Private Server

  • I would love the Sea of thieves to have an adventure mode with private server, so some players could play more carefree, undeterred, and Youtuber and Streames (and me) could interact better with their followers.
    Many casual players do not like being attacked during the match. I understand that this is a game focused on PVP, but it would be cool a safe mode

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  • I promote this!

    1st reason is i dont believe that attracting pve focussed players or players who for whatever reason dont like to be exposed to PvP should be attracted to a PvP sandbox.
    It's the famous sheeps to wolfs.
    As someone who is perfectly mixed and too nice for a bad pvper, but more of a for fun competitioner i only want to compete with people who are ready to compete.
    And nobody need to justify why he doesn't like to PvP.

    As it is for now, if you login you agree to interact with other players all the time cooperative and/or competetive!

    1. More customers, more money.
      More money, more development.
      More development, longer lifespan.
      And i like this game like no other for decades.
      Because it has no mandatory progression and i can do whatever i like.
      Because it is PvPvE, but way more forgiving than other sandbox PvP games with full loot.
      This because you can really see the others coming and have plenty of option to react etc...
      It is also not neccessary to organize 150 people to stand a chance in open world PvP, but only 3 others to have no imbalancies.
      Try that in other sandbox PvP games. The biggest zerg mostly wins.

    2. Yes many will opt out from PvP.
      But honestly i want only to compete with people who also want or are ready to compete and won't become sour loosers.
      Yes the PvP Pool will decrease heavily, this alone speaks volumes.

    I really hope there will still be enough PvPvE Adventure mode players like myself.

    1. I've lost track XD

    Edit: ah i git it back...

    I just understand people who dont like to PvP and have bad feelings about it because if bad experiences.

    The problem is, the pvpers in an open PvP sandboxe game with full loot at best are the nicest people on earth, very much empathic and allways caring for their fellow players.
    I do, but we all know what it is about in the world and especially in the internet.
    Sad, but true.

  • The only way I would ever get behind private servers is if you could not save your progression. Otherwise what's the point?

    The best part of this game is completing something knowing you could lose it any second. With the risk gone, so should the reward.

  • NO NO NO, please.

    Can I ask what the point would be?

    What would you do in private that you can't do in adventure? if all it is, is that you want a safe place then again that defeats the whole object of the game.

    Why can't I join in?
    If I came upon you and you were streaming/videoing. All I would want to do is say hi. By putting in private servers that would be impossible.

    Honestly it would just make Adventure more Kill On Sight as everyone would then use the excuse "why don't you just play in private" as well as it would kill the fun.

    Digging up chests with no threat is not fun, if it's to complete the Tales then please know they are doable as they are I have done 7 so far all solo, and each one has given me an even TALLER Tale to tell.

    SoT is not a game, it's an experience. You join the seas for the stories. If all that story was go here, dig here, sell there, then rinse and repeat, I'm sorry but I don't see the point

  • @badassfro the private server issue is you can enter with whoever you want, not alone. Imagine you watching a streamer, and asks him:
    Hey, can I play with you?
    and he responds
    Of course, my room is ### and the room password is ****
    this is already done in several games to increase the level of interaction of the streamer with the public

  • @caixaderemedio I think it would be cool to have private servers for people that want to make up their own game mode but you shouldn't be able to do any quests in the mode or forts or fleets just a free roam type of environment.

  • @fast-bike94 I agree

  • Whether you’re voyaging as a group or sailing solo, you’re bound to encounter other crews in this shared-world adventure – but will they be friends or foes, and how will you respond?

    That is directly from the ms store, why would anybody buy this that is completely against the chance of encountering aggresive players... i mean the info is right there.

    Also, RARE hase stated on multiple occasions that they are not opposed to servers where people can make their own mini games or the likes BUT they ARE against uncontested, click and your safe gold grinding servers.

  • @caixaderemedio said in Private Server:

    I would love the Sea of thieves to have an adventure mode with private server, so some players could play more carefree, undeterred, and Youtuber and Streames (and me) could interact better with their followers.
    Many casual players do not like being attacked during the match. I understand that this is a game focused on PVP, but it would be cool a safe mode

    Like others have said, I'm fine with this as long as you can't progress or get gold. This is because if you could, lots of pure pvers would play only in private, making adventure much more hostile. It would also devalue ranks. Again, it's fine without progression though so people could test things or make events easier.

  • If you want to pay for it, sure why not.

  • @caixaderemedio No....because then you could just farm rep for free? How is that a true PL? If private servers ever came to this game the game would be done..

    Edit: Post below me is perfect example. @SquaZ05

  • Will repeat what I write each time someone asks for a private server or passive mode

    There is a game called Elite dangerous that works similarly to sea of thieves in that it's a PvPvE game. The thing is that they have private servers and open servers. Problem now in the game is that no one goes in open anymore. Devs are changing the game to force people back into open to play the way it was designed to be played. They are removing the ability to do Power Play (Faction Warfare missions) in private and soon regular missions might also be disabled...

    In sea of thieves it will be the same thing. If you add private servers no one would risk their loot in the open servers and the only people that will join open are the griefers looking to kill the new players that don't know any better for no other reason than "it's fun to prey on the weak"

    PvP is am I tegral part of the game and should be considered as an extra danger, just like a Meg or a Kraken.

    Think of it like this.

    Other players are Elite Class NPCs with a random AI difficulty and Alignment (neutral good, chaotic evil, that type of alignment)

  • Private servers are fine as long as u get no rewards (gold,rep, commendations ect)

  • @squaz05 said in Private Server:

    Will repeat what I write each time someone asks for a private server or passive mode

    There is a game called Elite dangerous that works similarly to sea of thieves in that it's a PvPvE game. The thing is that they have private servers and open servers. Problem now in the game is that no one goes in open anymore. Devs are changing the game to force people back into open to play the way it was designed to be played. They are removing the ability to do Power Play (Faction Warfare missions) in private and soon regular missions might also be disabled...

    In sea of thieves it will be the same thing. If you add private servers no one would risk their loot in the open servers and the only people that will join open are the griefers looking to kill the new players that don't know any better for no other reason than "it's fun to prey on the weak"

    PvP is am I tegral part of the game and should be considered as an extra danger, just like a Meg or a Kraken.

    Think of it like this.

    Other players are Elite Class NPCs with a random AI difficulty and Alignment (neutral good, chaotic evil, that type of alignment)

    So point of your post was PVPVE games are a bad design as two huge may different gamers types are forced to play together and one being the fuel for the other means 9/10 of the PVE players on whatever game don’t want to deal with the other half!

    Seems like you are scared of being a PVP and not being able to handle people who want to PVP instead need easy kills on the server?!

    I’d you don’t need easy kills why not let more passive players have a passive area, oh yeah you just said it “adventure would become too hostile”

    Tbh the way the games going it’s let PVPVE kill off all the pve players and the game dies or try give OVE players a mode/server to play and grind out the content in which the game will have to survive the surge of greifers leaving,

    Be interesting to see which would have lasted longer but will never know

  • I'm still not hearing any compelling reasons for private server apart from:

    Filming a Pirate mini series: I would say this would be infinity better in adventure where anything can and does happen, it just means you need to run your stories more like a D&D DM, ooo (side note: I would love to watch that, a group of friends, one is a DM, all doing quests in SoT.....but with the added randomness of adventure. The DM weaves the story from the actions of the players and the revolving carousel of characters that make up adventure.)

    A safe place to play the game: which again brings me to the point that would get old FAST. You would all hate it and it would stop people playing in the long run. Honestly that guys example of Elite Dangerous is a good one for this exact reason.

    (Full disclosure, I also play Elite Dangerous and the added joy in that game is since there are NPC ships flying around, there's no way to know if it's a player or AI)

  • @caixaderemedio I would love to stop those private server threads already

  • @squaz05 said in Private Server:

    There is a game called Elite dangerous that works similarly to sea of thieves in that it's a PvPvE game. The thing is that they have private servers and open servers. Problem now in the game is that no one goes in open anymore. Devs are changing the game to force people back into open to play the way it was designed to be played. They are removing the ability to do Power Play (Faction Warfare missions) in private and soon regular missions might also be disabled...

    I play ED a lot, and to be honest I'd love and hate to see people forced back into open. Love because it's a lot better to see many players in that game just flying about. Hate because open in ED is scary to people like me who do Cargo and Passenger runs, there are those who have min-maxed ships that will one shot you without a problem as opposed to SoT where everyone is equal. I have faith in Frontier that they can tweak the engineering so that it's not as OP as it is now.

  • @hynieth Yay I do passenger runs only too, I have a yellow orca "taxi"

  • @badassfro said in Private Server:

    @hynieth Yay I do passenger runs only too, I have a yellow orca "taxi"

    Gehehe, I'm the guy who flies a baluga trough the mailsot at 400m/s to the terror of everyone inside ^_^

  • You and thousands of others would like to see this introduced. Patience.

  • @viperishemu2992 Could you explain to what will you be doing in a private server that you cannot in Adventure?

    Please persuade me that private servers are a good thing, what will they bring to the game?

  • @badassfro said in Private Server:

    @viperishemu2992 Could you explain to what will you be doing in a private server that you cannot in Adventure?

    Please persuade me that private servers are a good thing, what will they bring to the game?

    Money. Private Servers will bring money to the game. And money in Rare's pocket benefits the whole SoT community.

    Firstly, it will appeal to a larger target audience; Parents of smaller children, People who don't like multiplayer online games, Noobs who want a quiet place to learn the ropes, and just casual PvE players in general.

    Secondly, it will keep the thousands of players who constantly request this feature playing SoT more/for longer. (maintain the player base)

    And lastly, why should anyone have a problem with it? It won't affect anyone's "in-game" experience. There's only 6 ships/20 players on a server at any given time. So it's not like you are going to miss these players in Adventure Mode.

    Basically the same three reasons that eventually convinced me that Arena Mode was a good business move. Personally I don't like Arena and wouldn't play Private Servers. But the bigger the player base the better, at the end of the day.

  • @viperishemu2992 said in Private Server:

    @badassfro said in Private Server:

    @viperishemu2992 Could you explain to what will you be doing in a private server that you cannot in Adventure?

    Please persuade me that private servers are a good thing, what will they bring to the game?

    Money. Private Servers will bring money to the game. And money in Rare's pocket benefits the whole SoT community.

    This is the reason Blizzard is currently dying, they are only doing things for money now. Now stick up your hand if you like BFA....

    Firstly, it will appeal to a larger target audience; Parents of smaller children, People who don't like multiplayer online games and just casual PvE players in general.

    Trying to appeal to markets the product was never intended for? Oh gosh you did follow an Activision-Blizzard school didn't you? What's next focus testing with 16 year olds that only like CoD games?

    Secondly, it will keep the thousands of players who constantly request this feature playing SoT more/for longer. (bigger player base)

    I'm doubiting your counting skills. See every time a post like this pops up it might get up to 10 votes, out of the hundreds of people on this forum that's a rather small ammount and absolutely no thousands.

    And lastly, why should anyone have a problem with it? It won't affect anyone's "in-game" experience. There's only 6 ships/20 players on any given server so it's not like you are going to miss these players.

    I have a problem with it, and with me many more, it's that precious money you talk about wasted on something almost no-one is asking for. It's against the games design and as @SquaZ05 pointed out it happened before and the game didn't get much better with it.

    Basically the same three reasons that eventually convinced me that Arena Mode was a good idea.

    Arena mode is just that, a seperate one off mode, not a replacement of what's already there. I'm still on the fence if it's a good Idea or not. It's enjoyable and it doesn't make the overall populus in Adventure mode more agressive so I don't mind. I do want to however keep playing the game as intended without being swarmed by PvP only people like what's happened to Elite Dangerous.

  • I think private servers would be a great addition. You could do events like planned PvP sessions with multiple ships where everyone knows each other, set up CTF matches and the like, or just chaotic PvP servers where you spawn in a fully stocked ship on a smaller map with higher player cap, etc. The possibilities are endless. Or if one is so inclined you could do fetch quests without any real threats if that's your thing, I guess.

    Of course with nothing carrying over to adventure mode.

  • @hynieth said in Private Server:

    @viperishemu2992 said in Private Server:

    @badassfro said in Private Server:

    @viperishemu2992 Could you explain to what will you be doing in a private server that you cannot in Adventure?

    Please persuade me that private servers are a good thing, what will they bring to the game?

    Money. Private Servers will bring money to the game. And money in Rare's pocket benefits the whole SoT community.

    This is the reason Blizzard is currently dying, they are only doing things for money now. Now stick up your hand if you like BFA....

    Firstly, it will appeal to a larger target audience; Parents of smaller children, People who don't like multiplayer online games and just casual PvE players in general.

    Trying to appeal to markets the product was never intended for? Oh gosh you did follow an Activision-Blizzard school didn't you? What's next focus testing with 16 year olds that only like CoD games?

    Secondly, it will keep the thousands of players who constantly request this feature playing SoT more/for longer. (bigger player base)

    I'm doubiting your counting skills. See every time a post like this pops up it might get up to 10 votes, out of the hundreds of people on this forum that's a rather small ammount and absolutely no thousands.

    And lastly, why should anyone have a problem with it? It won't affect anyone's "in-game" experience. There's only 6 ships/20 players on any given server so it's not like you are going to miss these players.

    I have a problem with it, and with me many more, it's that precious money you talk about wasted on something almost no-one is asking for. It's against the games design and as @SquaZ05 pointed out it happened before and the game didn't get much better with it.

    Basically the same three reasons that eventually convinced me that Arena Mode was a good idea.

    Arena mode is just that, a seperate one off mode, not a replacement of what's already there. I'm still on the fence if it's a good Idea or not. It's enjoyable and it doesn't make the overall populus in Adventure mode more agressive so I don't mind. I do want to however keep playing the game as intended without being swarmed by PvP only people like what's happened to Elite Dangerous.

    No, sorry. Don't agree with your counter arguments. Seems like you are clutching at straws because you just don't want something to happen.

  • @viperishemu2992 You do realise that with an answer like that you're basically saying I'm right and you have no counter arguments.

  • @rk1-turbulence Everything mentioned there can be done in Adventure, sure it takes a little more effort.
    Scratch that just saw the bit about starting with a fully stocked ship.

    My issue with Private servers is that it only seems to be to make things "easier".

  • @viperishemu2992 said in Private Server:

    Money. Private Servers will bring money to the game. And money in Rare's pocket benefits the whole SoT community.

    Press X to doubt, there is no way that this will bring more money to Rare, unless you want them to change to subscriptions.
    The moment private servers become available there will also be "Rouge" Private servers setup that don't pay any money to Rare (look at WoW when that first came out)

    Firstly, it will appeal to a larger target audience; Parents of smaller children, People who don't like multiplayer online games, Noobs who want a quiet place to learn the ropes, and just casual PvE players in general.

    I could say this is half the problem. I will admit that I HATED online multiplayer games. I would only ever buy a game for the single player story. My favorite genre is RPG's. That said I knew exactly what I was getting into with SoT and its that that appealed to me. Now I don't fear Online Multiplayer games anymore.

    Secondly, it will keep the thousands of players who constantly request this feature playing SoT more/for longer. (maintain the player base)

    If people are really not playing due to no private servers then I'm not really going to miss them, as I wouldn't come across them in Adventure anyway. :P

    And lastly, why should anyone have a problem with it? It won't affect anyone's "in-game" experience. There's only 6 ships/20 players on a server at any given time. So it's not like you are going to miss these players in Adventure Mode.

    Its dev time that is wasted on a feature that will not do what is intended. All I'm hearing is Private servers are needed as Adventure is too aggressive. But by rocking a Private you completely negate the whole point of the game. Private servers will be Boring.

    I implore you try one of the farming servers and you will see.

    Basically the same three reasons that eventually convinced me that Arena Mode was a good business move. Personally I don't like Arena and wouldn't play Private Servers. But the bigger the player base the better, at the end of the day.

    Explain how this will bring more players....or at least more players I will interact with

  • @badassfro said in Private Server:

    @rk1-turbulence Everything mentioned there can be done in Adventure, sure it takes a little more effort.
    Scratch that just saw the bit about starting with a fully stocked ship.

    My issue with Private servers is that it only seems to be to make things "easier".

    No, you can't organize an event with several premade crews in adventure mode. Well, I guess you can in theory, but not without spending a lot of time and effort in setting it up. As for "making things easier", what does it matter as long as any rewards don't carry over to adventure mode?

  • I would say it's pretty balanced and doesn't need to be "made easier"

    Again it just seems like people don't want to put in the effort hence are asking for private casing point: @rk1-turbulence said in Private Server:

    No, you can't organize an event with several premade crews in adventure mode. Well, I guess you can in theory, but not without spending a lot of time and effort in setting it up.

  • @badassfro I agree, people don't want to work for anything, it's why people grasp at the first thing they think of.
    Make private servers is so easy to say, it requires no effort to think up this "solution" as opposed to actually coming up with a solution.

    For example, want more crews in a server? Why not think of a system where you can invite/ queue up multiple crews in a server, and think of a system to balance this.
    People can be so lazy and bland thinking sometimes in stead of working on an actual solution together.

  • @badassfro Like arguing with a brick wall. Have a good evening.

  • @rk1-turbulence There's been no arguing, only using your own comments to prove my point.

    I think my request has been simple, please prove to me what Private servers will bring to the game, that isn't about just making it easier to accomplish what ever it is you are trying to accomplish, be it the TT's, filming for Youtube (which I will ALWAYS argue is way better with the unpredictably of adventure),....I'm even struggling to come up with examples.

  • @caixaderemedio

    I see the allure of it I really do. I unfortunately understand how games die.

    I know Rare has discussed private servers as a possibility or something they are looking into and I hope they choose not to do it.

    The issue is the population of the game. I understand that the algorithm is set up to fill up servers even if there are only 200 players left in the game.

    Only issue with that is region. I've witness changes such as these kill the population and the player base.

    Then what happens is the split attention from the developers. If the private servers give you everything the regular game gives you then players who are afraid of PvP or hate PvP will have no reason to play the regular adventure mode. The split attention means they will have to balance both servers.

    Which means they would have to slow development to make sure both sides didn't get short changed.

    Only problem is that the PvP side always gets the short end of the stick because we are smaller in population.

    They will always go with numbers which means the game will ultimately change to something else. Which means it will ultimately die, with every update trying to save an already dying game.

    I've seen it too many times. I don't want it to happen here.

    SIDE NOTE Like other players suggest. If you get no gold/rep/commendations.

  • Say that Rare actually enable private servers. There would have to be some reason to keep everybody from just getting their own private server and farming it for rep and gold, without any fear of losing progression. Otherwise the Adventure mode will die out because why play the hard mode, when the easy mode gives the all the benefits of Adventure, and none of the risk

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