Combat Balancing Changes

  • The swordplay before the update was like moving through molasses while engaging in combat. It was clunky. Since the change, it's more fluid (as it should be), and the possibilities for transitioning between special moves increased - for those who have the skill to know how to use them.

  • I personally think that the sword buff is a bit too overpowered for pvp combat. It just doesn't take any skill to use anymore as it did before this patch. It makes it exceedingly difficult to fend off 2 competent players like when your boarding. Two guys running at you both swiping is not fun, it is much harder to fight people since it doesn't even take skill to be good with the sword anymore. Not only that but the animations on the guns happening after sprinting I think is bull as well. If you already went through that animation when switching to the gun in the first place, I don't understand why you need to keep going through that animation every single time you sprint. I hope they can make some changes if not too the game, then just arena mode, so that the combat system is fun like it used to be. The sword is just too powerful now, the gun nerfs were fine imo but the sword was given a little too much i believe.

  • Some amazing changes in this update good work!

  • i love the new sword play. i was already a monster during pvp now you made me the most powerful jedi....pirate ever lol

    being able to block and 360 spin with max sensitivity is probably overkill to be honest. i don't mean to shoot myself in the foot but you made it WAY too easy for me lol

  • @colonel-pots pc or xbox?
    i am on xbox and last night i 1v3 people in a sword fight. it was really funny, i blocked every hit. side stepped to avoid the heavy strikes and used a combo of light attacks moving backwards and jumping forward with heavy attacks.

    since the update i have died 1 time during pvp (blunderbuss to the back of the head very effective lol) (ship pvp once due to kraken)

    so might be a bit of skill when it comes to the timing of your movements and slashes. practice makes perfect. my crew hasn't gotten used to the sword changes yet either.

    in time my friend you will do fine.

  • @bran-the-ent okok but when u get hit once u should be abel to block the second hit and not get stuck in place as now. Now u have seriously almost no change when u fight against more than one pirate at the same time. Okok u can jump that u are not stuck anymore but that should not be it. I mean they should fix that u just can move everything else is Fine i mean it’s an good Update they should only fix that 🤦‍♂️

  • I love how Everytime I sprint my weapon animation resets, even though my gun is already equiped, it gives the gameplay a much more toxic feel having to to walk everywhere in order to keep my gun out and avoid the animation.

  • I have been waiting a couple months now for keyboard and mouse support and I am disappointed every time I update my game and realize it still is not in the game. Do you have a release date for this?

  • @sage-lagle said in Combat Balancing Changes:

    @MikeTheMutinous I have been waiting a couple months now for keyboard and mouse support and I am disappointed every time I update my game and realize it still is not in the game. Do you have a release date for this?

  • @enticed-malice has anyone noticed the knock back from skele blunderbuss hits? i was shot by one and it knocked me back quite far....i was a bit shocked lol

  • Just wasted a couple hrs playing this game is used to like, lost everything due to not being able to look left and right after a sword lunge. The servers should be shut down to fix the problem, new players experiencing that sort of glitch will just write the game off as wonkey. After it happening to me I will not be buying the game.

  • Estas mudanças foram ótimas para deixar a experiência de novos jogadores proximas de um jogador mais experiente, e isso por conta de jogadores mais experientes de certa forma saber usar mais as armas e a espada, assim deixando que um jogador novo ter como se defender destes jogadores.

  • hello

    please get the hold of the chests, that's why the players are running away from this game

  • Do you know when it will be back up and running.

  • Rly cool dude thanks

  • @redfox1679 Thank you for helping me a lot

  • I would buy the game Again, if you would please out a 5 minute penalty on the ship spawns?? It's super frustrating to sink the same galleon 4 times in 20 minutes when trying to loot a skull fort. This would GREATLY diminish griefing players that just try to kamakaize their ship into yours every 3 minutes. Easily making it impossible to complete a voyage or leave your ship for something. Seriously, you should be rewarded for sinking an enemy ship, not punished for surviving.

  • @ullar459 This game sucks anyhow, don't bother.

  • @dunez12 and yet, here you are, taking the valuable time out of your day to spend perusing the wonderful forums commenting on what you know in your heart to be one of the greatest games ever made.

  • seriously you so called developers have GOT to be kidding. The game is a poor copyt of the Activisoion Muppet treasure island of 20 years ago with worse graphics and even worse game play. From hearing morons swearing in the game to impossible to operate activities you should be dis barred!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @presentgoose461 You sound like you have a hard time grasping simple controls? while the combat nerfs have pretty much ruined the PvE game all for the sake of PvP balancing I dont see any issue with anything else and claiming an artistic graphic style in a modern game can look worse than something 20 years ago? Man you are a silly goose

  • As much as I love this game, the combat, particularly the melee combat, is utterly uninspiring. As someone who played chivalry medieval warfare for years, this feels like a left click spam-athon with very little tactical thought which mostly just focused on timing swings. Very little difference in melee style from character to character with combat situations often being decided on the combat initiation situation which can hardly ever be overcome by skilled tactics. Please don't sacrifice depth of combat mechanics to pander to those who are adverse to learning curves. Difficulty and space for learning makes the combat interesting and allows players to get a sense of progression, particularly in a game where there are so few venues for direct progression.

    If you guys aren't already familiar with chivalry medieval warfare, you really ought to check it out, even if it is mostly dead now. Even uses the unreal tournament engine 3, so I know it's combat system is compatible with SOT's engine.

  • @sc*m-boy-rick
    (I btw need to edit your nickname to be allowed to answer to you - I'm wondering how you are allowed to use ''sc um'' in the nickname while I'm not allowed to write it down in any way...

    The medivial combat styl wich is in this game is indeed a better melee system - if you can play it. Point is its totaly unintuitive and and way to complex for the game sea of thieves wants to be.

    The main problem for me with the sea of thieves melee combat is is that its so slow and makes you unable to move every now and then. Wich is super annoying.

    It basicly needs another move - like a game like Vermintide has.

    So instead of having Attack, Charge attack and block + side steps only while blocking.
    You woud have Attack, Charge attack, Block, Push(! by pressing Attack while holding block) + doding anytime (doubel tab w s a d)
    Thats an addition wich is still easy to understand, coud work in sea of thieves and is way more interssting than block and attack. The charge attack is rarly used since its easy to dodge and easy to punish.

  • So when are we getting the crossplay turn off option. Keyboard/mouse hop around shooting is no match with controller, i can easily tell the difference between a PC player and a controller player. Please give us the option in Arena

  • @fu11b1ackhabit you also have the option to attach a keyboard and mouse to your xbox, it's a matter of personal preference.

  • @fu11b1ackhabit Finally, someone aks the real question.

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