What's the Story Behind Your Gamertag?

  • My initial gamertag was Stundorn what is my GT for many, many years back in the 90ies. Another Story :-)

    I changed it to Bugaboo Bill because i like the carribean flair as i'm a percussionist in a Reggae Band.
    Bugayaga means common, unworthy or even a sloppy, dirty person like a beggar in jamaican patois afaik.
    I cant find the reference anymore, but Bugaboo is a kind of variation of it and there is a small tale or poem about a giant who hassle the people of a village once and again who is called Bugaboo Bill.
    Here's the thread were i tried to adapt this original poem and explained more about it in Detail who Bugaboo Bill is :-)


  • A good question!
    I had a previous gamertag just before the launch of SoT.
    Thought it was time for a change & something specific , I created a new account, & thought "Craggy" would suit my persona.

    "Craggy" is a little nod & wink to my heritage, culture & lump of land.
    Being an Irishman... there was a comedy programme screened here written by the wonderful Graham Linehan & Arthur Mathews called " Father Ted" Set on the fictional Craggy Island, a remote location off Ireland's west coast.

    For me it's comedy gold, and rewatching it.... as I often do, makes my world seem brighter.
    Here's a Compilation of clips for those unfamiliar of this comedic gem. Hope you enjoy!

  • Well...
    My Gamertag... I'm sure it brings some lights to me... Let me see.. it has a lot of Grog mix with that (eheheh)

    I do remember it was after some crazy night in my teenage years. Me and my friends went out that night and had a little more than we should... I do remember the only thing they talked about was Facebook, that new social media revolutionary that came after the hi5 and Myspace... (Yeah teenagers, I know).

    So, after I arrived home I do remember to turn on my PC to create an account.
    Obviously I started with Nuno, because it's my real name.
    Then all the rest is a bit vague in my head... It surely went down like: Oh, look the Facebook tab is blue, I like blue... (Blue in Portuguese is Azul) and fell asleep on the keyboard... probably.

    Then I never thought about that again. Few days later all sober up, I was up to create an account (again). And the system said I already had one. It was when I found my name was NunoAzuldimeter

    I really liked it, I started to use it from that day.

  • @vorondil1 mine be not a choice it be a random gamer tag and I like rabbits so I kept it

  • @nunoazuldimeter Hah that is pretty awesome, even though it happened unconditionally, you still kept it as your gamer tag.

    @PirateCraggy Awesome story, I am gonna check the video when I get home because you made me really curious!

  • Kinda self explanatory...

  • @vorondil1 ah interesting, well my name comes from trying to call myself weststormtrooper, as I was highly into Star Wars at the time. This ended up not being an option so I went with the next best thing as Weststormborn, the west part comes from living on the west coast of US and storm born for the effect of me being born in a storm.

  • Back in my early teens I used to play variations of wall-ball, and dodge-ball like games with a side of water balloon fights and what not while working at a summer camp. I used to tactically position myself between the sun and my enemies. Harder to aim a projectile while squinting. Anyway after landing a rather comical headshot on a friend with what I think was a volleyball. He described seeing an eclipse. Once I discovered I could swap the I with a J (My first name starts with a J so all the better). It has been my username for pretty much everything since.

  • Well my username in most games is Shatango, and it just popped in my head one day when I was trying to find a name for my Pandaren Monk in WoW :). Since that day I use it for everything. Well why isn't it just Shatango then.

    Well i had an Xbox 360 long time ago with a username that I never changed over the years till SoT. When I logged back in for Sea of thieves I found out my old gamer tag was "DarkgamerNL" When I wanted to change it I found out someone took the name a while ago.... so "Mr SHATANGO" was born :S. But people just call me Tango xD


  • Mine is my last name. No special story other than that sadly.
    Figured there aren't many people who can have their second name as their gamertag. Fortunately for me I have an uncommon name.

  • A collection of stories: What's in a name?

  • Often times when I play with new players they get a good chuckle at my screen name and I often have to supply the back story to how my screen name came to be.

    I came up with the screen name in 1998 when I started playing online FPS games within clans.(i.e., Call of Duty, Rainbow6, etc.) Since then the name has just worked for me.

    My screen name was derived from my surname and first name. But it was also based on a theory from a popular movie from the 90's and the theory comes from the movie 'Free Willy". Basically, what would have happened to the orca from that film if he was not freed? Hmmmm?

    I apologize for my satirical sense of humor. Albeit coming from a person who is a scuba diver and lover of the ocean.

  • mine is a combination of characters i like. revan is from star wars kotor. j is from james bond i had to have some kinda middle initial haha. stone is from josh stone of resident evil 5.. he was a legend..

    ive thought about changing it a bunch of times but never came up with something i liked more. revan throws ppl off sometimes. i get called raven, rev, and reverend a lot haha and i dont mind those either so its all good.

  • I've posted this before in a previous version of this thread. gatorwocky is a combination of things in my life.

    I played in a local metal band for well over a decade known as Jabberwocky. When local band sites popped up, we created accounts that were "Jabberinsertfirstname." This was to promote our band for upcoming shows. My first X-Box account was that name. Then I somehow lost access to that account. I don't remember those details and I eventually started a new one. gatorwocky. I'm a huge Florida Gators fan so I simply combined the two. I'm long since done with playing music in live bands (I'm an older guy and that stuff takes a lot out of you). However, the gamer in me still exists. So gatorwocky lives on.

    I like the name. It's unique and means something to me. Plus, I feel like it kind of rolls off the tongue. Of course, most of my gamer friends simply call me "gator" and I'm good with that.

  • It's taken from two WATAIN (Black Metal band) songs.
    Legions Of The Black Light / Reaping Death = So i tried mixing the words around and found out that ReapingLegion sounded good :P

  • @vorondil1 I'm a long time fan of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels along with most things fantasy (D&D, WHFRP, LotR etc) so wanted something along those lines, but not so obvious as to need a huge number to be unique. I went for a lesser known character, Bravd the Hublander, but this was too many characters (I joined Xbox live the day it came to the UK on the original Xbox) so I tried shortening it to Hublander and have kept it ever since.

  • @closinghare208 said in What's the Story Behind Your Gamertag?:

    @vorondil1 mine be not a choice it be a random gamer tag and I like rabbits so I kept it

    I’ll reply to this before it gets closed for being necroed.
    But I’m not sure if you are aware mate, but if you got a random gamer tag.
    You are allowed to change it once free of charge. :)

  • It was about the time WOW launched. I couldn’t remember my OG Xbox log in info when I got he X360 so I used the name of my Dwarf from WoW in an effort to stay connected with my internet friends. So I just use it for everything Internet/Related to Gaming these days.

  • Sea of Thieves is the only reason I even have a gamer tag. Being totally alien to the modern gaming world, I had to figure out what that was, how to get it and how to get started.
    As SoT is also my only game, my gamer tag is geared towards having fun in the pirate world. All I could think of was Buttery Barnacles so it was adapted to the gamer tag character limitations.
    Aye, me barnacles be buttery. Do ye want to feel them?

  • I used to run a Podcast called Aging Fanboys and I thought it was kinda funny

  • Well, mine is a rando tag from Microsoft. Was starting another side account to hide out on (longer story than I'm willing to share). Cycled through several because I wanted to not be connected with my many potato themed gt's. Ended up presented with this.
    Pithy means short and informative. And rumble cause... I mean I like my music to rattle the dishes...

    So I'm a concise informative earthquake.

    And now this is my main. 🧜🏽‍♀️💜

  • The straw hat pirates to me have always embodied the enjoyment of life and the freedom of not questioning oneself. Now every time I Sign in I’m reminded of the childish nature I used to have and to not let the sea (video games) make me bitter. Great post! I love reading about everyone’s gamer tag origins haha

  • I use different names. My gamertag in the game is Moo Crumpus. The name originated when I moderated the international user forum for a small operating system (BeOS!!!) and all my previous names had some weird meanings in certain foreign languages. So I thought up a name that would be both meaningless and at the same time pronounceable in most languages. Besides, it is a bit dadaistic, my forum signature was: Moo Crumpus, frumpus ♥️ addicted. Later, a proximity to the Central European mythical figure of Krumpus was suspected, that is harmless.

    My forum tag is an old spelling of one of the most infamous pirates of the North and Baltic Seas, Goedicke Michels. He and his buddy Klaus Störtebecker made life and trade difficult for the Handelsbund der Hanse. The name was still free in the forum, so I used it gladly. Nobody has to pronounce it, so umlauts and hissing sounds don't really matter.

  • Face Your Demons just came up in a dream and i agree with what it stands for.

  • This being my first and only Win10 game, I wanted a name that invoked a pirate version of grunt.
    A soldier in the trenches, a stalwart crewmate and capable seaman, a combat veteran with a thousand mile stare.

    Since the debut of Arena, I see myself as a retainer for DiMarco and Lisedi.
    Or a cheerleader for the Glorious Sea Dogs.

  • My name was picked from one game and one ...RPG-maker game.
    Daikon was from the rpg-maker demo Velsarbor! It was very well Made, but still just a demo! One of the charaktes was named "Kento Daikon". And I love the sound of that! The name Akechi comes from the game Onimusha," Samanosuke Akechi".

    Fun fact Daikon is a japanese raddish! The funny thing is, this is my favorite username since 13 years I think, but since 6 years I know what it means! But still, I like it.

  • Quickly before it gets locked

    My name comes in 2 parts: Dredgen which is a title from the Destiny universe, a hero turned villain who eventually was called Dredgen Yor. The word "Dredgen" means victory over death or Eternal. And Cosmos as I have a thing for space and beyond, the unknown so that's why it's Dredgen Cosmos or Eternal Cosmos if you prefer the translation.

  • @dredgen-cosmos said in What's the Story Behind Your Gamertag?:

    Quickly before it gets locked

    re. Topics over 1 month

    Think we are good here... this is a "Perpetual" topic.
    One of the special few I believe.. that can be added to.
    All our stories in one place.

    I'm sure @Deckhands , can confirm this.

    edit: personally I love to hear everybodies story on how their name came to be.
    Whether their post was made back when 1st this thread was created, or now.
    It is the story of our community, and a welcome thread for those new to the game.... to share a little about themselves.
    It's a continuing story... yet to be told.

  • My Origional Gamertag (Buck_Luny) was an old D&D char that I used in my 2nd Edition days. He was a Baklunish Priest of Pelor who was origionally called something arabic untill during his first game session everyone Just Called him Buck Because he was Baklunish so I renamed him Buck_Luny and the rest is history.

  • @knifelife said in What's the Story Behind Your Gamertag?:

    @closinghare208 said in What's the Story Behind Your Gamertag?:

    @vorondil1 mine be not a choice it be a random gamer tag and I like rabbits so I kept it

    I’ll reply to this before it gets closed for being necroed.
    But I’m not sure if you are aware mate, but if you got a random gamer tag.
    You are allowed to change it once free of charge. :)


  • My name’s Pete and I’m a fan of rock music. As a young teen someone coined the term Peteloaf (from Meatloaf).

  • basically, I am a fan of resident evil series, especially that character in the game named Leon. that why I choose Leongamer for my Xbox Gaming Journey. Just for the sake of choosing a Gamertag, don't hasten the process of creating your Gamertag. Your Gamertag is also known as your alter-ego for Xbox.
    As you know, Millions of Gamers are using Xbox, and this userbase is increasing day by day. Due to such high demand, it isn't effortless to get a good Gamertag.

    Many online tools help you to generate some Awesome and Cool Gamertags

  • This is going to sound a bit cringe to some, but meh.

    It derives from a attachment of interpretation of a song by the same title by a band called Sub rosa, that's helped deal with some stuff.

    As for the interpretation, it comes from my personal battles with cancer, and the lasting effects it has had on myself both physically and mentally over decade on.

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