Bounty Hunter Journal #1 - A New Prey

  • Three flagons of brandy and a fine meal claimed the last if my coin. Fortunately, I already have a new bounty in my sights.

    The simpering woman in her tent at first refused to hand me the wretched paper over. “Too dangerous”, she said. What rot!

    I might well have turned my blade upon her but for my cardinal rule: I never kill for free. The paper is mine now, regardless.

    And who is this Briggsy? A capering child, it seems; a pirate more concerned with showing off than amassing any great fortune.

    She is known to make camp at Discovery Ridge. Doubtless I shall catch her there at play. We’ll see how long her humour lasts.

    This is the first Bounty Hunter journal that you can find (chronologically). You can find this on Shark Bait Cove in the rowboat on the outside southern ring. These journals take place before the quest book you are given.

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