Volcano Eruption Tweaks

  • I absolutely love Forsaken Shores and the new experiences, hazards and TREASURE that it brings to the game!

    I love the whole idea of the volcanos but I think a few tweaks could be made to prevent frustration of players and general annoyance.

    First of all I think the eruptions of volcanos need to have some kind of limit as to how often they can erupt. For example, the other day I see the island I need to go to is erupting so I get fairly close (not in range of the rocks though) and hit the anchor to wait for it stop. After about 5 minutes it stops erupting and we go over to the island to start looking for the treasure. After about 2 minutes of being on the island an earthquake begins and I rush back to the ship just in case. It starts to erupt so I leave the island and the whole thing repeats.

    I understand that this whole part of the world is meant to be difficult but I feel like this is a bit extreme. You can bearly get any voyages done when this happens and it just isn’t fun. I think if you just made the volcanos erupt less frequently and last a little bit of a shorter time, it would make the new update a lot more fun.

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  • @mrna-supreme I agree. This same feedback has been mentioned by a lot of players and I hope Rare is considering the feedback.

  • There is currently an active thread about this on the front page:

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