Fish Value Chart

  • Not sure if this post belongs here but hey everyone, so I played the new update for a little bit since I've been pretty excited about fishing. So I went to see if how much each fish is worth was anywhere on the wiki and couldn't find it (understandable since the update just dropped). Since I couldn't find how much each fish is worth, I decided to just start keeping track myself.

    I made a google doc with the values that I've already figured out from the tiny bit of fishing I was able to do today. I'm gonna leave it so anyone can edit it, but if for some reason people start being jerks with it I'll have to change that I guess. Was just hoping others would be able to help fill it out during their fishing journeys and trying to see if anyone was interested in this type of info in the first place.

  • 10
  • @thecracken95 That's a great idea, be sure to make a post in the guides + tips section when it's complete. Also, you can cash in mermaid gems for the same price and it will help towards rep.

  • @thecracken95

    This is a fantastic idea and thanks so much for starting this off, hopefully you'll see some additions that will create a very handy fishing resource for everyone!

  • Added one entry on the Trophy Ruby that I cooked last night - if I recall I received 90 for it as it was undercooked.

  • That seems really low, I recieved 190 gold for a cooked Trophy Ruby!

  • @h0und0fculain3
    I might have misread as I only glanced. Feel free to update :)

  • @thecracken95 this is an amazing idea i hope it picks up wind. id love to have a better idea of what sells for what.

  • I came across a graphical presentation on the Facebook Sea of Thieves community and I find the graphical version very helpful.

    Hunter's Call - Fishing Graphic

    I take no credit for this image, but I do find greta value from the provided image.

  • @thecracken95

    Excellent idea Matey.
    I'll try later, if I can, to help ya fill in some of those blanks.


  • Is this post still relevant or is there some other sheet more popular than this?

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