    It would make sense when one think about it, why else would Pirate Legends be able to get the Ghost Pirate gear and ship parts.

    So the Pirate Legends who have worked themself to the bone in getting their high rank now would then have a special region were only they would be able to enter, a place with new fortunes, adventures, foes and ancient horrors, waiting for them in this spectral realm.

    Edit: Just to make things clear, Other players would be able to enter the Sea of the Damned, but only if they have a Pirate Legends who has the required reputation in their crew. Similar to how non-Pirate Legends can enter the Legendary Hideout if they have a PL in their crew.


    Titles and Commendations:
    @dark-henrik-22 said in An idea for the Athena 10 Pirate Legend players.:

    I can imagine a few titles and commendations for this place.


    • Hunter of Horrors
    • Sailor of the Damned
    • Vanquisher of Malevolent Spirits
    • Collector of Souls
    • Legendary Ghost Hunter
    • Legendary Monster Hunter
    • Legendary Captain of the Damned
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  • I can imagine a few titles and commendations for this place.


    • Hunter of Horrors
    • Sailor of the Damned
    • Vanquisher of Malevolent Spirits
    • Collector of Souls
    • Legendary Ghost Hunter
    • Legendary Monster Hunter
    • Legendary Captain of the Damned
  • @dark-henrik-22 interesting idea; But I feel by doing this the non-legend seas would become to empty. I feel as if instead of adding a new legend exclusive area just add more types of legend voyages, ranks, titles and etc. I feel like restricting an entire new area to legends is a bit unfair and may unbalance the game quite a bit, even as a legend myself.

  • @dark-henrik-22
    Maybe for athena lvl 7 and up (10 is too small of the playerbase), and if the devs don't waste all their time on this. So maybe 3-4 islands (all big ones)

  • @manta1805 Not really. My idea is that any crew who has a Pirate Legend with a high enough Athena rank, would be able to travel to this region. Plus it's like with the Devil's Roar, you have to travel all the way over to it. It's not a place you can spawn in. Plus it's not like Pirate Legends will all move into this region and won't look back to the normal regions in SoT.

    I don't think that just giving a new title, rank or cosmetic will please some of the Pirate Legends who currently play the game. From what i have seen, many of them seem to find then worthless. So making a new region that needs a Pirate Legend to enter would then be a better solution. Plus like Rare themself have said before, Pirate Legends are suppost to be were the game truly begins.

  • The concept art you shown gave me a lot of vibes from Disney's Hercules (1997); where you're about to enter Hade's dungeon/lair. What will we find in Ferry of the damned or Hade's dungeon... Very interesting idea you have here and it would be a nice addition, however I think that pirates without Athena 10 should be allowed to enter this area, as long as they have a crew member who has the required level.

  • @danielheywood said in An idea for the Athena 10 Pirate Legend players.:

    Very interesting idea you have here and it would be a nice addition, however I think that pirates without Athena 10 should be allowed to enter this area, as long as they have a crew member who has the required level.

    That's the idea. Like how non Pirate Legends can enter the Pirate Legend Hideout if they have one in their crew. The same would go for this too.

    By the way, what enemies can you imagine players would face off in such a place?

  • @dark-henrik-22 Fair idea. I think it would be nice to have an area like the Devils Roar for legends but my worries are just that the game will become too empty and open or the community would just become super toxic, other than that its a good idea tho.

  • The Entrance for the Sea of the Damned would be one of the 2 Spires in the Sea


  • @king-deka That would make sense since the legend hideout is literally bellow the greater spire.

  • @manta1805 what? Don't you mean the Ferry of the Damned?

  • @dark-henrik-22 i love it. i could imagine that there would be a giant ghostly sea creature that was swimming around and not just an encounter. like you look into the dark horizon and a giant weird looking fin just comes up from the water!

  • @dark-henrik-22 Very cool idea. I like it a lot and it would make getting to level 10 athena actually desirable. @Manta1805 raises a good concern. With more and more people moving to this area the normal seas may become under populated. I feel like we could brainstorm some solutions to this though.

  • @spellboundgamer yeah. I feel that the enemies players would face in the Sea of the Damned would be the ghosts of old and young pirates, spirits of creatures like sharks or giant squids and... things.

    Things that no male or female pirate should ever dare meet. Things that makes such monsters like the Hungering One and the Kraken look like curious infants. Things that would have been better left forgotten:

    The Horrors that gave the Sea of the Damned it's name.

  • I like the idea, but for the people who aren't pirate legends and pirate legends who don't have a high enough level, it would be disappointing. One of the main points of Sea of Thieves is that a player who started playing in the trials before the game came out would have no more advantage over other players that just joined (except experience). The pirate legends could just farm voyages without a worry. It would be unfair to the people who just started or aren't pirate legends.

  • @dark-henrik-22 said in An idea for the Athena 10 Pirate Legend players.:

    @manta1805 what? Don't you mean the Ferry of the Damned?

    Both (lair & ferry) are beneath this point. One on top of the other.

    As pointed out by @Manta1805 , there aren't enough ships on the server to have some in a private secluded area of their own.

    Several months ago I suggested a new map (stage 2 of the game) for crews with a PL.
    Just like almost any other game, you progress to unlock the next level / map.
    It could be a disabled menu option (where we all select our ship size) until you reach PL status.
    The person hosting the game gathers a crew together (including non-PLs if desired), selects the vessel and the map before hitting the "Set Sail" button.
    This would not effect the amount of ships on the server as there would be servers assigned for each map, retaining the six vessel limit.

    Here's the link

  • I think it would be awesome if this was tied to captaincy and the pirate legend captains that had thier own unique ships could sail there. Before the game came out they said the captain ships would be distinguished from non captain ships so you could tell the difference. I hope getting to legendary captain status is as long as getting to legend and I would love if the cosmetics for the captain ships were much more than standard ships to really inspire people to get there as well as access to new regions and dungeons. Fall overboard and you become a skeleton for the session in the seas of the damned but still able to wear your cosmetics would be cool. So much they could do.

  • @soulseeker Do you have any ideas for the Sea of the Damned area?

  • @soulseeker I mean like enemies, voyages, commendations. Anything like that?

  • how about just a new faction with a whole new mission type to grind , all the way to 50 again with exalted status exclusives again.
    i do like this idea though. but yeh empty servers would suck.

  • @daantjebnl Well i was thinking of there being a new faction that gives missions for players to do. Like the Ferryman himself tasking you to gatter up souls who has either managed to escape the Ferry of the Damned or who has ended up in the Sea of the Damned, instead on the Ferry. Sort of like the Order of Souls Bounties but with Ghosts instead of Skeletons and souls instead of skulls.

  • I only want that I can fight one day against the Ferry Man, because he is bound to the Ferry! Maybe someday he is released from the Ferry and we can fight him, I think he and the Pirate Lord have an Background

  • Very good ideas and well presented! I really like the idea of an area with a horror theme, even a bit Cthulhu Sea of Thieves style.

    I definitely think that us Pirate Legends need to be able to sail on to bigger voyages and places. I look to Pirate Legends becoming shroud breakers navigating the red to other places.

    The problem is something we are seeing with the Devil's Roar. As the world we all sail in becomes bigger it also feels more lonely. Hopefully Rare will find away to get more ships on the sea so the world can keep growing with many new places to sail.

  • I'm now thinking: Morrow tells us something about a figurehead showing the Shroudbreaker the way to the Devil's Roar.
    Perhaps there could also be a figurehead for PLs that allows that ship to access the special area, or that would spawn other creatures in the normal area when the ship is 'equiped' with it.

    (I'm not a PL, but am finding this a good idea. At the moment I see no point in grinding to become one)

    As for creatures or hazards... Some new enemy types would be good.

    • Sirens could 'charm' your crew one by one (I'm assuming here that most people taking on Athena voyages are not solo-sailing...), perhaps always leaving at least one person uncharmed.
    • Ghosts are interesting, but if they are roughly similar to the ghost-skeletons then it doesn't add that much new content.
    • Perhaps friendly creatures are interesting too. Having to herd a group of hippocampus to an island or in a pen for example. (could do it while swimming, with the ship or in a rowboat)

    And what might also be interesting is having a few islands out in the 'red zone' off the map. Ones that you can spot in the distance and could go to, but your ship will slowly degrade (again, perhaps a special figurehead will make them easier to spot). These could have special, valuable loot, but you will have to keep repairing. And since they are off the map, they don't show on the map and you don't get voyages for them.

  • I don’t think that we should have another area cut off from the rest of the map, but to have all the enemies, commendations and titles be incorporated into the main map. Otherwise I agree with you in having them add much more to Athena’s rep, pirate legend itself still needs lots of work, so I’m not sure when they’re gonna add new things to rep 10 Athena’s

  • @ottersteeth said in An idea for the Athena 10 Pirate Legend players.:

    I'm now thinking: Morrow tells us something about a figurehead showing the Shroudbreaker the way to the Devil's Roar.
    Perhaps there could also be a figurehead for PLs that allows that ship to access the special area, or that would spawn other creatures in the normal area when the ship is 'equiped' with it.

    (I'm not a PL, but am finding this a good idea. At the moment I see no point in grinding to become one)

    As for creatures or hazards... Some new enemy types would be good.

    • Sirens could 'charm' your crew one by one (I'm assuming here that most people taking on Athena voyages are not solo-sailing...), perhaps always leaving at least one person uncharmed.
    • Ghosts are interesting, but if they are roughly similar to the ghost-skeletons then it doesn't add that much new content.
    • Perhaps friendly creatures are interesting too. Having to herd a group of hippocampus to an island or in a pen for example. (could do it while swimming, with the ship or in a rowboat)

    And what might also be interesting is having a few islands out in the 'red zone' off the map. Ones that you can spot in the distance and could go to, but your ship will slowly degrade (again, perhaps a special figurehead will make them easier to spot). These could have special, valuable loot, but you will have to keep repairing. And since they are off the map, they don't show on the map and you don't get voyages for them.

    Yep that was the exact idea I had and talked about in another thread a while back. We could earn the shroudbreaker figurehead. Just like ice cutting ships it pushes deep into the red zones of the sea to these other types of areas.

  • And what might also be interesting is having a few islands out in the 'red zone' off the map. [...] And since they are off the map, they don't show on the map and you don't get voyages for them.

    Or: Only Athena Voyages lead you off the map somehow. With new types of maps that look like the X-marks-the-spot but with a few islands on them (so you know where to look) and then and X or something in the location where the off-the-map island is.

    I'd be MORE than happy if such a thing would be only available for PLs.

  • I love it

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