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  • @what-zit-tooyya I agree. The loading times, especially for mermaids, are way too long. I've had many fights that end with an unfortunate loading screen taking too long. I hope the devs are working on this and bring the loading times down soon.

  • yeah the load times are slow again and still has the "ship underway noise" as you spawn back still.

  • The loading times have gotten progressively worse since launch. Loading into the world the first time, I literally hear the song loop at least two times.
    Dreading to see how this is handled when the arena drops. I’m not one to complain about a competitive edge pc players have in combat but the difference is load times is massive.

    I’d personally love for the competitive mode to give us one life, even though I’m sure that’ll sound crazy to some.

  • Not sure why we do not see more posts about this, as this is a very legitimate complaint. The load times are too varied, and often times impact combat, whether it is skelly ships or other pirates, or even just vulcanos. I should not be able to count to 20 seconds or more while watching the spinning wheel. And no, it is not my internet connection. The load times for entry to Athena Fortune, from mermaid, when the game opens, or from the ferry of the damned are way too long. The load times from your mermaid or ferry of the damned are too inconsistent. Sometimes you load fairly fast, other times it takes forever. Often times when they take forever, you respawn at your ship just as it gives you the sunken ship sound or when the ship is too far gone to save. Long load times if the ship is already sunk and you are being sent to the new ship are understandable, but if the outcome is not already determined then there should be no delay.

  • Yep, you're totally right! it upset me every time i'm in fight. you have to wait on the ferry, then sometimes the same time in loading screen.

    Mermaids just must be on demand. Start/menu/call mermaid. Simple like that.

  • When you're in a battle and it takes long to load that probably means you're sunk.

    If your ship sinks while you're on the ferry of the damned or you're loading to get on your ship it will show a black screen untill it's completely sunk.
    If you were loading in while your ship was sinking you'll spawn at the mermaid if the ship has already sunk it will take even longer to load and you'll be at an island with a new ship.

    As for your question, you're not meant to win battles solo. Especially not against groups of players. It's a balanced game so if you're not way more skilled then the team you're facing you're going to lose.

    Either Run or take solice in the fact that you lost to a group of people.

    Some tips that can help you with load times in other areas:

    1. Get a PC with an SSD lots of memory and generally good specs (Duh expensive so not advised)
    2. Get an X-Box one X in stead of the vanilla one, it's faster. (that's unfair too huh?)
    3. Install an SSD to your X-box and install the game on that (yeah that also stacks with the X-Box one X it'll make load times way faster comparatively close to a high end PC)
  • @hynieth I have had many of times with long load times and the ship sinks when I return, or seconds after I return. You can tell the difference. If you spawn to a ship that sunk while on the ferry, then you usually do not spawn back on your deck, you spawn back to a mermaid or to your new ship.

  • @hynieth Which SSD to you recommend for the xbox one x? I have looked at several, and the price seems too high. And are you talking about external or replacing the internal one?

  • @nofears-fun A replacement of the internal one, and yes SSD's are expensive I know that much. Especially if you want a fast one.

    A 1TB Samsung EVO will set you back for around ¤170,- but will give you quicker load times.

    Otherwise you can always take solice in the fact that there are plenty of people out there who play on an old PC that just meet the min specs and have even more horrible load times ^_^

  • @hynieth Thanks for the advice. Do you have a link you can DM me that gives reliable instructions on how to replace the internal HD with the SSD then?

  • A long load time does not mean your ship has sunk. I've had plenty of times where it took a very long time to transition from the ferry of the damned back to my boat. The load time should not be the reason I cannot repair our damaged ship or help my crew in a fight. The long load times should either be reduced, or made standardized for all players. I'd rather see a static screen representing my time on the ferry while the game counts down and preloads my return to the boat.

  • @nofears-fun Sadly I don't I'm an IT specialist, replacing a SATA HDD is really easy to me, I just pop the lid take the old HDD out and pop a new one in. The X-Bone is just a small PC with low specs.

    As for the HDD itself you should format it as an NTFS disc and the MS support page has the files you need for the firmware.

    If you google replacing your X-Box one HDD you'll get multiple great sites that have info for you.

  • @hynieth should I go with the PRO version of the drive? It costs about $100 more than the standard.

  • @hynieth
    So Mr Hynieth , the long loading time during a shipbattle, i mean respawn time during a shipbattle ,is mainly caused by the Harddrive your game is on...So ,if i may ask , let's take that dying or taking the mermaid in a tranquil moment of the game is the standard time , how would you compare your respawn time during a shipbattle that you are about to lose and will lose in normal conditions? i mean is it a bit faster , tremendous faster , or the same as the respawntime in a tranquil moment?

    And you as IT Person, is there a possibility that Rare or the Server runners can improve that time or do we all need to buy such a harddrive you recommend? Don't think that i'm mocking you , i have so much PC and internet server knowledge ,that it is a small miracle i can start up my PC...

  • Hmm buy a PC, or get a new console. I just find it crazy how long it takes to get back on your ship sometimes. Especially in crucial moments. I can jump off get supplies ferry back no problem, but something crucial happens. Get shot off boat, get boarded and killed, and you have a 1 to 2 minute load screen. Sometimes! Feels even longer.

  • @hynieth said in FIX THE LOADING TIMES FOR GOD SAKE:

    When you're in a battle and it takes long to load that probably means you're sunk.

    If your ship sinks while you're on the ferry of the damned or you're loading to get on your ship it will show a black screen untill it's completely sunk.
    If you were loading in while your ship was sinking you'll spawn at the mermaid if the ship has already sunk it will take even longer to load and you'll be at an island with a new ship.

    As for your question, you're not meant to win battles solo. Especially not against groups of players. It's a balanced game so if you're not way more skilled then the team you're facing you're going to lose.

    Either Run or take solice in the fact that you lost to a group of people.

    Some tips that can help you with load times in other areas:

    1. Get a PC with an SSD lots of memory and generally good specs (Duh expensive so not advised)
    2. Get an X-Box one X in stead of the vanilla one, it's faster. (that's unfair too huh?)
    3. Install an SSD to your X-box and install the game on that (yeah that also stacks with the X-Box one X it'll make load times way faster comparatively close to a high end PC)

    It doesn’t always mean your ship sunk. I pvp a lot and anytime I die, the load time is awful. But I didn’t sink. I would say it’s unfair to have to upgrade what you play on to compete with other people who may have a better system.

    Besides, that’s bs anyway. Every other game I play respawns me instantly, why can’t SoT. It’s the game’s problem, not mine.

  • @scraping-static That’s truth!

  • Since the maintanance update from today I get blackscreens that last over 20 sec. Used to be no more than 4/5 sec.. Something wrong this update maybe?

  • Yup this is the game's biggest problem. The other day I was in a battle with friends and I died and after leaving the ferry I was in a black loading screen for no joke 45 seconds. I could hear my boat getting blown apart and could do nothing about it. This has GOT TO BE fixed. To me it's a gamebreaking problem.

  • @hynieth

    nope, you're wrong.
    the loading screen can be very long even if you DON'T sink! saw it so many times.
    i already have an Xbox X...same thing.

  • @clumsy-george said in FIX THE LOADING TIMES FOR GOD SAKE:

    So Mr Hynieth , the long loading time during a shipbattle, i mean respawn time during a shipbattle ,is mainly caused by the Harddrive your game is on...So ,if i may ask , let's take that dying or taking the mermaid in a tranquil moment of the game is the standard time , how would you compare your respawn time during a shipbattle that you are about to lose and will lose in normal conditions? i mean is it a bit faster , tremendous faster , or the same as the respawntime in a tranquil moment?

    And you as IT Person, is there a possibility that Rare or the Server runners can improve that time or do we all need to buy such a harddrive you recommend? Don't think that i'm mocking you , i have so much PC and internet server knowledge ,that it is a small miracle i can start up my PC...

    Yes, there is a possibility that Rare can improve the loading times. People seem to think that loading times have gotten worse since launch, but I don't think those people were around for the launch of this game because boy were the loading times horrendous during launch and the weeks after.

    That's also the reason why I think Rare can improve the loading times: they have done so before. Loading times have improved massively since those weeks after launch, so I see no reason for them not to be able to do it again.

    That said: There are very varying loading times across the board and this has to do with the system you play on. I don't experience the same issues as most in this topic have talked about. I play Sea of Thieves on a PC which has both the Operating System and the game on an SSD. That alone will improve my loading times a ton.

    @Koubiwan, I will use you as an example; you said you have an Xbox One X. While the X is an amazing console, the system still has a regular Hard Drive (HDD). That means that, by default, your loading times will be much longer than they would on an SSD. You are correct to say that a long loading screen doesn't necessarily mean you've sunk.

    Your system and your internet speed (upload speed, not download) are the biggest factors in your loading time. IF you were to pop in an SSD and run Sea of Thieves from there, you WILL have a much better experience with loading times.

    Yes, Rare can improve loading times but so can you. Pop in an SSD and watch your loading times magically decrease :D

  • @nofears-fun sagte in FIX THE LOADING TIMES FOR GOD SAKE:

    Not sure why we do not see more posts about this, as this is a very legitimate complaint. The load times are too varied, and often times impact combat, whether it is skelly ships or other pirates, or even just vulcanos. I should not be able to count to 20 seconds or more while watching the spinning wheel. And no, it is not my internet connection. The load times for entry to Athena Fortune, from mermaid, when the game opens, or from the ferry of the damned are way too long. The load times from your mermaid or ferry of the damned are too inconsistent. Sometimes you load fairly fast, other times it takes forever. Often times when they take forever, you respawn at your ship just as it gives you the sunken ship sound or when the ship is too far gone to save. Long load times if the ship is already sunk and you are being sent to the new ship are understandable, but if the outcome is not already determined then there should be no delay.

    It depends on where the ship is how long the loading is...when it's near an island/near other ships it takes longer, when it's in the open seas you're there in no time, almost no loading screen at all

  • @what-zit-tooyya i play on XboxS.. i wonder if XboxX would have quicker load time.. is it a server issue.. hardware issue..

  • @li-jratt-li Theoretically it would, yes. The hardware is better, therefor the loading times would be. Difference won't be THAT noticeable, though. You're better off looking at your internet speeds and see if you can improve there.

    Hook up ethernet directly to the xbox, reduce any devices that would be in-between (switches etc) and just monitor your overall upload speed. That's the biggest factor in loading back into the game.

  • @li-jratt-li the only loading time which is effected by pc or xbox one x is the start-loading-time...everything else-ferry, mermaid is a server issue
    I play on XBox S, my girlfriend on the normal one, another friend on x and the other on pc and we all have the same problem...
    When you're out in the open sea and no other ship around you spawn with allmost no loading screen at all...just near an island or other ships it takes so long, no matter what platform you're on

  • @murkrage sagte in FIX THE LOADING TIMES FOR GOD SAKE:

    @li-jratt-li Theoretically it would, yes. The hardware is better, therefor the loading times would be. Difference won't be THAT noticeable, though. You're better off looking at your internet speeds and see if you can improve there.

    Hook up ethernet directly to the xbox, reduce any devices that would be in-between (switches etc) and just monitor your overall upload speed. That's the biggest factor in loading back into the game.

    Just I said before, just the start-loading is faster on S, X, PC...mermaid and ferry spawn is a server issue

  • TL;DR
    Loading times are not linked exclusively to either your internet connect OR your choice of storage device... Many other factors come into play.

    Loading times are definitely not just linked to the HDD, especially with regards to loading from the ferry or back from a mermaid.

    The game takes a long time to load initially when you start a new game as it has to load every asset it needs and code from the HDD or SSD into the RAM and then Cache in order for the GPU and CPU's fetch-execute cycles to begin in order for the computer to load in the world.
    Whilst you can say that a faster storage device with faster access times will help here, there are many other factors:

    • CPU/GPU speed
    • CPU/GPU cores
    • CPU/GPU cache speed and size
    • RAM speed and size

    Here's the kicker though - the SERVER has it's part to play as well. The server has to tell your computer and every other computer where the ships, the items and the most importantly the weather, forts, waves and wind are all working at present - it has to do this for up to 24 players on a server at a time, with people teleporting about if they die (which happens a lot in battle or at forts), teleporting if they mermaid, teleporting if they spawn into a ship etc. This is taxing on the servers and if your computer is also trying to do other things at the same time, it will cause slow down of loading.

    Once you are in the world you are simply streaming in new elements (terrain, textures, items etc.) as and when you can see them within your field of vision (hence why there is no infinite view of the world through the spyglass). So when you teleport to the Ferry, as has been well documented on this forum, you are simply teleporting to a different part of the map, with a much lower number of items and textures to load - hence the quick spawn.
    When you enter the door to leave the ferry though, you have to stream all of that content back into your game to actually see it again. The black screen is simply hiding all of this happening from your view, as you can imagine the loss if immersion in the game if you saw the waves, then the ship, them islands, then grass, then trees, then pirates, then their clothes all popping into existence!
    When there are enemies around this is going to take longer as things are hectic and there are lots of other moving parts to try and load in for you, so it makes sense that this may take a while as all of that data has to come from the SERVER... perhaps it should not quite take as long as it does though!

    What I don't get though is how you can get trapped in a loading loop to spawn about 10 metres away back to your ship from a Mermaid?! The terrain is there loaded already, there will be very little else to load to memory, so what takes so long?

  • @schwammlgott said in FIX THE LOADING TIMES FOR GOD SAKE:

    @murkrage sagte in FIX THE LOADING TIMES FOR GOD SAKE:

    @li-jratt-li Theoretically it would, yes. The hardware is better, therefor the loading times would be. Difference won't be THAT noticeable, though. You're better off looking at your internet speeds and see if you can improve there.

    Hook up ethernet directly to the xbox, reduce any devices that would be in-between (switches etc) and just monitor your overall upload speed. That's the biggest factor in loading back into the game.

    Just I said before, just the start-loading is faster on S, X, PC...mermaid and ferry spawn is a server issue

    This all depends on the way the game loads in the respawn. Like @Sshteeve says: there is no reason for the game to take such a long time to load in if you are respawning not 10 meters away from where you are.

    So that gives us a couple of options on what is happening:

    1. The server is very slow when it comes to getting everything in sync. The ferry is it's own instance, so loading you out and into the world means loading you onto the ferry instance, then off-loading you from the ferry onto the world instance. Which means Rare should be able to fix this on their end.
    2. The game completely re-draws the world when you teleport your location regardless of how far you've been teleported. That means that your system needs to erase your current PoV, get the info from the server of where you need to go, put you there, redraw the scene and put you back in. That means a 10 meter teleport, let's say you use the mermaid of the enemy ship because you are to lazy to swim back, is going to be waaaay too long. This is fixable by Rare.

    This last part, however, is also under your own control. I'm not saying that you should be the one to fix this problem, I am saying that you would be able to help yourself out by getting a better system. Note that this really only applies to PC players.

    Like I said before, I am not experiencing any loading issues like the ones previously mentioned. I haven't experienced them since the update shortly after launch. I give all the credit to my system for that, because clearly there's a lot of players out there still struggling with loading times.

  • @murkrage said in FIX THE LOADING TIMES FOR GOD SAKE:

    This last part, however, is also under your own control. I'm not saying that you should be the one to fix this problem, I am saying that you would be able to help yourself out by getting a better system. Note that this really only applies to PC players.

    That's the kicker, in a game with cross play in mind: and that's not a request for separate servers either before anyone jumps down my throat - I love the way things are and play with both PC and XBOX players.
    It is, however a little nudge in Rare's direction that optimisation is clearly not quite there yet for people on lower-spec PCs or on Xbox, where the hardware is pretty much set in stone for us apart from the storage device we use...

    Like I said before, I am not experiencing any loading issues like the ones previously mentioned. I haven't experienced them since the update shortly after launch. I give all the credit to my system for that, because clearly there's a lot of players out there still struggling with loading times.

    Loading times are deifnitely worse now than they were a few months back - the loading from the ferry has become very intermittent and mermaids are an absolute joke - I'd rather grab a rowboat and make my way back to my friends that way instead!

    What I have also noticed is a glitch now where voice chat stop working for the time you are loading in as well - so if you are utilising the in-game chat you can't communicate, therefore locking out any kind of strategising during a load back from the ferry (annoying mid battle to say the least)

  • Quite a good video of what is happening when a game loads:

    if you go to 2:09 you can see a game scene loading in assets and textures and lighting.

  • @murkrage You hit the hammer on the head there.

    @Clumsy-George and @Koubiwan
    Rare can decrease the load times for sure. I myself have not seen much longer load times, not much longer than since forsaken shores dropped. And that's still faster then at launch.

    I figure Rare can and will adress this for sure. Games like this that run serverside will go up and down in load times as time goes on. Down when a lot of content is introduced that stresses the server and up when the engineers find ways of saving memory that can be allocated to loadtimes, It's kind of a natural thing for online games.

    Buffing your hardware does work, it decreases loadtimes. That doesnt mean that when you do the game won't ever take a bit longer to load in some occasions. If the server is managing a kraken battle, 2 skeleton ships and a fort there can be some stress on it and load times will be longer.

    There will be a maintanance window today so I'm guessing some work will be done and hopefully the load times will be better. If not rest asured that the game has had some sucess over the past few months and its possible Rare will upgrade its sever structure making it so they can expand a lot.

  • @murkrage a dit dans FIX THE LOADING TIMES FOR GOD SAKE :

    @Koubiwan, I will use you as an example; you said you have an Xbox One X. While the X is an amazing console, the system still has a regular Hard Drive (HDD). That means that, by default, your loading times will be much longer than they would on an SSD. You are correct to say that a long loading screen doesn't necessarily mean you've sunk.

    Your system and your internet speed (upload speed, not download) are the biggest factors in your loading time. IF you were to pop in an SSD and run Sea of Thieves from there, you WILL have a much better experience with loading times.

    Okay, i'll try!
    Thx for the tip. :)

  • A few months back they fixed the load times. They had it on Xbox One X to where after returning from the ferry of the damned, you'd be back on your boat almost immediately. Now it's back to the 30 second nonsense that breaks the game.

    Will post this here now and have a look at the first fix:
    Loading Times - Loading times into the game have been reduced, so pirates now load in to the front end more quickly than before. The pirate selection carousel also loads in more quickly.

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