Arena. Pirate Legend. 2 different games.

  • Can we please take the pirate legend weapons out of the arena commendations. Rare literally locked our pirate legend weapons behind a hole different game that some of us don't like at all. It isn't the same game I hit pirate legend in. why should I have to spend 59 hours ATLEAST playing a game I never liked, to complete the rest of my pirate legend outfit.... Please take pirate legend gear out of arena. this mode is such garbage and even if you don't ill never play arena to bother getting the pirate legend weapons that I deserved as a founder. and yes Arena is a DIFFERENET game than sea of thieves, you guys pretty much made a fail battle royal. 35 mins per game is so ridiculous. Make it based on kills in adventure...… make it off of Athena's. ANYTHING!!!!! just take it out of your trash arena mode. Never felt so cheated by developers in my life. I didn't buy your guys game for arena. I bought the game for adventure. and now I regret supporting you.

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  • @jiggybrad710 Please Bump this post if you see this and agree, I cant even explain how disappointed in rare I am for this. I've done nothing but support this game since you guys provided lack of content in the game during beta and day 1 launch. but this is too far. us players deserve our pirate legends we worked for. but no, now we have to play a WHOLE different game than the game we hit "PIRATE LEGEND" on.

  • @jiggybrad710 I kind of agree with this. I like Arena, but it's definitely a different game and not one I'm likely to play all that much. We've been waiting for Pirate Legend weapons for a long time. It'd be nice if there were another way to earn them in Adventure mode. I have nothing against the Arena folks earning cool stuff, but maybe there could be a separate set of weapons for them, rather than locking the PL stuff behind Arena commendations. Just a thought.

    I disagree with all the salt about it, though. No reason to get so emotional about it, or claim you've been "cheated" or that you regret supporting Rare for a game you've played and enjoyed for countless hours. Let's keep things in perspective. Arena is a different game, but that doesn't make it bad. It simply appeals to a different taste. We don't "deserve" anything but the game we have so loved since launch, and we still have that and more. Sea of Thieves is better than ever. All I'm saying is that we can make constructive criticisms of the game without tossing the baby out with the bathwater, I think. ;)

  • I suppose the idea was that since Arena is PvP there should be rewards there related to that theme (i.e. weapons). Why Rare decided to "hide" the PL weapons there is a mystery?

    You are quite right. You earned your PL status in Adventure and that's where you PL rewards belong. Arena sucks (calm down fanboys, just my opinion) so I also have no interest in playing it anymore. I'm not as bothered about cosmetics as some people, but I can see this decision by Rare would bother people that do care.

  • ye its sad the most beautiful sword is locked in arena...i had some fun with my crew in arena we made 10 wins in a row but its now a month ago we played arena;).the mystery behind the legendary weapons is , rare wanna make people playing arena...arena just came out to bring new players to sot.please let us get this legendary sword in adv mode,i mean the arena fans that grinded 100wins will get an unique item,in that short time just cause rare realized 250 wins is to high-....i dont get it why they get some extra cheese

  • @jiggybrad710 I agree. If Rare wants to add cool Legend cosmetics to the game and lock them behind Arena commendations that’s fine, but you shouldn’t have the completion of the PL Legend set be locked behind a completely different game mode. These cosmetics should have been in the game some time ago.

  • @jiggybrad710 I disagree, it's the same game, arena is just a "concentrated" version of adventure...
    I was also a bit disapointed at first, but since I found a good arena crew it works fine...slowly...

    Some things are locked behind OoS, some to Goldhoarder, Merchants and Hunter's Call...why shouldn't there be something locked to the arena faction? Try to find a good crew...or wait until we get brig and sloop's easier as it sounds to become first place...
    Now that the commendation will be nerfed from 240 to 100 wins it's takes time, yes but still no problem...when I reach it in a year or more it's ok...
    Better try this now, with a full crew, as long there are afk-er on other ships, or open crews who doesn't really play together it's easier

  • i'm in doubt on this one, one side off me hates the fact that it's locked behind the arena wins. (i hate full blown pvp, just "accept it" in adventure).

    The otherside of me says a pirate "LEGEND" should be feared everywhere, from the adventure to the arena. You can't be a real legend if you don't do it all.

    I haven't set foot in the arena and i doubt i'll anytime soon, and that hurts to not get the weapons. I hope Rare just "gives" us the ghost weapons and banjo for the adventure ;-)

  • @jiggybrad710

    You deserve it if you complete the tasks they set out for them, whether or not you played since alfa or you enjoy it or not is irrelevant to the fact that this is a new addition to the game and it has these cosmetics as a reward.

    It isn't that you have done the requirements in the past nor does anything you have done make you entitled to new additions. The question is whether you want them and want to do the work associated with it or not. That is your choice, get off your high horse to think because you enjoyed the game longer than others that means you deserve special treatment. We are all pirates and equals.

  • @jiggybrad710 its just 100 wins (because it will be rebalenced soon) no biggy 100 wins can be attained in about 2 weeks time if you really grind it or in about a month or 2 if you take it really chill.

    No need to take them away from arena just play it now and then. Its not a different game its a different game mode

  • @jiggybrad710 I'm sorry for you that you don't like the arena but this is just the way things go.
    Some people didn't want to work together with people to get the Megladon Figurehead. We have incentives to do certain content and those weapons are part of that. You get plenty of time to earn them so you can always try arena every now and then and slowly build up to it.

    Lots of games have this dilemma and honestly the best example I can name is WoW with it's raid locked content, there's great mounts and tier sets to be had but not everyone playing the game will be able to earn them because not everyone wants to raid. It's just a case of too bad.

  • Also agree here.
    Would also like to get Sea Dog Rep in Adventure for hoisting the Reaper Flag and do Missions.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Arena. Pirate Legend. 2 different games.:

    Also agree here.
    Would also like to get Sea Dog Rep in Adventure for hoisting the Reaper Flag and do Missions.

    I have to agree with you there, nothing wrong with getting Rep in one way or another in adventure. But then again this might encourage people to seek out solo sloopers for easy kills they'd otherwise never get in Arena.

  • @schwammlgott thats the point if you dont have a crew its nonsense playing every other competitive online game you are be able earning alone commendations even if you play in a team .and the kings discipline is one on one in online games,we need sloops:) 1vs 1 vs 1vs 1vs 1

  • @weedstar-deluxe sagte in Arena. Pirate Legend. 2 different games.:

    @schwammlgott thats the point if you dont have a crew its nonsense playing every other competitive online game you are be able earning alone commendations even if you play in a team .and the kings discipline is one on one in online games,we need sloops:) 1vs 1 vs 1vs 1vs 1

    So be patient...sloops will come early enough...but I don't think this will be 1vs1vs1...

  • @jiggybrad710 ahoy there matey.

    I see this was only your 2nd and 3rd post here on the forums, but please remember that asking for thread bumps and upvotes is actually against the forum rules.
    You could change your original post to add the extra content, but you shouldn't really be asking folks to comment to keep it high in the forum.

    As for your original post - I get the frustration with regards to the content - I have just come back from a couple of months away due to various reasons and to be fair I accept now that I will not get everything in the game - that may include the Arena items and certainly I may not finish Tall Tales unless i find willing crews who aren't bored of them by now. Stating that you deserve something because you were a Founder though is a little entitled I am afraid - that would be like me saying there should be Boatswain sails or more for Year 1 Legends or "true" Legends who did the "grind".

  • @hynieth sagte in Arena. Pirate Legend. 2 different games.:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Arena. Pirate Legend. 2 different games.:

    Also agree here.
    Would also like to get Sea Dog Rep in Adventure for hoisting the Reaper Flag and do Missions.

    I have to agree with you there, nothing wrong with getting Rep in one way or another in adventure. But then again this might encourage people to seek out solo sloopers for easy kills they'd otherwise never get in Arena.

    Well to hoist the Reaper as a Solo Slopper is self destruction :D

  • @theunionjames said in Arena. Pirate Legend. 2 different games.:

    I swear next people will be complaining that you have to fish a lot to get a legendary fishing rod skin!

    Funny, but not the point. :) I don't think people mind the grind in a game they enjoy (Adventure in this case). The OP's point is that Arena is really a different game, and it's not everyone's cup of tea. I don't mind that Arena has its own cosmetics locked behind commendations there. The complaint is that the Pirate Legend stuff is also locked behind Arena wins (240 to be exact). That's basically insurmountable if you don't really like Arena. I'd welcome some other way of completing the Pirate Legend cosmetic set within Adventure mode, even if it's a grind.

  • Pirate legend covers all aspects of the game-that's why you had to progress in all the trading companies. It only makes sense that Arena would be part of what makes a pirate legendary. Believe me, when I (and I'm sure a huge amount of PLs) were working up to it thought "I really don't want to have to grind through high level OoS missions just to get the stupid PL.."

    Similarly, cosmetics that require you to have completed missions in a timeframe were things you could miss out on. Asking for them to just be given to you without having to earn them the way they the developers wanted you to is not really challenging.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Arena. Pirate Legend. 2 different games.:

    @hynieth sagte in Arena. Pirate Legend. 2 different games.:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Arena. Pirate Legend. 2 different games.:

    Also agree here.
    Would also like to get Sea Dog Rep in Adventure for hoisting the Reaper Flag and do Missions.

    I have to agree with you there, nothing wrong with getting Rep in one way or another in adventure. But then again this might encourage people to seek out solo sloopers for easy kills they'd otherwise never get in Arena.

    Well to hoist the Reaper as a Solo Slopper is self destruction :D

    Gehe true that, but I was more thinking along the lines of if you'd give people with a reapers flag PvP points you'd get a lot of innocent wrecked Sloops. But I guess you were thinking more along the lines of both parties needing a reapers flag to get points I guess?

  • @schwammlgott
    Why not? Most competitive games requiring extensive teamwork have a solo mode.

  • @blazedrake100 sloop is a 2 man ship (for me just a 1 man ship)...there will be sloops with just 1 person on it in arena, when it comes...but this will be some hard work to win, because it's made for 2 it will be like 2vs1vs1vs2vs2 or so...don't think you will have the luck to find a lobby with just one player per ship

  • @hynieth sagte in Arena. Pirate Legend. 2 different games.:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Arena. Pirate Legend. 2 different games.:

    @hynieth sagte in Arena. Pirate Legend. 2 different games.:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Arena. Pirate Legend. 2 different games.:

    Also agree here.
    Would also like to get Sea Dog Rep in Adventure for hoisting the Reaper Flag and do Missions.

    I have to agree with you there, nothing wrong with getting Rep in one way or another in adventure. But then again this might encourage people to seek out solo sloopers for easy kills they'd otherwise never get in Arena.

    Well to hoist the Reaper as a Solo Slopper is self destruction :D

    Gehe true that, but I was more thinking along the lines of if you'd give people with a reapers flag PvP points you'd get a lot of innocent wrecked Sloops. But I guess you were thinking more along the lines of both parties needing a reapers flag to get points I guess?

    No, but if the solo sloopers cant let it go and want it so eagerly and hoist a Reaper flag, well than they need to deal with it.

    I have yet to finish 8 Missions with Reaper Flag for a commendation when the reaper was introduced.
    Mostly we just dont hoist it because some of the crew dont like it and i need to do this solo.
    It's up to me if i want this or not.
    I can easily refuse to get something if i dont like it what they ask me to do to get it.
    Arena random crews for example.
    Or 1000 miles as a Legend.
    Keep it, i wont work it off, maybe one day it happens by the way, but i would never work it off.
    And i would never hoist a Reaper solo if i know what this means and i don't like it.

  • @schwammlgott
    The sloop is designed for both 2 players and 1 player. Again, arena isn't like adventure where it's about experiences with your crew, it's about winning. If they have a duos mode, that would not allow solo players to play still.

  • @blazedrake100 you can already start private crew in arena...when you don't invite someone there you are alone on a galleon in starts the match anyway, because there is a crew...a 1 man crew...
    This will also work with sloops then...

  • @schwammlgott
    But you'd be at a major disadvantage if your solo. Might as well make it all ships then...

  • @blazedrake100 sure you are...but I don't think they will make two seperate lobbies for 1 man and for 2 man sloops...just sloop lobbies, if someone joins it alone, he has to deal with it...or be very lucky to have all solo sloops...

  • @jiggybrad710 yeah its helli dumb. Arena = poopy. Everyone is garbage and it doesn't go with "Be more pirate" which is sea of thieves freaking mot. Dumb thing dont let me use sentence enhancers. Bruh

  • I agree. Pirate Legends have never been treated well.

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