Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn

  • How is it not griefing to steal tall tale items? I spend 2 hours (because of the new Video Driver reset bug) doing a number 6. These dudes snuck up on my while I was on my way back with the soul stone and killed me. I managed to respawn and when I did I grabbed the soul stone and told them to take what they wanted but I was only doing Tall Tales and didn't want to fight.

    I managed to get in my row boat and run but they came looking for me and found me and were laughing about taking the stone from me only to dump it in the water.

    Which leads me to another part. Extend the despawn time of soul stones. Hours of work lost in less than 5 minutes is stupid. I made it back to that spot in probably 2 or 3 minutes and when I got there I got the pop up saying I lost the stone. It's dumb. They didn't get money for it and I didn't get the tall tale finish that I wanted.

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  • @edemardil said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    How is it not griefing to steal...

    alt text

  • @dislex-fx sagte in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @edemardil said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    How is it not griefing to steal...

    alt text

    In this case people were taking something without any value with clearly the sole purpose to bully in mind. I'm sorry, but you picked the wrong time to post your prepepared image. You missed the point.

    BTT: It's a dumb thing to happen. And to be honest it's more a flaw of Tall Tales right now. They don't fit well into the PvPvE interaction of the rest of the game. I personally don't think that increasing the sinking time would help with this special case. And to be honest. It's bad luck mostly. Most of the time you would be able to avoid beeing attacked and do your Tall Tale without beeing disrupted. It will most likely work next time, when you try it. I understand that experience is frustrating and a good reason to take a short break for a while before trying again.

  • @eisentraenen said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @dislex-fx sagte in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @edemardil said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    How is it not griefing to steal...

    alt text

    In this case people were taking something...

    See above image.

  • Players have the right to steal anything off anyone, that's the nature of the game I'm afraid.

    I stopped doing tall tales after a server merge stole my item from me,
    decided the rewards was not worth the bother in the end.

    Be prepared to lose all progress if you choose to do a Tall Tale

  • Rare should make it so we can sell stolen tall tale items. Until then we will attack and steal them because they look pretty to have as ornaments on our boat.

  • Stealing isn't grief. How often should Rare explain it? Get it finally.

  • @edemardil

    Yes, those guys were being jerks, but it is within the rules of the game. It's unfortunate and you have my sympathy that your play session had to go sour like that; however, that kinda is just the nature of the game.

    While I agree with others that keeping this kind of freedom of action is important to the game, I don't seem to find the same kind of glee in it as they do.

    I'm sure you've noticed from the other comments that hostility and derision is the knee jerk reaction to such threads. But try not to mind them as it comes more from a place of thoughlessness rather than any malicious intent.

    All I can tell you is to pick yourself up and try again. People like that are the minority in the game and you can't let them ruin it for you. Keep coming back, keep pushing on, and their antics will be nothing but a nigh-meaningless speed bump on your road to victory.

  • Rare isn't a detail oriented developer. Those items should not even be sellable to anyone but someone doing the tall tale, they should float like merchant items and the person doing the tall tale should be able to see the item location on the map. It is the developer grieving you through their choices not the other players, they are just playing the game.

  • Yeah, I wish the quest items would at least permanently float in the water. We were at the very end of the Wild Rose tall tale and had both pendants in the chest. We got hit and sunk near an island and thought the other team had the pendants. Unfortunately they didnt pick up the chest, these were a galleon full of ghost attired players so you know what they're like and what they're compensating for..

    Anyway, the compass showed that the chest had sunk and it was about medium depth in the water. Unfortunately the chest with the pendants went through the ground layer and we could not get to it. This really really sucks! It was so frustrating.

    It stuffed up my day, especially as this was a design problem. I was banking on the fact that we would eventually get the pendants as the galleon could not sell it. Instead the environment stuffed us.

  • Yea it sucks that you lost your loot (items) and that is NOT called griefing.
    I have stolen plenty of Tall Tale stuff and had them as trophies on my boats and i have also lost a couple.
    That's what this game IS about, stealing other peoples junk.

  • @edemardil it's grefing in this case if they didn't respect you and ruin the tale just by throwing it into the water and it's not grefing if they just steal it but what they did is grefing

  • Tall Tale items shouldn't be able to be interacted with unless it belongs to you.

  • @droper666 said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    Rare isn't a detail oriented developer. Those items should not even be sellable to anyone but someone doing the tall tale, they should float like merchant items and the person doing the tall tale should be able to see the item location on the map. It is the developer grieving you through their choices not the other players, they are just playing the game.

    I like the idea of seeing them on the map. Rare, add this feature!

    Edit: once they stolen or are a certain distance from you, that is.

  • @VacaHombre Yeah people are misinterpreting my comment but I've been in this community since the Alphas like the rest of them and I'm used to them by now.
    My point was, I'd have less problem with it if you could get something for it. But people taking it, knowing what it is, just to dump it so you lose time is still one of the things that annoy me about this game.

    My friends and I rob people sometimes. But we're all topped out, PL10's, only a few coms left, so we don't need much. If we board someone and kill them we take what we need, patch their ship and leave them with all the other stuff. Which was my point. If they created an item that the only thing you get from stealing it is the grief of the other player, that's the literal definition of greifing.

  • @marsmayflower I understand that part, and it was poorly developed. But the community knows that. They all have a choice and it still doesn't make it anything less than causing grief.

  • @scrubber89 Yes OR the other people should at least be able to do something with it other than cause greif.

  • @reapinglegion If they could have gotten something for it or kept it on their boat, fine. But everyone knows you can't do anything with it. That's why they dumped it in the water.
    I rob people all the time and if I see tall tale stuff or something I dont need, I don't take it. There's a way to be a thief without being and utter numbskull about it.

  • @edemardil said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @marsmayflower But the community knows that. They all have a choice and it still doesn't make it anything less than causing grief.

    The community here knows it. The general community in SoT? I dunno, I've been playing Open Crew roulette recently, I'm not sure you can underestimate how little the average SoT player knows about anything in the game.

  • @villieldr007 Yeah that sucks also. There's def. something wrong with the design of the tales. But if it was like my situation where I was telling them we were doing tall tales and that they could take any loot we had they were just being plain dbags.

  • @goedecke-michel No true stealing isnt. But stealing tall tale items when you know that the only thing you get from the other person is greif, is.

  • @satanicnemesis Which is greifing.

  • @edemardil Like i said. - Tough luck.

  • @edemardil said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @goedecke-michel No true stealing isnt. But stealing tall tale items when you know that the only thing you get from the other person is greif, is.

    So stealing isn't griefing? But you then say that this act of griefing also constitutes stealing in your second sentence.

    By your own logic stealing is ok.

    I ain't being harsh, but your statement kind of contradicts itself.

  • @edemardil sagte in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @goedecke-michel No true stealing isnt. But stealing tall tale items when you know that the only thing you get from the other person is greif, is.

    I mean, no, it's not. You must know that I have made all the Tall Tales at least 5 times, many of them more often. I was robbed and felt angry. In the end, Rare decided to make it this way. The item is only of value to you, but on the other hand you still have to be able to defend it. Nothing changes for the victim as to whether the item is of value to the robbers. And the robbers often don't even know that what they robbed is worthless. In the case they know it, they might still want to rob it. Just because. Defend or loose, I am sorry for saying this.

  • @edemardil said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @reapinglegion If they could have gotten something for it or kept it on their boat, fine. But everyone knows you can't do anything with it. That's why they dumped it in the water.
    I rob people all the time and if I see tall tale stuff or something I dont need, I don't take it. There's a way to be a thief without being and utter numbskull about it.

    And if there was value assigned to the relics, then the "griefing" as you call it would increase as people would have reason to take them from you. The current implementation is better all around as there is no incentive for them to take it unless they just want to (and there is nothing wrong with it, no matter how much you want to cry over it).

    Haven't you noticed the biggest supporters of adding value to the relics in Tall Tales are those that primarily participate in PvP?

  • @edemardil
    Do you know why they made the quest items able to be stolen?

    Its because you would have breezed through the quests with ease. Lets be real. The AI in this game is no threat. Aside from a skelly galley firing squad once in a while.

    The players are always the biggest threat. Sailing through the Sea of Thieves to turn your quest item in is supposed to be risky.

    Keeping your boat floating and making it safely to the outpost with loot has always been the name of the game.

  • You probably had some resources or/and loot on the side with your TT item.

    Everytime i sink someone i PM them afterwards telling them i left the item on a rock so they can keep doing their TT.
    I recommend giving one of them a message next time asking nicely if you could get the TT item back instead of making silly threads like this one.

  • @villieldr007 There would still be many ways how to grief this even if it stayed on the water unlimited time. Just drop it into it in the Shroud or drop it in the volcano. There would always be ways for those who want to grief to do that. It's most important to learn how to fight them instead of begging for mercy.

  • There is no griefing in sea of thieves. There is only piracy and murder.

  • @nwo-azcrack "loot". The Tall tales items aren't loot. If it was loot, then both sides would be able to get money for it.

    They are Pve missions. Do you know why there are no other players fighting against you while you are in the caves?

  • @itz-majman I told them in game chat and message that I was doing tall tales and that they could have everything from the ship but that I was on my way to turn in the soul stone. As I said in my post. They thought it was funny.

    I rob people all the time and leave their TT stuff or even items I don't care about. I don't need people's regular chests/skulls and junk. It does nothing for me.

  • @edemardil said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @nwo-azcrack "loot". The Tall tales items aren't loot. If it was loot, then both sides would be able to get money for it.

    They are Pve missions. Do you know why there are no other players fighting against you while you are in the caves?

    Not necessarily, another crew could be doing the same TT, causing paths to cross.

    I've had this a few times.

  • @dlchief58 said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @edemardil said in Tall Tales Greifing and Extending item despawn:

    @reapinglegion If they could have gotten something for it or kept it on their boat, fine. But everyone knows you can't do anything with it. That's why they dumped it in the water.
    I rob people all the time and if I see tall tale stuff or something I dont need, I don't take it. There's a way to be a thief without being and utter numbskull about it.

    And if there was value assigned to the relics, then the "griefing" as you call it would increase as people would have reason to take them from you. The current implementation is better all around as there is no incentive for them to take it unless they just want to (and there is nothing wrong with it, no matter how much you want to cry over it).

    Haven't you noticed the biggest supporters of adding value to the relics in Tall Tales are those that primarily participate in PvP?

    Like I said in other comments, if they had a value, I'd have no problem with it. My problem is that there isn't any value. People steal it just to be d bags.

    I'm all for adding value and all for PvP or making the items inventory items. Something has to change. Doesn't make people who do it knowingly to be d bags JUST players of the game. That's a sad excuse.

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