Another crossplay discussion

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @xultanis-dragon said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @xultanis-dragon said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @chonky-lemon said in Another crossplay discussion:


    I've played on xbox and I've played with people on xbox. How you guys are having such a horrible time is beyond me. Unless you are proned to holding grudges that happened weeks ago.

    Why even lie?

    This coming from you?? Seriously?? lol okay man whatever floats your boat. See what I did there?? Sea of Thieves, Floats your boat?

    I have played on xbox before and even used controller for a good while and all my crew mates are on xbox. Out of all the players I play with I think only 2 are on PC.....yeah only 2 and the second one is actually recent, but all my xbox crewmates have more wins in arena then I do and they sink ships all the time. They complain NEVER about PC.....maybe because they bothered to learn how to play the game??

    Don't know man, maybe learn more and try harder? Ask questions from other players on what you can do differently? Hope you get better at the game broski. salute o7

    God forbid after 2 years we still don't know how to play the game 🙄

    Time doesn't mean you know what you are doing. A lot of players can keep playing PvE and never learn how to actually PvP or defend themselves.

    Learning how to fight and sail in this game isn't something that happens after 2 hours. Just like chess and other games, you can learn the basics but really learning takes dedication. If you don't have the motivation or you always believe you have some kinda of handicap then you are going to lose.

    So your saying that everyone who has an issue with forced crossplay just doesn't know how to PVP? Are you honestly listening to yourself! I know what I'm doing lol as I said been playing since day 1, have no issues with PvP, prefer it to PvE. What I do have an issue with is forced disadvantages and a community that try to force their beliefs on you or just proclaim that your not good at the game.

    I honestly can't with you anymore. 🙄😂 Its bordering on delusion.

    Yes that is exactly what I'm saying because its true. Just because you've put time into something doesn't necessarily mean you are good at it. You have to actually understand what you are doing and why you are doing certain actions.

    I get on boats where players who have been playing since launch will still drop their anchor with their sails down. So sorry if the truth is hard for you to understand.

    Are you honestly so egotistical that you believe that anyone who doesn't agree with forced crossplay just doesn't know how to play the game properly?

    Just because you say something is true doesn't mean it is. This is all based on opinion, noone can say anything is true, you have no facts or proof for anything you say just like I don't. Respect peoples opinions and maybe they will respect yours?

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    As I said considering your are vocal on every crossplay discussion I highly doubt you don't know but whatever 🤷‍♀️

    Mmmmm... how informative.

  • @vca-hombre said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    As I said considering your are vocal on every crossplay discussion I highly doubt you don't know but whatever 🤷‍♀️

    Mmmmm... how informative.


  • I have played for well over 1000 hours. I mostly play on XB1 but have about 50 hours on PC.

    There is an Advantage on PC point blank. (Winners never complain,Thus PC players saying there is no advantage).
    I know how to play and can hold my own in majority of situations. The fact the majority of Console players get completely owned against PC players is obviously an issue.
    (Alot of the PC will type "Trash Talk" and make sure you know they are on PC. Yes I know Virtual Keyboard and KB&M for Xb1 I literally ask after getting 1 shot blunder killed 8 times in a row, if they are on PC.)

    I do believe we need to have the opt out for adventure mode too.( Not Just "This might work" but actual opt out)

    Btw No Need for the whole "Git Gud" BS. I am just switching to PC until these issues are resolved or will take a break from the game.

    You can be good at something naturally but experience usually trumps inexperienced talent.

  • I have over 1,000 hours in and I am 50 in all factions and AF 10. I have killed PC players and I have been killed by PC players. There is a valid argument to skill level but it does not change the fact that PC does indeed have an intrinsic advantage over the Xbox and always will.

    It would be like going to a race track with a Chevy Cruze and pitting it against a McLaren. Sure MAYBE the Cruze driver is more experienced/skilled and wins 2 out of 20 races, but the McLaren is always going to have an advantage because it is simply designed for better performance. The driver might be a lower skill level but the performance of his vehicle will push them through to 18 wins.

    I know most of the PC crowd is very anti opt-out and that should be the first clue that they realize they have an advantage, even though they refuse to admit it, that they desperately want to keep.

    Nobody is saying to force split the population, all people on Xbox would like is the freedom to choose. There might be sessions I choose to play crossplay with my friends on PC and there might be sessions when I choose not to.

    All of that being said as the end consumer having been promised this feature by the developer it should be delivered or at the very least an explanation why they can't/won't.

  • Hello Rare is opt out here yet, the horror of aimbot and macro's are a plague on the seas. Are you waiting to release a Tall Tale revolving around a spell that ends crossplay? Plz Rare there is only so many times I can get hit directly by a sniper to a gunpowder keg 2 miles under water and a million miles away from the enemy ship.

  • I would like to see Rare make opt out available for PC players as well as XBOX.

    I’m a PC player and if I want a challenge I would rather play on a PC only adventure or PC only arena.

    It gets tiring when seeking PVP that almost every other ship you board is a low level player that can’t move and turn at the same time.

    Then, if I want to play with any of my Xbox friends I can opt in. Ideal for me, but maybe not the active player base. Only MIcrosoft and Rare know the answer to that.

  • @x5h3ar3rx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    It's Keyboard & Mouse v Controller.. nothing to do with PC players.. When I played on console I was called on many occasions "A PC cheater" It's just the first excuse you hear from bad losers.. it's a shame the community is so divided

    I agree it is a shame to have the community so divided. Unfortunately PC users are the only ones that have the opportunity to use aim bots and cheats. That shiz is becoming more and more prevalent. I hope Rare has a way to detect aim bots and drop a ban hammer on those who use cheats of any kind.

  • @dr-orchamedes said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @x5h3ar3rx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    It's Keyboard & Mouse v Controller.. nothing to do with PC players.. When I played on console I was called on many occasions "A PC cheater" It's just the first excuse you hear from bad losers.. it's a shame the community is so divided

    I agree it is a shame to have the community so divided. Unfortunately PC users are the only ones that have the opportunity to use aim bots and cheats. That shiz is becoming more and more prevalent. I hope Rare has a way to detect aim bots and drop a ban hammer on those who use cheats of any kind.

    Rare has a zero tolerance policy to cheating and bans whoever they find guilty. Blaming a whole side of community for the actions of a few individuals does indeed divide the community, these kinds of accusations do not help.

    Exploits are also available for xbox players, at greater risk and with more efforts, but still available. What is more and more prevalent are server issues affecting latency and hit registration, that can make encounters look suspicious.

    Hopefully Rare keeps improving server performance, and keep banning whoever is found guilty of using cheats and exploits, whatever platform they are on 👍

  • Ah nice, another crossplay discussion. That being said, I can’t wait to turn it off.

    Edit: I would like to add. It’s still coming to Adventure mode. I talked with Mike about two weeks ago. Everything is still on track to release in Adventure mode.

  • @demon9017 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Ah nice, another crossplay discussion. That being said, I can’t wait to turn it off.

    Edit: I would like to add. It’s still coming to Adventure mode. I talked with Mike about two weeks ago. Everything is still on track to release in Adventure mode.

    Yay confirmation! Can't wait for you guys to turn it off as well.

  • @demon9017 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Ah nice, another crossplay discussion. That being said, I can’t wait to turn it off.

    Edit: I would like to add. It’s still coming to Adventure mode. I talked with Mike about two weeks ago. Everything is still on track to release in Adventure mode.

    Fantastic news! Thanks!

  • @demon9017 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Ah nice, another crossplay discussion. That being said, I can’t wait to turn it off.

    Edit: I would like to add. It’s still coming to Adventure mode. I talked with Mike about two weeks ago. Everything is still on track to release in Adventure mode.

    alt text

  • Clocks ticking, 12 months max until scarlett.

  • Oh my lord please fix this..

    I am a pirate legand a10 and i've played many many hours and have fought againt plenty of people but..

    This is my 12th time playing the game and having to quit because a pc player has gotten on our ship and simply spawn killed us over and over and over till we had absolutely no choice.. I mean common on.. 12 times really.. I absolutely love this game but the more and more content the devs add it simply makes the loading differences between pc and xbox so obvious that it needs to be changed.

    For example just a day or two ago I was playing with close friend on a sloop, another sloop managed to get close enough to us that a player got on our ship, very obviously a pc player by the taunting in chat. He proceeded to easily kill both of us. Now we didnt have ANY loot on our ship to start with. In fact we barely had any resources at all. So eventually we loaded back in only for me to get sword dashed before I could even see anything to immediately getting killed by a pistol before I could even take a step forward, my friend managed to kill him but fell off our still moving ship in the process, so I met him in the afterlife and eventually I went through the door very obviously before him because I died first. By the time I loaded into the game he had already gotten back on my ship and repeated his dash shot spawn kill.. he repeated this about 6 times before me and my friend finally left the game frustrated an annoyed that there was nearly nothing we could do to fight back. This shouldn't happen!! Please please do something about this endless spawn killing trend especially on the sloop and please for the love of god make it so xbox players aren't forced to be stuck getting our rears beaten by a pc player with a better connection and loading time...

  • @handsarefun said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Oh my lord please fix this..

    There is nothing to fix....

    The loading time is quicker for that person because they chose to buy an SSD. If you don't have an SSD, that's not the fault of the PC player nor a reason why crossplay opt-out should exist.

    Please please do something about this endless spawn killing

    They already did, a long time ago. It's called scuttling. Why didn't you just scuttle given the circumstances you described? You state you had no loot and barely any resources. If you'd scuttled, none of what you got angry about would have happened.

    Just because you didn't use an option available to you, which is pretty much made for what you described, also isn't a reason why crossplay opt-out should exist.

  • @chonky-lemon said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Thanks for agreeing with me. Xbox is underpowered and therefore PC players have a hardware advantage. Thankfully with crossplay opt-out Xbox players will have a more balanced environment.

    Xbox Scarlett is out next year. It has an SSD and will be more powerful than the Xbox One. How will crossplay opt-out help you then?

    Console players "I shouldn't have to buy an SSD to keep up with PC's".
    Also console players "I'm going to buy an Xbox Scarlett for better performance!"


  • All that was proposed was an option to prefer a platform, not to disable playing with other platforms.

    This repeated reference to aim bots and the like, what is this about? Do people really not realize that we have no hit-scan in this game? This is no Counter Strike, only comparable to the character Hanzo from Overwatch, so a functioning aim bot would have to process the variables by waves, speed of character and the trajectory of the bullets.

    But okay, let us split the community up and see which platform gets which update first and there would be no longer any need for limitations on the game because of the console players. Sure, sounds like a good plan to mess stuff up, but apart from feelings and impressions and assumptions and ignorance of present limitations to mitigate the impact of mouse and keyboard, I read really nothing much to discuss here.

    @itz-majman said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Your opinion just brings negativity to the forum, not really needed. Im sure Rare has seen this "suggestion" plenty of times already and spam-making these kind of threads wont do a thing.

    This by far is one of the most inappropriate statements one could possibly do in a public forum which actually fires back at oneself.

  • @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Clocks ticking, 12 months max until scarlett.

    And a wealth of new games to play on it. Enjoy the seas until then.

  • @needsmokes said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Clocks ticking, 12 months max until scarlett.

    And a wealth of new games to play on it. Enjoy the seas until then.

    As well as all of your existing xbox one games day one, generational barriers are a thing of the past.

  • @withmyapologies said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @chonky-lemon said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Thanks for agreeing with me. Xbox is underpowered and therefore PC players have a hardware advantage. Thankfully with crossplay opt-out Xbox players will have a more balanced environment.

    Xbox Scarlett is out next year. It has an SSD and will be more powerful than the Xbox One. How will crossplay opt-out help you then?

    Console players "I shouldn't have to buy an SSD to keep up with PC's".
    Also console players "I'm going to buy an Xbox Scarlett for better performance!"


    Unfortunately this is so true.

    Theres no dancing around the inevitable at this point.

    In all honesty I wouldn't be surprised if the xbox one version stops getting support in a few years.

    Pretty similar to how FF14 was finished on ps3 after the ps4 version came out.

  • @bloodybil said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @dr-orchamedes said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @x5h3ar3rx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    It's Keyboard & Mouse v Controller.. nothing to do with PC players.. When I played on console I was called on many occasions "A PC cheater" It's just the first excuse you hear from bad losers.. it's a shame the community is so divided

    I agree it is a shame to have the community so divided. Unfortunately PC users are the only ones that have the opportunity to use aim bots and cheats. That shiz is becoming more and more prevalent. I hope Rare has a way to detect aim bots and drop a ban hammer on those who use cheats of any kind.

    Rare has a zero tolerance policy to cheating and bans whoever they find guilty. Blaming a whole side of community for the actions of a few individuals does indeed divide the community, these kinds of accusations do not help.

    Exploits are also available for xbox players, at greater risk and with more efforts, but still available. What is more and more prevalent are server issues affecting latency and hit registration, that can make encounters look suspicious.

    Hopefully Rare keeps improving server performance, and keep banning whoever is found guilty of using cheats and exploits, whatever platform they are on 👍

    Very Well said.

    I meant no offense to all PC players. Shaming all of PC players is wrong and very unfair.

    Xbox players also find ways to exploit and cheat

  • U know ur close to a pc player once u get input hardware lagg on ur xbox, u blunderbus them in the head and nothing, u put out the fire on urself 3 times b4 its actualy put out, ur cannonballs take up to 2 seconds to fire, and on the waves in "high" speed thats equal to throwing ur ammo overboard.... Weird as the game is OPTIMISED for xbox... and pretty scummy by Rare and Microsoft, the later is no surprise and i guess rare is bound by contract to act as microsofts puppet and dance to the micro violin, But here is one player that REGRET ever being hyped by something from the micro-narrowminded company Microsoft.

  • @thezainth said in Another crossplay discussion:

    U know ur close to a pc player once u get input hardware lagg on ur xbox, u blunderbus them in the head and nothing, u put out the fire on urself 3 times b4 its actualy put out, ur cannonballs take up to 2 seconds to fire, and on the waves in "high" speed thats equal to throwing ur ammo overboard.... Weird as the game is OPTIMISED for xbox... and pretty scummy by Rare and Microsoft, the later is no surprise and i guess rare is bound by contract to act as microsofts puppet and dance to the micro violin, But here is one player that REGRET ever being hyped by something from the micro-narrowminded company Microsoft.

    That a nice description of latency issues you have there friend. Nothing to do with platforms I'm afraid.

  • Have they ever actually confirmed an opt out for adventure?

    I know they've said they were thinking about how it would work. I can't say I've ever heard them say it's definitely coming. I don't watch every video though.

    I know there's some hearsay from Mike, mentioned, but is there any actual evidence that meets a higher standard than "I talked to Mike and he said..." because I'm pretty sure Mike can make his own public announcements, when he feels they actually need to be made.

    I'm not against there being a choice, but I really want to know more about how it will work, because opt out ruined Arena on PC, which doesn't bother me that much because I didn't enjoy the mode all that much (which is also a factor in why it died). I love Adventure though, if opt out has a similar impact, then that's it for me and SoT.

    In a practical sense, given the numbers on each platform how is an opt out going to change anything? It'll be a preference, so there'll be a chance that PC players will be on your server. But PC is 30% at best of the population, with 6 ships per server, statistically there's unlikely to be more than 2 out of the 6 that are on PC to begin with. So in an opt out scenario, it'll be reduced to maybe one PC ship on average? How is that going to change anything for xbox? It'll ruin things for PC though, which I'm more and more convinced is the actual motivation behind this, not to improve things for xbox, just to wreck them for PC

  • @boxcar-squidy said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Have they ever actually confirmed an opt out for adventure?

    I know they've said they were thinking about how it would work. I can't say I've ever heard them say it's definitely coming. I don't watch every video though.

    I know there's some hearsay from Mike, mentioned, but is there any actual evidence that meets a higher standard than "I talked to Mike and he said..." because I'm pretty sure Mike can make his own public announcements, when he feels they actually need to be made.

    I'm not against there being a choice, but I really want to know more about how it will work, because opt out ruined Arena on PC, which doesn't bother me that much because I didn't enjoy the mode all that much (which is also a factor in why it died). I love Adventure though, if opt out has a similar impact, then that's it for me and SoT.

    In a practical sense, given the numbers on each platform how is an opt out going to change anything? It'll be a preference, so there'll be a chance that PC players will be on your server. But PC is 30% at best of the population, with 6 ships per server, statistically there's unlikely to be more than 2 out of the 6 that are on PC to begin with. So in an opt out scenario, it'll be reduced to maybe one PC ship on average? How is that going to change anything for xbox? It'll ruin things for PC though, which I'm more and more convinced is the actual motivation behind this, not to improve things for xbox, just to wreck them for PC

    Pretty much, not that anyone will admit it though.

  • The game was designed for cross play and is part of the reason it’s popular tbh.

    Should keep it that way.

  • @foul-expulsion or pc players don’t wanna opt out bcoz its bad for the game, splitting the player base of this game with this size of player base is a terrible idea.

    When we bought the game it was described as cross play by the developers so if they change it does that mean we got a game under false pretences?

  • @aglasgowthing said in Another crossplay discussion:

    The game was designed for cross play and is part of the reason it’s popular tbh.

    Should keep it that way.

    Wish you could downvote posts on this forum. This game is dying because of crossplay. In the last month I have seen 99% pc players only on the seas. I found one xbox dude and teamed up with him agaisnt an onslaught of pc masters.

  • @boxcar-squidy said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Have they ever actually confirmed an opt out for adventure?

    I know they've said they were thinking about how it would work. I can't say I've ever heard them say it's definitely coming. I don't watch every video though.

    I know there's some hearsay from Mike, mentioned, but is there any actual evidence that meets a higher standard than "I talked to Mike and he said..." because I'm pretty sure Mike can make his own public announcements, when he feels they actually need to be made.

    I'm not against there being a choice, but I really want to know more about how it will work, because opt out ruined Arena on PC, which doesn't bother me that much because I didn't enjoy the mode all that much (which is also a factor in why it died). I love Adventure though, if opt out has a similar impact, then that's it for me and SoT.

    In a practical sense, given the numbers on each platform how is an opt out going to change anything? It'll be a preference, so there'll be a chance that PC players will be on your server. But PC is 30% at best of the population, with 6 ships per server, statistically there's unlikely to be more than 2 out of the 6 that are on PC to begin with. So in an opt out scenario, it'll be reduced to maybe one PC ship on average? How is that going to change anything for xbox? It'll ruin things for PC though, which I'm more and more convinced is the actual motivation behind this, not to improve things for xbox, just to wreck them for PC

    Cross play opt out was arena actually getting released on xbox. Its almost hilarious how much better it is now and yes even if it it means just one less pc ship in adventure id take it. Of course 0 is the goal.

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Wish you could downvote posts on this forum.

    Hmm do you really?

    This game is dying because of crossplay.

    Is it though?

  • @bloodybil forts cleared by pc players 99%.

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @bloodybil forts cleared by pc players 99%.

    I didn't see that one on the infographic 🤔

    I did see "Information correct as of november 12th 2019" though, showing that the game is very much alive. Thanks for your input though! 👑

  • @withmyapologies let's wait till Scarlett comes :)

    The author describes problems that are existing right now.

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @bloodybil forts cleared by pc players 99%.


    So much hyperbole.

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