Kick people from crew

  • There REALLY needs to be a way to kick people from the crew. We had a 6 ship alliance going, and two kids were spamming the party chat with invites and leaving chat. Being EXTREMELY ANNOYING not only with that but with how they we're acting. We were not all business, we had fun too. But they were seriously the most annoying kids on the face of the Earth. We need a way to kick people from the crew/chat. It was an invite only but they found a way. And yes we all blocked and muted them but it did not help!!!! We need your assistance please I'm begging. We all almost quit. and I don't know how much more I can take of that. I just wanna play my game, as we all do. Thank you in advance. Also when someone is in the bring, they should not be able to get any benefits from it, ie. Get coins, dablooms, achievements. Nothing. They are in jail. You don't get anything while in jail(brig)

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  • @greasemonkeyss until they are in majority and vote you into the brig, then you'll yell "NEED TO RECIEVE GOLD EVEN IF IN JAIL".

    But I am with you, I would love to force them to walk the plank.

  • @GreaseMonkeySS I have experienced the same behavior too. It would be nice to kick people from your crew, as putting somebody in the brig is not ideal in some cases. They get reward for being in the brig and not to mention they take a seat on the crew.

    When you start a ship at the beginning of the game there is an icon next to the party leader or captain, as it would be in pirate terms. They need to add a game mechanic to allow the party leader to apply a crew vote and all members of the crew would vote to kick. Once the offending player has been kicked, they cannot rejoin on any member of the crew.

    I know this would not be a simple task for Rare, but I think it is needed.

  • @greasemonkeyss I totally understand your pain but kicking system can be easly abused by bad players.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Kick people from crew:

    @greasemonkeyss I totally understand your pain but kicking system can be easly abused by bad players.

    Not if done in a democratic way by allowing the crew to vote the kick of a crew mate.

    I can see how some may abuse it too. But if you get kicked for no apparent reason, then it is probably for the better.

  • @friedwilly So, just imagine, me and my friends are sailing the seas on a galleon, a friend drops out and we decide to get a random on board: You drop in on our ship all is well and good and we sail an athenas, we get the last chest and go to sell it. Now we decide we don't want to have you join in on this loot since you're not one of our fixed crew and we have no love for you. We decide to kick you, invite some rando from our discord and let him join for the looting. Does this sound like fun to you?

    Now to be completely honest Ofc I would never do such a thing myself. I do know people who would just kick others just to spite them. Maybe some kid who's on open mic and is breathing heavily, shouting to his mom that he's done in a few minutes etc. (all annoying but nothing really any of us can say is bad behaviour)

    I don't want to see anyones fun be ruined and a kick system would ruin fun for a lot of people.

    I'll give you a real word example from my time as a World of Warcraft healer.
    I've healed since vanilla wow, I've done countless dungeons and had good standing and reputation on the server I was on during Vanilla/ TBC and the beginning of WOTLK. Then when Cataclysm dropped I, like many others did LFG dungeons a lot. I got kicked out of groups so many times because of no reason other then just to spite me or because people always need someone to blame. When I read that SoT would not have a kick system I applauded Rare for this choice, it's a lot better to Work around annoying factors then to make victims of those who mean well but might be annoying.

  • @hynieth All valid points and as a WoW veteran, I am familiar with their systems.

    Obviously there is no clear solution to deal with detrimental players to the game and your crew.

    Perhaps a vote to duel and who ever loses the duel is kicked from the group and yes it could be the party leader and or captain who gets kicked. Perhaps mutinous, but nonetheless pirate like.

  • @hynieth said in Kick people from crew:

    @friedwilly So, just imagine, me and my friends are sailing the seas on a galleon, a friend drops out and we decide to get a random on board: You drop in on our ship all is well and good and we sail an athenas, we get the last chest and go to sell it. Now we decide we don't want to have you join in on this loot since you're not one of our fixed crew and we have no love for you. We decide to kick you, invite some rando from our discord and let him join for the looting. Does this sound like fun to you?

    Sound like a pirate thing to do, funny.
    Sorry, I had to say it

  • @friedwilly Yes there is and as someone have answered you ( i was to lazy to explain myself) the only way to prevent those players from doing that is by not getting money or REP in the brig.

  • @faceyourdemon
    And as someone has already mentioned, that would just give trolls another tool.
    How would you enjoy playing for hours on a galleon just for them to brig you before turning in the loot? Wouldn't be very fun, would it?

  • My vote goes towards an in-game, and verifiable, reporting system with increasing levels of punishment up to and including banishment from the SoT for various transgressions, especially if repeated...

    • cheating
    • griefing
    • wasting supplies (eating bananas at full health or firing cannons at nothing, for example)
    • brig abuse (maliciously jailing an innocent sailor)
    • ship abuse (hoarding the helm, or purposefully crashing the ship, for example)
    • dumping loot
    • AFK (for longer than 10 minutes)
    • vulgar language
    • mic abuse (incessant noise or singing, for example)
    • uncooperative
  • @greasemonkeyss I think the answer is in not getting any gold if you're in the brig. People love to just sit in the brig and make gold for doing nothing so I really think that would stop MOST people from being annoying brig dwellers. There would still most likely be a select few who do it just because they think it's funny.

  • @EzraTheSkeleton

    @truthfullist56 said in Kick people from crew:

    And as someone has already mentioned, that would just give trolls another tool.
    How would you enjoy playing for hours on a galleon just for them to brig you before turning in the loot? Wouldn't be very fun, would it?

  • Make them walk the plank or bowsprit!

  • @truthfullist56 But other then trolling they wont get anything.
    You know, sometimes you dont have the perfect solution in life
    someone will get hurt but in this case it would be the minimum because no one will get anything from doing so.

  • These comments about kicking being abused are an invalid argument because all crew members get an equal share, regardless of crew size. 1 less man doesn't mean more money or xp. A kick feature is very necessary... Otherwise, those who would normally be removed, are just being rewarded essentially for rule breaking

  • @moretable787395 said in Kick people from crew:

    These comments about kicking being abused are an invalid argument because all crew members get an equal share, regardless of crew size. 1 less man doesn't mean more money or xp. A kick feature is very necessary... Otherwise, those who would normally be removed, are just being rewarded essentially for rule breaking

    Really ? So if two players on a brigantine who are waiting for a friend, open up a crew so a random player joins them and as soon as their friend is online they kick out the random player, how would you call that ?

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