Feature Request: Player Name Masking (Pirate Names)

  • Overview:

    As a player of Sea of Thieves, I wish to mask player name tags with thematically appropriate substitutions (pirate names), to eliminate the ability to identify the Xbox Account ID (gamer tag) of other players on a server, while still retaining immersion and ability to effectively strategize.


    Streamers who broadcast their gameplay to an audience are at risk of their strategies being spoiled due to the Xbox Live integration. An audience member who sees an enemy gamer tag can easily use the Xbox Live app to send a message to that gamer tag, potentially warning them of the streamer's presence or spoiling details of their strategy. Preventing an audience from seeing actual gamer tags is a work-around to mitigate this issue.


    • toggle-able at any time through a menu option
    • pirate-like names to stay thematic
    • seed the randomizer based on the group's session id
    • names would appear the same for any player in that group
    • easy to identify your own substitution name


    Player enables Pirate Names in options and enters a game.

    Once joined to the server, the player's group is assigned a random unique session id.

    This unique id is used to seed a name generator, which replaces any on-screen visible gamer tag with a Pirate Name created from a pre-set list of possibilities.

    Substitutions would be constructed from a list of pirate-like first and last names to stay on-theme, e.g. given "Thomas", "Peter" and "Blackbeard", "Parrotson" you could generate:

    • Thomas Blackbeard
    • Peter Parrotson
    • Peter Blackbeard
    • etc.

    By seeding the generator with a session-based id, then Pirate Names will be the same for any player in that group.

    Thus if two players in the same group see an enemy board their ship, both players will see the same name for the enemy player, as well as their teammates.

    If a player in that group were to leave the group and the game and then re-join the same server, thus with a different "group session id", then Pirate Names of the same players they saw previously would appear differently than before.

    When group chatting, it would be straightforward to refer to your fellow players by their Pirate Name. If playing with Xbox Friends, it would be expected upon joining a game that you may need to tell your team mates, "Hey guys, my pirate name this game is (pirate name)", since they might not be able to match your gamer tag to your pirate name while in game.

    In addition, enemy players who overhear you using or referring to your pirate name cannot identify you based on your pirate name. If your team mate's pirate name is "Johnny Seawolf" then an enemy player with pirate names enabled would see them as something completely different, ("Yorick Yellowfin", for example) or as their gamer tag (if pirate names is disabled).


    • Q: I can already change my gamer tag to something pirate-like, why would I need this?

    • A: This feature is to solve other viewers of the player's screen (e.g. a streamer's audience) from seeing gamer tags. Changing the actual gamer tag to something pirate-like does not address this issue.

    • Q: Won't this allow rampant cheating or abuse with no recourse? How will I report players?

    • A: Other players can still see your gamer tag unless they turn on the feature. Anyone can turn it off at any time to see all player gamer tags.

    • Q: Why use random names? Can't I pick my own Pirate Name instead?

    • A: Random names are required as it allows the feature to be implemented entirely client-side. Developing a feature that allows you to set your custom name and cause other players to also see that custom name would be significantly more difficult to develop than simply having each client randomize them based on a seeded id, as it would require server side storage of custom names.


    An enhancement to the above feature would allow a player to become "anonymous" to all players, causing other players' clients to behave as if the "Pirate Names" setting was enabled but just for that player.

    (Note: This enhancement would likely require an in-game ability to report players, otherwise players could use this feature to prevent discovering their actual gamer tag and reporting them)

    e.g. if a player enables Pirate Names, then it masks Xbox Account IDs visible on that player's screen, but other group members or enemy players can still see that player's Xbox Account ID on their screens.

    With an 'anonymous mode', all players would see an 'anonymous pirate' as their 'pirate name' rather than their Xbox Account ID, in all cases, whether the client has Pirate Names enabled or not

    This would be ideal for streamers or popular players who wish to mask their identity on the server (to other players) in addition to masking the identity of other players on their screen.

  • 19
  • I wrote something similar to your suggestion.
    I essentially agree with your approach.
    I'm not too good at expressing myself in a foreign language, so my suggestion is a bit messier to read and follow;

    When Streamer Mode is enabled Players Gamertags will be replaced with pre-assigned Pirate Names.

    Knowing that there is a limited number of Ships per Server instance, each ship could represent a different selection of names.

    Ship 1 would always be Skellywag Jordan Skellywag Marley , Skellywag Elliot and Skellywag Robin

    Ship 2 would always be Landlubber Quinn, Landlubber Peyton, Landlubber Reese and Landlubber Wren

    and so on for Ships 3 through 6

    If Ship 1 happens to be a Solo Sloop only one of the assigned names may be used.

    If Ship 2 happens to be a three player Galleon only three out of the four assigned names will be used, if a fourth player joins up, he'll be assigned the leftover name.

    Same goes for the other ships.

    The first Ship/Crew to set sail on the server gets assigned the names of Ship 1, the second Ship/Crew gets assigned the names of Ship 2 etc. etc.

    If the Crew of Ship 1 decides to drop out of the Server and another Crew joins up via matchmaking, taking the spot of Ship 1, they'll be assigned the names of Ship 1.

    The Crews of Ships 1 through 6 always have the same names.

    This would allow the Crews using the Streamer Mode to still be able to have reliable callouts, if everyone sees the same names there won't be a disadvantage between Crews using Streamer Mode and Crews that don't.

  • We are at a stage where players are using 3rd party tools, to cheat and Manipulate.

    I really believe it should stay in the way we view names of players, as reporting if required is easier, their has been cases that iv seen potential cheaters, and as i checked them on Xbox hours later had tried changing their names. This happens a lot in games such as Rust, anything steam based names can keep changing and its just a endless cycle that would potentially stop people from being able to trace players of that nature.

    I don't mind the idea of Ship names which get assigned on the server i think works well but personally not the name change for people.

  • It's already possible to craft a pirate name with your pirate character.

    I've noticed that others care about their in game presentation as well.

    As it is, most players I encounter in SoT dont care to put in the effort, but fake name generator? Meh.

  • I am ok with more appropriate pirate names. However, I would want to create my own pirate name. It is my pirate and I want my pirate to have the name I give my pirate, not some randomly generated generic pirate name.

    Game companies need to stop being lazy and build character naming options back in games. Problem is PvPers and steamers want their tags and online persona names. It is also a bit hypocritical that streamers make very public online identities and then want to hide them.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    As per the FAQ, creating your own pirate name would be significantly more difficult to implement, so that would be a good follow-up enhancement to the initial feature.

    Regarding PvPers wanting to hide their names... I think you might have misunderstood the core issue.

    The problem is entirely due to the Xbox Live integration. If someone is watching a streamer play, and sees an enemy name tag, they can go to Xbox Live and send a message to that gamer tag to let them know that the streamer is boarding their ship / hiding, etc.

    So the streamers don't actually want to hide their name, they want to hide other players' names!

    None of this would be a problem if you couldn't directly message players on Xbox Live just by knowing their gamer tag.

    I hope that makes sense!

  • Summit1g desperately needs this streamer mode :) It's annoying having to watch him play with the HUD off so viewers can't see names and warn the players he's on their ship. Since he has the HUD off he dies a lot because he can't see his health bar.

    One important thing, the name generation should ALSO change friendly crew mates names as well, and change your own name in the menus. That way if two streamers are playing together people can't check the other stream to find out what summits in game name is.

  • @mike7088 said in Feature Request: Player Name Masking (Pirate Names):

    Summit1g desperately needs this streamer mode :) It's annoying having to watch him play with the HUD off so viewers can't see names and warn the players he's on their ship. Since he has the HUD off he dies a lot because he can't see his health bar.

    One important thing, the name generation should ALSO change friendly crew mates names as well, and change your own name in the menus. That way if two streamers are playing together people can't check the other stream to find out what summits in game name is.

    Why would they do a massive code change like that just to make ONE player's experience 'better'?

    Maybe they could turn off player names in a 'stream mode' so other players don't get thousands of 'trash talk' messages during his steam? That might be more fitting.

  • @mike7088 said in Feature Request: Player Name Masking (Pirate Names):

    One important thing, the name generation should ALSO change friendly crew mates names as well, and change your own name in the menus. That way if two streamers are playing together people can't check the other stream to find out what summits in game name is.

    It would change all names inside the game once joined to a server, but not in the pre-game lobby. Think of it this way, it doesn't matter if players or the audience knows the streamer's in game name or their gamer tag.

    The problem is when players or the audience knows the gamer tag of an enemy, so they can send them messages spoiling the streamer's strategy.

    In reality, it would be very difficult to completely hide leaking you or your friends' gamer tags, and thankfully that is not the issue here.

    Does that make sense?

  • @steve-ivan said in Feature Request: Player Name Masking (Pirate Names):

    Why would they do a massive code change like that just to make ONE player's experience 'better'?

    SoT streams are getting very popular right now, driving more and more players to play Sea of Thieves, which benefits us all with higher population servers and more players to play with or against.

    Fortunately the feature I described, while not insignificant, would be entirely client-side, which massively reduces the scope and complexity of implementation.

    Note that it would also have the side benefit of masking "inappropriate" names, which would lead it to being useful as a "parental controls" feature, as well (or even just prevent streamers from having to deal with toxic names shown on stream!)

  • @steve-ivan said in Feature Request: Player Name Masking (Pirate Names):

    Why would they do a massive code change like that just to make ONE player's experience 'better'?

    Maybe they could turn off player names in a 'stream mode' so other players don't get thousands of 'trash talk' messages during his steam? That might be more fitting.

    Summit1g is not the ONLY streamer in the world, and streamers having to turn off names is not fair to them, because nametags are one of the primary ways to spot enemies.

    Trust me, it's not a massive code change like you think to replace nametags with random ones. In fact many games have streamer modes. One way to do it would be part of the log in process....each time someone joins a server it could assign that person a randomly generated name (hidden behind the scenes). Streamer mode would display those names instead (including their own and crewmates names).

  • @franksbangmaid said in Feature Request: Player Name Masking (Pirate Names):

    @steve-ivan said in Feature Request: Player Name Masking (Pirate Names):

    Why would they do a massive code change like that just to make ONE player's experience 'better'?

    SoT streams are getting very popular right now, driving more and more players to play Sea of Thieves, which benefits us all with higher population servers and more players to play with or against.

    Fortunately the feature I described, while not insignificant, would be entirely client-side, which massively reduces the scope and complexity of implementation.

    Note that it would also have the side benefit of masking "inappropriate" names, which would lead it to being useful as a "parental controls" feature, as well (or even just prevent streamers from having to deal with toxic names shown on stream!)

    I think you missed my point. We can talk about how I don't think streamers have added more people to the game if you want, people watching someone play doesn't always equate to sales. But asking for a code change for a streamer's convenience? That isn't good game design. That streamer will be on to the next game once their user base starts to lose interest.

    I DO agree that showing pirate names (gamer tags!) has unforeseen consequences in a world where people can just stream your playing - without you even knowing. Recently I encountered a streamer .. possibly even the same streamer you are talking about .. and the amount of vitriol I got over the next 2-3 days from his followers was FAR more than I would have expected. [Like .. easily 1-2 hundred messages before someone pointed out I could set messages to friends only.]

    Really it seems like there should be some xbox live consent issues there. I'm actually shocked that some of the more toxic streamers haven't had suits filed against them yet. There are some grey-areas around streaming and privacy that haven't come to the surface yet.

  • @mike7088 said in Feature Request: Player Name Masking (Pirate Names):

    @steve-ivan said in Feature Request: Player Name Masking (Pirate Names):

    Why would they do a massive code change like that just to make ONE player's experience 'better'?

    Maybe they could turn off player names in a 'stream mode' so other players don't get thousands of 'trash talk' messages during his steam? That might be more fitting.

    Summit1g is not the ONLY streamer in the world, and streamers having to turn off names is not fair to them, because nametags are one of the primary ways to spot enemies.

    Trust me, it's not a massive code change like you think to replace nametags with random ones. In fact many games have streamer modes. One way to do it would be part of the log in process....each time someone joins a server it could assign that person a randomly generated name (hidden behind the scenes). Streamer mode would display those names instead (including their own and crewmates names).

    Yeah .. assuming someone logs in as a streamer. shrug. I see this getting a little weird because there is, essentially, a broke chain of custody of the client in most cases.

    But I get where you are going with this. I honestly don't have an issue . but it still feels like a flawed design idea. We are talking about a game where a missed packet makes people render as a skeleton, what if that missed packet renders their real Tag - but a streamer thinks it isn't their real name?

    I dunno. Streamers are here to stay, but I don't think anyone has explored the idea of privacy of your game nearly enough.

  • @franksbangmaid Joe Neate covered this in a Developer Update video and they are working on a way of dealing with this issue.

    The devs have had this issue in their own streams. Likely, it will be a means of turning off the ability to see gamertags while maintaining other HUD elements.

  • @bran-the-ent said in Feature Request: Player Name Masking (Pirate Names):

    @franksbangmaid Joe Neate covered this in a Developer Update video and they are working on a way of dealing with this issue.

    The devs have had this issue in their own streams. Likely, it will be a means of turning off the ability to see gamertags while maintaining other HUD elements.

    It's great that they're aware of it!

    I believe showing some kind of name in-game is still much better than hiding them outright, so I am hopeful they will iterate toward something similar to what I described.

    Since many strategic elements are based on name visibility (hiding, swimming underwater), it would be unfortunate for the player with "streamer mode enabled" to completely lose that element of gameplay.

  • @steve-ivan said in Feature Request: Player Name Masking (Pirate Names):

    I think you missed my point. We can talk about how I don't think streamers have added more people to the game if you want, people watching someone play doesn't always equate to sales.

    Streaming has actually become some of the best advertising a game can get now. When you have 20-30 thousand people watching a streamer they like enjoy a game, that will result in a lot of sales. I'm sure Rare has seen a sales spike within the last month as Summit has been playing primarily Sea of Thieves (he's loving it), and he consistently gets 20k viewers. I'm sure other large streamers who also pull 20k+ viewers will be trying Sea of Thieves soon, for instance when arena comes out.

    Games can be successful with even a small player base of 5-10k players. I just hope they start selling skins for $$ to make more money on the side, as I want to see this game developed further.

    @bran-the-ent said in Feature Request: Player Name Masking (Pirate Names):

    @franksbangmaid Joe Neate covered this in a Developer Update video and they are working on a way of dealing with this issue.

    The devs have had this issue in their own streams. Likely, it will be a means of turning off the ability to see gamertags while maintaining other HUD elements.

    Completely hiding nametags is not ideal, because nametags are often times the primary way to spot enemies. If they do go that route they should at least put a white box or some indicator where the name would be to make it more fair.

  • @franksbangmaid Well, the person they are up against wouldn’t know they had streamer mode on, and I think folks like summit do pretty well even without name tags showing.

    As a streamer, I’m more interested in a: protecting the folks I’m playing with and b: limiting the amount of stream sniping. There are more cues at a player’s disposal than gamertags and good players will adapt to make use of them.

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