Anyone else experiencing issues on Xbox?

  • When I start playing the game each day it seems to be fine, but once I've been playing for a few hours things start to really mess up. Islands won't load in for 10-15 minutes unless I kill myself and if I do the load times to respawn are insane. And if I exit the game to restart it, my game takes like 10 minutes to start and when it does I try to set sail and it just loads endlessly, never getting me into a game. There's also a constant lag I find playing the game, mostly noticeably when I walk fast and then slowly it'll rubber band me forward. This just me or?

    Edit: I continued to try to play after I posted this and then issues got considerably worse. 20+ minutes to load into a game as well as a handful of hazelnutbeard errors thrown into the mix and when I finally made it in, I tried to do one voyage, same problems as before in regards to the islands not loading. Then when I got my chickens and went to the outpost it hadn't loaded yet either. Went to repair the ship from a bad anchor and the game stopped, then it unfroze as I was reinstanced and I couldn't move as my ship sunk through the ground with my animals that I wasn't even able to offload. These issues make the game entirely unplayable, and it's not my internet, that I can guarantee. Partly because sea of thieves is quite literally the only game to be having any issues whatsoever.

  • 22
  • @wraith-04 Yes, afaik, no problems here (xbox one x, HD, extra SSD)

  • @wraith-04
    I'm not experiencing anything like that at all, seems to be super smooth here. (X1X ext SSD in 4K)
    Are you on the original xbox or PC and what is your ping?

  • @wraith-04 What you are experiencing sounds like the drive in your xbox is having issues, you can either get it warranty replaced or follow to replace it with either an SSD or another HDD for the internal and use a external via USB 3.

    Which to be honest is not a surprise considering they are using a 5400rpm HDD for the internal drive.

  • @th3xr34p3r so the standard Xbox one X drive actually has difficulty handling sea of thieves? I thought it was supposed to be the most powerful console in the world. Well that's disappointing, so you're saying I should get an external hard drive and play sea of thieves off that instead?

  • @wraith-04 said in Anyone else experiencing issues on Xbox?:

    @th3xr34p3r so the standard Xbox one X drive actually has difficulty handling sea of thieves? I thought it was supposed to be the most powerful console in the world. Well that's disappointing, so you're saying I should get an external hard drive and play sea of thieves off that instead?

  • Halo edition Xbox one. No issues like your experiencing. Just the occasional infinite “blue helm of death” black screen.

  • I have had problems like this occasionally. It is mainly when I leave the boat on a rowboat and when I try and find the island it disappears briefly for about 5 seconds. I’m playing on Xbox one X and also this happens on my old day one Xbox as well. Only started happening since the last update.

  • @wraith-04
    Hello Sir, is everything allright with yer internet? You can go to Settings select Network settings and look what your NAT settings are ...i don't know a thing about internet but i had problems before if NAT isn't open...As someone else said ,are you playing from a External Harddisk drive because i have sometimes problems with it while it's roaring like a hurt and encaged lion...But after the loading is done it runs smoothly again...i fear i have too little knowledge to be of more help but i'm sure that sooo many other and smarter Pirates are already preparing adequate answers that will maybe help you...So in other words ,i answered to bump this Topic up so you hopefully get the help you need...Sorry for bumping, Dear Moderators ( * NOT ....hahahahaaaa , Old Fool , you got yer smile back...Finally...).

  • @goedecke-michel Are you saying you upgraded your HD or added an external one? Sorry to be off topic.

    To the original post, yesterday I had been on for about an hour. I arrived at plunder outpost and had loaded my loot onto the rowboat. When I dropped the rowboat, I was suddenly floating above the rowboat with sounds like I was under water. But I wasn't under water. I eventually was able to get "off" the rowboat, but was now under water visually, but above water for sounds. And I could not climb on land, on my ship, or on the rowboat. So I swam to bottom to drown. Eventually I died, came back and all was fine.

  • @wraith-04 Ahoy there!

    Could you tell me what steps you have taken to trouble shoot this issue?

  • @nofears-fun I’ve had the exact same issue. Figured it was a problem specifically with the rowboat.

  • @clumsy-george My internet is really good, and other games work perfectly fine. However sea of thieves alone experiences these issues despite my internet telling me everything's fine.

  • @mad-jack-ketch I've closed sea of thieves and reopened it to no avail, powered off the Xbox and restarted but nothing, and finally I even hard shut down but it didn't work any better

  • @wraith-04 I'd advise you reinstalling the game and seeing if that helps.

    You will not lose your progress in the process, all data is saved in the Skull Cloud... Err I mean cloud.

  • @mad-jack-ketch not a bad idea, I'll try it

  • Did you try a hard reset by holding the power button down for ten seconds? There has recently been a Xbox OS update released and resetting sometimes helps with issues.

  • I'm playing on an original Xbox (not X) with the standard drive it comes with. I experience none of the problems like the ones described here. I think it's a bit early in the process to start asking someone to replace hardware. It does not sound like the network connection has been ruled out first. Again, people with similar or inferior systems are not experiencing the issue. Will replacing the HDD with SSD result in a performance boost? Sure, but if you are having network issues then you will simply have a faster Xbox connected to a problematic network. Look at the detailed network stats and see if you are have high latency or any dropped packets. If you are using wireless, stop and connect the Xbox to your network with a network cable. I have found SoT much less forgiving than other titles (BF, Fortnite, etc.) when it comes to network issues. It may be your hard drive, but there are less expensive options to try first before we jump to that one.

  • @wraith-04 my answer might seem dumb, but is your xbox overheating? The fact that it only happens when playing a few hours points a little to this, make sure your console has enough space around it. I think my standard console’s performances (framerate) drops after a few hours if i put a game case on the top vent.

  • There could just be some corrupted files on the install, so a fresh install might fix it like said above.

    But I’m on the X and personally haven’t experienced the these issues. However like also said above it is possible it could be a hardware issue with your console.
    I know when they first launched there was a lot what had hardware problems, I got 2 off them lol but Microsoft did replace them under there manufactures warranty.

    So if the problem persists I would get hold of support. :)

  • @mad-jack-ketch good news, it seems uninstalling and reinstalling has successfully fixed the problem. You know what they say.. The best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one. Thanks for the help.

  • @wraith-04

    Glad to hear your problem is resolved!
    Thanks to everyone who jumped in to offer advice and solutions.

    I'll close this one down now as you seem to be sorted :)

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