Sea creature addition - Jelly fish

  • Either individual or blooms of smaller jelly fish in the water. They are diverse and colorful so I think they would keep with the game's aesthetic. You bump into them it could give you a shot of venom like a snake. Jelly fish are also considered a delicacy in certain cultures so could be added to Hunters call. Thoughts?

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  • It would be interesting if they were used as traps in submerged missions.

  • @targasbr love it.

  • @bootmaclir I am in favor of more sea life. Like the idea.

  • I like it.

  • @bootmaclir with all die respect this is a repeated thread. Also if you noticed j-fish as one word is banned.

    I think they already have plans for it.

  • Love the idea, I think there should be a massive ocean focused update in general. New creatures, locations, and things to do. It would be nice to have a tall tale centered around defeating a giant underwater sea creature.

  • I have been asking for Jerry the Fish for ages! Where's Jerry, Rare!?

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