On the front of the game cover there is a ship with red sails a white skull with kraken tentacles coming out of the top. I've been attacked by a Galleon flying this sail before but whenever I try to google it to figure out its name I draw blanks. Anyone know how to get this sail?
How to Get Sails With Skull/Kraken tentacles coming out of the head
Hey #Robby0316, you mean these sails? - https://seaofthieves.gamepedia.com/Kraken_Sails
Or something different?
@captain-coel oooo....I think they became the Lord Guardian Sails, I am not sure they were ever in the game. (other than possibly the early testing)
When they mentioned being attacked in-game by a galleon with them, the Lord Guardian Sails were the first to spring to mind.
I believe it was with pre-order. Just look up the board game. It should be mentioned if u still get the code. If it’s not mentioned anymore than I guess it was indeed only with pre-order
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