One Week Into Game. Good and Bad

  • This is by far my favorite game at the moment and I enjoying playing it but....

    This game is meant to be fair hence why default swords and gear are all the same but Boats have different speeds? Sort of defeats what they are trying to achieve in making it fair doesn't it?

    Beat a stronghold after 20 minutes and a sloop was parked in perimeter and his friend sneaks on our Brig and blows everyone up including the stronghold Keg and sinks our boat, they take loot. This really needs fixing its a cheese act and don't say its Pirating...his friend shouldn't spawn back on his boat he should spawn on a sea port or something, its lame abuse of a stupid mechanic. We all logged out and basically this kind of act just turns people of playing the game.

    Game needs PvE or something that protects people from constantly being targeted. Every game has PvE Servers. The current system as it is detracts from playing at times like tonight I dont have a team and the public teams are just like wth? Cant even look for a targeted group like - Strongholds, Journeys or Skelly Ships.

    PvP is my biggest issue with the game, my son spent a few hours just traveling around doing journeys and then he gets killed by a Galleon and his loot taken and gets 0 reward for all his work, now he doesn't play. This is a good system? To turn people off the game yes, especially kids. Technically there are two game types, both are PvP. RARE are out of touch with how things work, you don't cater for both types of players then you lose a big chunk of that player base that don't enjoy PvP. They need to add some of the events like taking a stronghold activates you for PvP for 30 Minutes or something or attacking a Skelly Ship. Many games have these triggers to add PvP in PvE servers. These things need to be added in SOT.

    Anyway I will play again another day but for now im a little over it. I just throw my loot over board when some moron is trying to sink me now as they chase me then after a 10 min chase and they get near me I log off. See whats going on here, this is the result of not adding PvE. I am not letting some dogs steal my loot id rather have nothing and also they have nothing.

  • 51
  • @kobra4killz Welcome to the Sea of Thieves mate. Where the gold flows freely, but you'll have to earn it!

    The entire premise of this game is to act out the pirate life amoung other pirates. The point is that you're going to happen upon other crews, and you'll have no idea what their intention is. PVPVE is at the heart of the game. If you do come back (I really hope you and your friends do) I'd urge you to embrace the spirit of the game and take the time to learn how to use its wonderful tools and mechanics to your advantage.

    Adapt, and I assure you there's a wonderful game to be found here!

  • @kobra4killz
    If you look around the forum, there are plenty of posts like this. There are also posts from pure pvpers asking for more pvp rewards.
    Either one of these things would unbalance the game. This game is meant to be played as a mix between both styles. If you only like one, you're not going to have as much fun because youre only doing half of the game.

    Also, it's fine to have different types of ships. Anyone can go on any ship, so its not an imbalance. That's like calling the armory unbalanced because not everyone has your loadout. And for your port respawn idea, just no. Just imagine you died while fighting the fort and had to have your crew pick you up to keep fighting.

    Finally, some things you can do to mitigate pvp are to sell often, and keep an eye on the horizon.

  • @kobra4killz
    1 week in a Open world PvPvE game and already trying to change core game mechanics ?

    Few advise:

    • play game as it suppose to be played.
    • yes sometimes you'll get sunk but sometimes you will win battles


    • Galleon have much more fire power then others
    • Brig got speed + maneuverability
    • Sloop - fastest to manage and highest at maneuverability.

    It is BALANCE for me.

    About the ones that blow bomb on you:
    a) its your mistake you wasn't vigilante while was managing fort
    b) Spawn is fine, or you prefer to spawn at Island everytime you got killed ? And keep your ship sailing without you ?
    Then what? You will use mermaid to teleport back on a ship or merm should aswell spawn you on a island from you logic?
    c) Game has PVE its when you killing Kraken/Megan/Skellys/Pigs and doing tell tales and voyages - is is Player Vs. Environment.
    The problem was yours - you didn't watch horizons and got in to PvP.

    All i see is complains of dude who not even bothering himself to learn basic mechanics of game. Sorry but that's not a single player game - deal with it.

  • @kobra4killz said in One Week Into Game. Good and Bad:

    I am not letting some dogs steal my loot id rather have nothing and also they have nothing.

    Welcome to Sea of Thieves

  • Hi there let me start out with welcoming you to the forums. It seems that it's popular to play a game for a really short amount of time and already having an opinion on it. I'll try to explain how certain things work and why they are how they are (to my knowledge) maybe this clears up some trouble you're having.

    @kobra4killz said in One Week Into Game. Good and Bad:

    This is by far my favorite game at the moment and I enjoying playing it but....

    This game is meant to be fair hence why default swords and gear are all the same but Boats have different speeds? Sort of defeats what they are trying to achieve in making it fair doesn't it?

    It's called perfect inbalance, the sloop is slower yes, but it's faster against the wind and has a short turn circle, fast Anchor drop/raise speed and a quicker sail turning speed. This makes it more nimble and able to avoid a lot of conflict.

    Beat a stronghold after 20 minutes and a sloop was parked in perimeter and his friend sneaks on our Brig and blows everyone up including the stronghold Keg and sinks our boat, they take loot. This really needs fixing its a cheese act and don't say its Pirating...his friend shouldn't spawn back on his boat he should spawn on a sea port or something, its lame abuse of a stupid mechanic. We all logged out and basically this kind of act just turns people of playing the game.

    A fort is meant as a sort of PvP gathering place, meant to bring people together for conflict. It doesn't happen as often these days but it's a welcome thing when it happens.

    The Gunpowder barrels are made to blow up stuff so yeah someone can (and in this case) will bring one on board to keg you. And why should a dead pirate spawn at an outpost? Pirates spawn back on their ships so that they can go on sailing after dying. If you want them to stay dead destroy their ship and thus their spawn. Same thing happens to you. You wouldn't want to spawn at an outpost when you die to a skeleton, right?

    Game needs PvE or something that protects people from constantly being targeted. Every game has PvE Servers. The current system as it is detracts from playing at times like tonight I dont have a team and the public teams are just like wth? Cant even look for a targeted group like - Strongholds, Journeys or Skelly Ships.

    No, this game doesn't need PvE, the game is a Shared World Adventure Game, (SWAG) and is designed to give each and every player the freedom to play as they like. There's amazing drawdistance in this game, so you can see someone coming from miles away and you have all the means to protect yourself that others have as well (all pirates are equal)
    If you don't have other players to worry about the game will become boring and stale. Learn to adapt, don't ask the game to adapt to you.
    If you buy a PvPvE game that's designed this way to function as it does right now it's not for the game to change.

    PvP is my biggest issue with the game, my son spent a few hours just traveling around doing journeys and then he gets killed by a Galleon and his loot taken and gets 0 reward for all his work, now he doesn't play. This is a good system? To turn people off the game yes, especially kids.

    I believe that a 12 year old can keep playing, plenty of 12 year olds play fortnite and that's PvP only, so why would dealing with losing in a game like Sea of Thieves be a detrement to being able to play? Did you stop playing Mario Bros when the first goomba killed you? Or did you stop playing Quake 3 arena when you got fragged for the first time? I sure didn't I got better at said games in stead of giving up. Since there's no rewards outside of cosmetic ones there's no real loss. Time wasted? It's a game, thecnically a means of wasting time. Sure I understand that loss can be annoying, I'm annoyed when I lose loot, but that makes victory all the sweeter.

    Technically there are two game types, both are PvP. RARE are out of touch with how things work, you don't cater for both types of players then you lose a big chunk of that player base that don't enjoy PvP. They need to add some of the events like taking a stronghold activates you for PvP for 30 Minutes or something or attacking a Skelly Ship. Many games have these triggers to add PvP in PvE servers. These things need to be added in SOT.

    Both are Sea of Thieves, one is a competative mode and the other freeform. One has PvPvE and the other has PvPve (there's still storms snakes etc so still enviroment to fight but less then in adventure). Are they out of touch tho? How do things work? This is sea of thieves, this isn't a game you can compare to any other. When two things are different, one isnt wrong and the other right, they are different. Rare is more in touch then most developers, they listen to their players, play their own game regularly and explain a lot on how they go about making stuff. They invite people to look around and ask questions, one of the most in touch developers out there, on par with Square Enix's FFXIV team and the Old Blizzard (you know up untill it became actiblizzard).
    To say the game needs a PvE mode is to say you can't handle a multiplayer game, I feel like you're angry and you're letting those feelings speak for you as opposed to seeing things rationally and as they are (you lost, better luck next time).

    Anyway I will play again another day but for now im a little over it. I just throw my loot over board when some moron is trying to sink me now as they chase me then after a 10 min chase and they get near me I log off. See whats going on here, this is the result of not adding PvE. I am not letting some dogs steal my loot id rather have nothing and also they have nothing.

    It is after all, a pirate game. Stealing loot is even in the name. If you're over it for the day then by al means stop the session go play something that is stress releaving for you and try again later. Just keep in mind that the game functions as designed and can be enjoyed by people who love killing other pirates and people who don't want to interact with others at all alike. Their paths might cross but that's not always a bad thing. That's what this game does so well, it gives you the tools and the freedom and you choose if you want to angage, flee, fight, be sneaky etc.

    And Remember, don't try to immediately change the game, change your gameplay.

  • This game is meant to be fair hence why default swords and gear are all the same but Boats have different speeds? Sort of defeats what they are trying to achieve in making it fair doesn't it?

    Beat a stronghold after 20 minutes and a sloop was parked in perimeter and his friend sneaks on our Brig and blows everyone up including the stronghold Keg and sinks our boat, they take loot. This really needs fixing its a cheese act and don't say its Pirating...his friend shouldn't spawn back on his boat he should spawn on a sea port or something, its lame abuse of a stupid mechanic. We all logged out and basically this kind of act just turns people of playing the game.

    I love how the first paragraph complains about ship imbalance, than the following paragraph the smaller boat one upped you. Followed with your demands to fix a non-problem that caused you to fail. That being said, you state how he should spawn on a seaport, does that rule apply to you as well? Why do you get the luxury of close spawns on your ship while forcing other players to have a different system. The fact that ya'll quit after this gives the impression of sore losers rage quiting. It also seems like you want special features that guarantee your success from others playing the same game. Hell, you even talk in the first paragraph of the game being meant to be fair, yet, you talk about special mechanics that benefit you in your fort taking endeavors.

    PvP is my biggest issue with the game, my son spent a few hours just traveling around doing journeys and then he gets killed by a Galleon and his loot taken and gets 0 reward for all his work, now he doesn't play.

    Mate the title implies theft, you know, with the whole Thieves in the title. Loot isn't yours til you turn it it. What you seem to miss, is that they worked for it too by going through the steps to properly take it. Here is a good chance to teach your son that you can't win always. Otherwise, he might just become a sore loser in the future.

    RARE are out of touch with how things work, you don't cater for both types of players then you lose a big chunk of that player base that don't enjoy PvP.

    This statement could litterally be flipped to apply to PvE. This comes off as you want special treatment to cater to your enjoyment of the game. Plenty of us enjoy the game in the intended style it was designed in.

  • You have a lot of points here to answer....

    The game isn't meant to be fair, it's meant to be level. A 4 man crew always has an advantage over a 2 man crew. If you decide to play Solo then you are at a huge unfair disadvantage. But's that's your choice.

    The 3 ships should NOT share the same mechanics (speed, manoeuvrability, anchor and sail mechanics...etc.) They are catered/balanced to the amount of players in a crew, but you can sail them all Solo should you wish. They all have their advantages and disadvantages.

    Re-spawning on your Ship is the logical option looking at over-all game play. Where else would be better? Everybody respawns on (or near) their Ship. This is just an aspect of the game. You have to develop your tactics around this mechanic.

    Players that wait for you to finish a fort and then attack are actually doing some pretty smart "Pirating". Why do all the work when someone else will do it for free. Remember that Treasure isn't "yours" until you manage to sell it. Just because you did the Fort and loaded up the treasure on your ship doesn't make it "yours". Until you sell it it's up for grabs.

  • @kobra4killz This game brings up a variety of emotions that may be unfamiliar to some gamers. Anxiety as you spot a ship a couple of squares away approaching your area. The tension as you navigate your sloop around a set of boulders while a galleon is chasing you, while thinking about how best to hit them with a gunpowder keg. These saturated feelings may be uncomfortable, but they are not an indication that the game is broken. The whole point of digging up chests, collecting skulls, and gathering packages is to instill a sense of value into the items. You invested time and effort into it and you want to be rewarded for it. They built a game focused on thievery, and the loot actually has meaning (or you wouldn’t be here complaining). It seems that you, not Rare, are misunderstanding the core concept of the game. You felt a deep disappointment in the loss. You felt something real. Just imagine the highs you will feel after a hard won victory. If you thought this was just some sailing simulator with some archeology and package delivery built in, then you didn’t do much research. The title alone should have tipped you off.

    You might be thinking “some people just play to relax and do not want to spend their few moments of game time paranoid” I agree, but there are plenty of other games for that. You also don’t pick up Friday the 13th or State of Decay for a camping simulator to enjoy with the kids. This one would actually be broken by a PvE only mode. At least once a week someone new to the game comes here proclaiming the game needs to do this or die. We also have players screaming for more focus on PvP or the game will die. Recently we had a new player actually promise to write an essay detailing how to accomplish PvE mode without breaking the game, though I believe they realized their error once they researched the issue. So far we have not heard from them since then. It is much more complex than it seems on the surface.

    Most players gain some perspective once they have played a little while. The threat of other players is usually easy to avoid. Also, if you play for hours in peace before you are attacked once, does that really sound like a free-for-all bloodbath? Forts were designed to inspire PvP. There is a massive skull advertising the location, the game makes it very apparent to everyone on the server when the key to the vault drops, and it takes several trips to your ship to carry all the loot. The vault even contains a mega-keg of gunpowder specifically designed to sink any ship. If you want to avoid PvP, then avoid forts. There are faster ways to make money unless you are sure your crew can hold off other crews trying to challenge you.

    As others have pointed out, ship speed is only one trait. Think of it like gun balance where a sniper rifle is more accurate at a distance than a shotgun, but loads slower and does less damage at close range. The sloop is a highly maneuverable tank in competent hands, but will usually lose if they try to trade broadsides with a galleon. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of each ship type. They are pretty well balanced.

  • @kobra4killz I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with this game. With your post history, it sounds like you've had a hard time with player encounters and PvE. This is, though, what makes the game great. Completing a fort is a great achievement, but it would have helped you greatly to know the ropes a bit more than you do. A ship nearby a fort is almost always going to send someone over to board you. Kegs being on the island make this an easier task, which is why vigilance is key. A pirate carrying a powder keg is an easy target, get him before he gets you.

    As far as the ships go, they are balanced for crew size. Yes, the galleon is the fastest with wind, but it's hard to solo sail, and if you get in a fight without a crew, you're certainly going to have more trouble.

    Saying that your time is wasted is foolish. You are gaining experience, and learning things about the game. Defeat is only a loss if you take nothing away from the experience.

  • @kobra4killz

    If you really like this game, DON'T let the initial frustration of time and loot lost chase you away. There is a lot of really unique fun to be had in SoT, but for those who aren't into the PvP aspects, there is a steep learning curve.

    The best thing to learn (and teach your kids) is that loot will be lost, but that's okay. There are lots of ways to earn gold and rep in the game. You'll make your fortune, no worries.

    Another good lesson is that SoT is a lot more frustrating when you're playing in a goal oriented fashion. If all you're worried about is completing objectives, then yeah, yer gonna feel like your time is wasted.

    If you can learn to enjoy the game itself though; the act of sailing, the unexpected occurrences, the fights (victories and failures); then your time is never wasted and loot just becomes the pleasant dessert at the end of the meal.

    Now there are ways to mitigate the danger of other pirates. As others have said, keeping an eye out and turning in loot often can go a very long way. Ships in the distance are slightly darker and more defined than rocks and islands, so they're easy to spot.

    If you're spending a long time on an island, pop back to the ship or another good vantage point and take a quick scan of the horizon. Multiple chests or skulls on an island? Hide them somewhere safe and only load up at the end after you've made sure the coast is clear. Someone chasing you while you have loot onboard? Do a drive-by on an outpost or island. Leap off as you pass, either turning in you haul or (again) hiding it to come back for later. Then just mermaid back to your ship, with the other crew hopefully none the wiser.

    Forts are forts. There are strategies, but it's still basically a big, flashing PvP banner in the sky. If you see a ship nearby, you can always use your speaking trumpet to try and team-up with them. It's a 50/50 chance they'll be up for it (and another 50/50 chance they won't backstab you afterward), but it's another tactic to try.

    There are other tips, like storing powder kegs in the crow's nest. It mitigates damage to the ship if they blow up and anyone trying to get them has to climb the main mast, increasing the chance of spotting them.

    Basically what I'm saying is, don't give up. SoT has a lot to offer if you can get over that initial hill, so don't let yourself get put off too quickly.

    Happy sailing. =)

  • Hello @kobra4killz, and welcome to the Sea of Thieves! I'm going to be echoing mostly what others have already said so no hard feelings if you skip over most of it.

    @kobra4killz said in One Week Into Game. Good and Bad:

    This is by far my favorite game at the moment and I enjoying playing it but....

    Glad to hear this! Starting off the post right ;)

    This game is meant to be fair hence why default swords and gear are all the same but Boats have different speeds? Sort of defeats what they are trying to achieve in making it fair doesn't it?

    Having different ship types does not defeat the point of everyone being on an even playing field. Like you said, everyone has the same gear (i.e. my cutlass is exactly the same as yours even if it looks different). But we can have entirely different weapons equipped. You might prefer the cutlass & flintlock and I might prefer the blunderbuss and eye-of-reach. In the moment, we have different load outs, but at the end of the day, my eye-of-reach and blunderbuss are the same as yours, despite not being in use. It's the same for ships. My sloop is exactly the same as your sloop, and it's the same for the big and galley.

    The ship types themselves all have strengths and weakness when they interact. Sloops have the most maneuverability with their quick turns and are also the fastest ship when headed directly against the wind. Brigantines have turn speeds in between the galley and sloop, very fast acceleration, and speeds between the two other ships when headed directly with or against the wind. Some tests seem to indicate that they are the fasted when having full sail at a 90 degree angle. Galleons are slow turning, slow accelerating ships, but are the fastest ship when sailing with the wind and have the most firepower. Each ship also takes longer to raise anchor and sails depending on how many people can be on it.

    Beat a stronghold after 20 minutes and a sloop was parked in perimeter and his friend sneaks on our Brig and blows everyone up including the stronghold Keg and sinks our boat, they take loot. This really needs fixing its a cheese act and don't say its Pirating...his friend shouldn't spawn back on his boat he should spawn on a sea port or something, its lame abuse of a stupid mechanic. We all logged out and basically this kind of act just turns people of playing the game.

    Hate to say it but, this is pirating :) A lesson that players learn quickly in this game is to keep your eyes on the horizon as much as possible and NEVER trust another ship. If you knew there was a sloop nearby you guys should have been prepared for him to do something. Watch out for mermaids in the water and listen out for the sound of a person swimming.

    Game needs PvE or something that protects people from constantly being targeted. Every game has PvE Servers. The current system as it is detracts from playing at times like tonight I dont have a team and the public teams are just like wth? Cant even look for a targeted group like - Strongholds, Journeys or Skelly Ships.

    PvP is my biggest issue with the game, my son spent a few hours just traveling around doing journeys and then he gets killed by a Galleon and his loot taken and gets 0 reward for all his work, now he doesn't play. This is a good system? To turn people off the game yes, especially kids. Technically there are two game types, both are PvP. RARE are out of touch with how things work, you don't cater for both types of players then you lose a big chunk of that player base that don't enjoy PvP. They need to add some of the events like taking a stronghold activates you for PvP for 30 Minutes or something or attacking a Skelly Ship. Many games have these triggers to add PvP in PvE servers. These things need to be added in SOT.

    PvPvE is the core design of SoT. I'm not against Rare providing private servers for people to play on in the future but these will have to be set up and maintained by people in the community. Official PvE servers would devalue players accomplishments who have had to fight off blood thirsty pirates.

    Anyway I will play again another day but for now im a little over it. I just throw my loot over board when some moron is trying to sink me now as they chase me then after a 10 min chase and they get near me I log off. See whats going on here, this is the result of not adding PvE. I am not letting some dogs steal my loot id rather have nothing and also they have nothing.

    Hope to see you sailing again :) There are some excellent post on here where people show how to out maneuver other ships. The best way to avoid other ships is to spot them from far off and keep a weary eye on them. Don't let anyone get close!

  • @kobra4killz

    It's a PvEvP sandbox game.
    Arena is just the same with focus on competition and rushing and reduced to dig and deliver chests.

    The core element is the uncertainty about other players what includes to be able to PvP, make Alliances, break and betray these Alliances or not. Work together or fight each other, steal or even gift people booty.
    Yes there are also pirates who will gift you worthy stuff. Rare, but existent.

    There are merciless pirates and thise who will show mercy of you are willing to communicate.

    Here is a good read for you.

  • Hey, I have been on both ends of that situation. That is the game. We took a skeleton fort, loaded the boat with 7 explosive barrels, and a guy shot me while carrying the last one up the ladder. Our boat looked like a fireworks show and we sank. They got our loot and took off. I congratulated them on a well played heist. There are numerous ways to tell if someone is nearby such as mermaids. It's the pirate life friend.

  • Welcome to Sea of Thieves.

    You will be losing more loot. Guaranteed.

  • The entire notion the toxic element of this community promotes is laughable. It's a pirate game so that some how excuses behaving like a total real world jerks.

    WoW had PVP servers a decade before Rare came up with the concept. Two waring factions bent on destroying each other. Nothing more PVP than that. Yet there was, and still is, a difference between someone PVPing and having fun with the game and someone who is a straight up griefer who is only playing to troll and lacks any respect for their fellow gamers.

    At least in WoW you could call on your alliance for help when getting bullied....say long me a lvl 50 just repeatedly killing and camping low level players. In Seas your recourse is to quit - it's even the suggestion Rate gives you on the death ship. Solo getting griefed by a 4an crew, tuff, we are told It's the game.

    Without a bounty system and without any sort of mechanic to discourage griefers, note this is different from PVPers, then this game will continue to tell it's player base their option is to just quit until all that's left are the trolls.

  • @lnin0 said in One Week Into Game. Good and Bad:

    The entire notion the toxic element of this community promotes is laughable. It's a pirate game so that some how excuses behaving like a total real world jerks.

    WoW had PVP servers a decade before Rare came up with the concept. Two waring factions bent on destroying each other. Nothing more PVP than that. Yet there was, and still is, a difference between someone PVPing and having fun with the game and someone who is a straight up griefer who is only playing to troll and lacks any respect for their fellow gamers.

    At least in WoW you could call on your alliance for help when getting bullied....say long me a lvl 50 just repeatedly killing and camping low level players. In Seas your recourse is to quit - it's even the suggestion Rate gives you on the death ship. Solo getting griefed by a 4an crew, tuff, we are told It's the game.

    Without a bounty system and without any sort of mechanic to discourage griefers, note this is different from PVPers, then this game will continue to tell it's player base their option is to just quit until all that's left are the trolls.

    Nonsense. There is no LVL50 super powered player in this game to bully anyone. We all have the same abilities and tools regardless of whether we started today or are Pirate legends with Athena level 10. The only thing separating one player from another is experience and knowledge. Someone is repeatedly killing you? Scuttle. It gets you out of the situation and onto a pristine new boat, and you lose zero wealth or reputation as a result. Just switch servers if you never want to see them again. And next time keep your head on a swivel to avoid other ships unless you are willing to chance a fight.

    The OP described hanging out with friends at a fort. Forts were designed specifically to lead to interactions between crews (good or bad). They have 20,000 - 40,000 worth of loot inside, the skull in the sky tells everyone on the server where you are, and anyone paying attention can see when the key to the vault drops. Sorry, but none of that indicates the developers intended that other crews should just drive by to offer congratulations without trying to grab the loot for themselves. It would have been easier to code granting us wealth when we kill the fort captain rather than creating a vault with a key, and items with very specific places to turn in. The developers wanted to us to haul it somewhere else, risking losing it until we turn in.

    Getting back to the OP, the SMALLER boat (not some uber-leveled player with impossible to defeat gear) took the fort away from the OP’s crew. That was not bullying or griefing. Those terms are being misused by you. The attacking crew was playing a game based on thievery set during the golden age of piracy. Stealing. Taking stuff from one another. Note the third word in the title...
    alt text

  • @lnin0 said in One Week Into Game. Good and Bad:

    The entire notion the toxic element of this community promotes is laughable. It's a pirate game so that some how excuses behaving like a total real world jerks.

    Its not toxic. You only believe its toxic because you think everything should be rainbows and sunshine. Not all games need to be like that. Games that are mean and punishing to players are usually the most regarded games on the market.

    WoW had PVP servers a decade before Rare came up with the concept. Two waring factions bent on destroying each other. Nothing more PVP than that. Yet there was, and still is, a difference between someone PVPing and having fun with the game and someone who is a straight up griefer who is only playing to troll and lacks any respect for their fellow gamers.

    Everyones fun is subjective. You shouldn't dictate how everyone should or shouldn't have fun.

    At least in WoW you could call on your alliance for help when getting bullied....say long me a lvl 50 just repeatedly killing and camping low level players. In Seas your recourse is to quit - it's even the suggestion Rate gives you on the death ship. Solo getting griefed by a 4an crew, tuff, we are told It's the game.

    You can always ask for help online. Make friends and fly a Galleon. You can even 2 man sloop and if you know what you are doing, you'll have Galleons running away from you.

    If you are good enough at the game, then you can run away from a Galleon solo and might even sink it solo.

    Reputations mean nothing in this game. Less now even after they made it so easy to level. Every player has the same capabilities and opportunities.

    Without a bounty system and without any sort of mechanic to discourage griefers, note this is different from PVPers, then this game will continue to tell it's player base their option is to just quit until all that's left are the trolls.

    Bounty systems at the moment can't be implemented successfully on any platform at the moment, so nope to this. PvP'ers don't need to be punished for playing the game.

    First off lets get a better understanding of greifing.

    PvP in this game in any form is not greifing. Solo sloop vs galleon not greifing. Spawn camping for 2000000 hours not greifing. Taking your loot and dumping it overboard just cause? Not greifing, a waste of loot, but not greifing.

    Greifing when it was created talked about high level players circumventing the games mechanics to go into low level areas avoiding the in game policing system to gank and spawn camp low level players. Camping quest areas where low levels had no recourse. Other games, greifing was where a player found a way to damage players in a safe zone and kept killing them as they were spawning in.

    You had no actual way to avoid this and could not actually PLAY the game past your spawn point. THAT is greifing. You CAN NOT be greifed in this game from PvP, only by players in your own crew.

    What happens is this game is completely avoidable, preventable, and stops when the player decides it stops.

    Yes this is one of those instances where we pretty much blame the victim because its their fault. Its by their choice. Keep fighting or scuttle. Respawning to keep up the losing fight or just accept defeat and scuttle.

    Not every game that has PvP has PvE servers or a perfect way to protect PvE players.

    Also why is it so hard to believe that there are players out there that enjoy how the game is? Too many games out right now where PvE players are put into a protective bubble. Not enough blood thirsty games out there where a player can really just let loose and run wild.

    You can literally feel like a Pirate King in this game by turning the whole server in on its head. Striking fear into a ship when they see your colors coming over the horizon.

    My crew mate and I terrorized a whole server alliance in our 2 man sloop. 1 sloop vs 2 Galleons, a brig, and a sloop. We sank them over and over and took over the server.

    "Well this game will die because they won't protect PvE players" - That is false. This community really underestimates a persons need to cut loose sometimes. EvE Online which is arguably the most brutal and unforgiving game on the market is still going strong. Almost 20 years and that game still has a large and loyal fan base. It's a game where you have to pay a monthly subscription to play. Players are willingly paying to play a game where they can lose a years progression in less than 30minutes. I played it for 8 years and only stopped because I was getting too sucked into it.

    If you get out of your shell where you believe that every negative circumstance is greifing you'll grow in this game.

    This game is pretty balanced. Every ship has its own capabilities. Strengths and weaknesses. Only problem is that players are too used to a game style where they are allowed to make multiple upon multiple mistakes and it not affect the outcome of their game play. This is not that type of game. Sometimes you can even make a simple mistake and thats when everything hits the fan.

    Contrary to popular rookie belief. There is a lot to learn about this game. A LOT.


    This game isn't for kids. Its Rated T. It might look cartoony but its not marketed towards children under 13.

    Forts are contested PvP events. You were at a contested event and you got attacked. You lost. No greifing was done.

    Sorry man. Hopefully better luck next time? Maybe you can parley or try to get onto one of those discord servers with the players take over the server and PvE??

    Which ever man good luck next time.

  • That's why no one liked pirates. This is what they did and people felt the same way hundreds of years ago, however, with time you will gain the experience to deal with this

  • @xultanis-dragon said in One Week Into Game. Good and Bad:

    Not enough blood thirsty games out there where a player can really just let loose and run wild.


    You and I play this game for VERY different reasons.

  • This game is about being a pirate and it does a good job of that. Just join a guild that runs alliance servers problem solved. Plenty of them on discord.

  • The OP is pretty much writing the standard "I've just started playing" post.

    I've seen it, read it and discussed it literally hundreds of times by now.

    The more interesting thing about this thread is that you can actually tell how long someone has been playing SoT by the things they complain about.

    Give it 6 months OP. You'll be complaining about people running from you when you want to PvP by then.

  • @kobra4killz said in One Week Into Game. Good and Bad:

    Every game has PvE Servers

    You will notice this isn't like every game.
    However... no doubt in time they will come, so it can be like every game :)

  • @kobra4killz Im gonna have to agree, i bought thos when it came out. Launched the game, got a chest got killed and sunk, didnt touch the game until 2 days ago. Tried again, same thing. Its insane that after all this time, they havent figured out theres a MASSIVE hole in the market for pirate games. My nephew would love this game if he didnt have to worry about getting killed by outright trolls who would literally camp his empty ship just to kill him a couple times for no reason.

  • @darkcobrabws
    The 'trolls' might have been stealing supplies. Rare has their vision for the game, and the freedom to do whatever you want, including pvp, without consequence is part of it.

  • You've experience the magic of Sea of Thieves!

    You've also experienced the reasons why it cannot grow to have a large player base :(

  • @lethality1
    But the freedom to pvp or pve is one of the pillars of this game. Some things can be changed, but not that or being progression free. That's like saying a strategy game will never grow because it doesn't have twitch combat

  • @blazedrake100 You see MOST PvP forced games end up killing themselves with its own playerbase. The thing about people going "But this is how it is and that how it will remains!" issue is that most people say that in fear that the PvP "servers" would lose players to the PvE ones and to be fair, it actually probably would bring more people.
    As i said, i played twice since its release and both times, i got griefed. Needless to say, the game failed to keep me again.
    Meaning ill probably stop playing again until some other big change is coming. With a PvE server or even on a server where griefing was limited would keep me playing. As i said, i know at least 6 people who love the pirate theme and would play this if the risk of being griefed was lower. Its not even about the PvP to be honest its about people going out of their way to make new player's experience miserable by killing them, stealing their loot and THEN camping their boat to keep killing them when their ship and hard work has ALREADY been cleaned. The least you can do is just loot and move on so that the new player can AT LEAST finish their mission they got caught at. Again, this game as gone a long way content wise but it keeps having a limited success due to the player base it MOSTLY cater's to.
    Im not saying everyone that plays and love this game are all griefers because i know theres plenty of people who just hunt treasures for fun but having Open PvP has the side effect to draw the absolute worst in people.

    To give you an idea, i have met 1 guy who was not trying to outright kill me even in towns, 1 guy out of everyone i have encountered was actually a fun guy. That isnt a great average

  • Just now i tried playing again, log in, look around the shops in town to see what i can buy with the little gold i got. Less than 10 minutes later i head to my ship, i see a guy jump on it with a barrel and blows up my ship and sink it. I hadnt even had time to take it out for a run, there was NOTHING on the ship. they just sunk it then the 4 of them chased me around town to kill me.

    My ship has 0 cosmetic on it because i dont have gold for it so they can clearly see im a new player and they just dont care, they just want to grief people repeatedly. That is a good example on how to permanently alienate new players.

    I tried to get a friend to try it and he played a massive 10 minutes before uninstalling (was trying it for free with his gamepass trial). We started in town and he looked around town a little to see everything and we got killed by 2 guys and a gal who spent 5 minutes trash talking us before killing us while we were just browsing town. I didnt even try to justify that to try and keep him playing after this horrible first 10 minutes experience i cant even blame the guy for spending more time downloading the game than playing it before some jerks just came in and literally spat at him in voice before killing him

  • @darkcobrabws
    You were not griefed. You got sunk by players. Its no big deal really. How do you know they didnt have a big haul they wanted to turn in, and u were takin your sweet time at the outpost.

    Btw the pvp in this game is not forced. Yoy agreed to it when u set sail. Also you can avoid all pvp if u learn how to play.

    If the games not for u then its not for you.

    In one sentence you say you played twice.
    Then the next u go on about only meeting 1 nice pirate. I dont think u play enough to judge the games players really

  • @nwo-azcrack I got sunk, in port with an empty ship. The 4 of them saw a new player ship, jumped on it with a powder keg and just sunk it at an outpost then chased me around town trying to kill me. They had nothing to gain by killing me.

    You say i agree to pvp when i set sail, yet my ship was at an outpost anchored before even leaving that port once. Id say thats pretty forced

  • @darkcobrabws Sometime we dont have the time to talk to every little ship that is parked up by an outpost.

    the first thing you should do when coming in to the server.
    Get a full inventory off stuff from the taven to the ship.
    second should be buy a voyage, can be done on you way to the ship.
    then just sail.

    An can I just say BUHUUU, whatever if you sink/get killed under 10 min of logging in.
    you haven't lost anything other than you pride.

  • An can I just say BUHUUU, whatever if you sink/get killed under 10 min of logging in.

    Yea, thats the player base i was talking about, the one who will just keep pretending theyre the norm until theres 3 players left playing then complain when they dont have enough of a new player income to the game to warrant keeping it up.

    Glad to know i didnt misjudge the population.

  • @darkcobrabws Your ship’s livery and your outfit is not an indication of level. I run around with a basic ship, basic clothes, and no title though I have been Pirate Legend/Athena 10 since last year. I know that many others on here do the same thing. There have been times I have waited to turn in loot at an outpost while another ship seems to take their time. I am faced with some decisions. Do I wait and risk a fight over my loot when they get around to launching, or should I handle the problem? Are they new, just bouncing around, or are they pretending to be new players? People say and do a lot of social engineering in this game. We could pull up and start unloading, assuming it is a new, lone player and end up with a second player hitting our ship with gun powder. You are only seeing this from your perspective. You know you are new, and that you do not pose a threat, but they CAN’T know that. You can dress, decorate your boat, and sport any title you like, say you are new and friendly, and you might be lying. If you just want to look around, just scuttle your ship, check out the shops, buy your voyages, then take a mermaid to your boat in exactly the same condition it was when you first spawned in. It is beyond me why anyone would make a big deal out of dying and their ship sinking before they had done anything at all during the session. You lost absolutely nothing.

  • @ghostpaw Oh ive lost a full 2 hours of work ship yesterday the issue is not about losing a docked ship, its the reason why. I was using today as a blatant example of the issue. As my previous post mentions i got killed yesterday with full ships. I had little issue with that. But out of the 5 times ive been sunk yesterday and today, 4 out of those i was griefed or sunk in port. First time they stole my loot then stayed on my boat for 5 minutes, i figured id wait until they stole everything and left and id just respawn back on my ship and finish my job. I respawn on my ship and they were literally standing there waiting for me to come back and kill me.

    The problem is people going out of their way to have fun by griefing other players including new players trying this for the first time because of the new gamepass for pc

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